7 Friday the 13th Scenes You Will Never See


Throughout its thirty year legacy, the Friday the 13th franchise has boasted some truly memorable moments. But there were several scenes that were cut, either from the script or the finished film, for a variety of reasons. Here’s a few that, in a perfect world, would have made their way into the series…

One scene to have made its way into Todd Farmer’s script but not the movie was a sequence in which an explosion on board the Grendel resulted in a temporary loss of gravity. With both cargo and crew floating aimlessly, ship android Kay-Em manages to grab hold of the wall using her magnetics and attempts to rescue her friends, who desperately try to escape from Jason. This scene would involve several characters who were eventually omitted from the movie (Thorgan, Rizzo, Boeman, DeLongpre) forming a ‘human chain’ as Kay-Em tries to stop them from drifting towards Jason. Sadly, despite a few promising moments, the scene would not result in any zero gravity bloodshed but could still have made an interesting sequence.

Having been rescued from the depths of Crystal Lake by Megan, Tommy Jarvis looks out at the water and declares ‘It’s over, it’s finally over. Jason is home.’ The next scene to have originally been included in writer/director Tom McLoughlin’s tongue-in-cheek script would have been the introduction of Jason’s as-then-unmentioned father, Elias Voorhees. Martin, the cemetery caretaker (who had not been killed in the original script), is knelt down pulling weeds from off of a tombstone when a large shadow is cast over him. Quickly turning around, he nervously says ‘Nice to see you again, Mr. Voorhees…Haven’t seen you in Crystal…er, Forest Green, in quite some time.’ Martin insists to the imposing figure that he has been taking care of both his wife and son’s graves as he is passed his regular payment. Left alone to inspect the resting place of his family, McLoughlin describes that ‘These eyes are truly evil. Cold. Dark. Demonic.’ Elias Voorhees was once again set to appear in Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday but was eventually cut from the story.

Instead of the generic retread of the first film’s infamous climax, in which this time the rotten corpse of Pamela Voorhees would jump out of the lake and pull heroine Chris under the water, only for the event to be revealed as just a dream, a planned alternative ending for Steve Miner’s 3D spectacle Friday the 13th Part 3 would have been far more shocking. Having seemingly defeated Jason and survived until dawn, Chris opens the door to discover that Jason is still very much alive and, with a swift blow of his machete, slices her head clean off. Again, this was to have been a dream and the character would have been shown to still be alive at the end, but the sequence would have packed more of a punch. Another effect which the filmmakers attempted saw Jason having his stomach hacked open, causing his guts to spill out at the camera in 3D. Sadly, nervous executives at Paramount chose to ignore both endings and eventually went with the one used in the theatrical cut.

Avoiding the usual criticism of very little of the film actually being set in New York (due to budgetary issues), one minor incident to have been removed from the script was on the characters’ first arrival in the Big Apple. Having made their way to shore after the massacre that took place on board the S.S Lazarus, the kids head off into the city whilst Jason climbs out of the water. His first evil deed would have been to brutally kick a dog, presumably just for the sake of it (Hodder’s performance in the movie was at Jason’s most angry). But, surprisingly, the actor refused to do the scene, stating that the one thing Jason would never do is hurt a dog. A somewhat redundant argument as he succeeded in doing just that in the second film, but perhaps the way that writer/director Rob Hedden had scripted it was a little too savage.

The original opening for Sean S. Cunningham’s movie would have been a more dramatic and action packed sequence than the one eventually used in the finished release. Having left the campfire to be alone, young lovers Barry and Claudette were to have taken a walk around the lake as the unseen killer slowly followed them out-of-sight. A chase would have then ensued around the boathouse, instead of them simply being stabbed in the barn. This drastic re-write was necessary as, on the first night when the sequence was due to be filmed, snow would caused various technical problems and a more simplistic scene was required.

Whilst it would hardly have made a drastic change including the brief scene, The New Blood would have originally featured an epilogue after the action packed finale in which a fisherman is seen out on the lake enjoying a leisurely morning, when suddenly Jason jumps out from under the water and drags him down below. Perhaps, with similar sequences having already been used in both the first and third film, director John Carl Buechler decided against using the shot.

Probably the most uninspired killing in Danny Steinmann’s otherwise ultra-sleazy Friday the 13th movie A New Beginning was the death of punk chick Violet. Whereas her friends had been dispatched in a variety of brutal and inventive ways, Violet’s demise came with a simple stab to the gut. But that was not how Steinmann had originally envisioned it. Whilst performing her bizarre-yet-awesome robot dance to the tune of Pseudo Echo’s ‘His Eyes’, Jason would slowly sneak into the room and make his way towards her. Sensing a presence, she turns around as a machete is thrust violently up between her legs, the blade digging deep into her crotch. Realising that the movie would fall foul of the censors (it would eventually take nine attempts to get the film past the MPAA), Steinmann panicked and re-shot the sequence.

Friday the 13th: The Collection (DVD)

Director: Sean S. Cunningham
Starring: Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King, Harry Crosby, Laurie Bartham, Mark Nelson
Rating: R (Restricted)

List Price: $49.99 USD
Used from: $41.35 In Stock
Release date February 14, 2025.
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  • DW13

    Er, the scene at the end of part 7 was seen in both special edition & deluxe edition DVD’s.

    Just so you’d know. *McGrin*

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.html?id=514099764 Melanie Jarrett

    He actually doesn’t hurt the dog in Friday 2…remember at the end the noise at the door…Muffin! just sayin :)

    • deadman

      Muffin coming back alive at the end was a dream. That entire scene where Ginny and Paul are in the Cabin and Jason jumps through the window is all a dream. Check out Crystal Lake Memories for confirmation.

      • Norman Dostal

        It’s only possibly a dream-it is clear that it is open to interpretation when viewing the film (remember, a movie’s intent doesn’t matter-it is only what is on screen that is “fact” and real or dream are both valid interpretations)

  • Insaneindamembwane

    I would love to see Part V as it was intended. Yeah the MPAA ruined it. In my opinion Danny did a great job considering what Paramount gave him to work with.

  • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

    I am experiencing something with this site, as with all computer monitor text with the same color scheme, which creates an additional connection of the site to the movies, particularly part 3. I happen to have some sort of thing with my vision which others have reported as well which causes red text on a black background on a computer screen to look 3D to me, so what I see when I look at the article titles, for example, is a slightly toned down version of the 3D effects from the opening of Friday The 13th Part 3.

    • KennyThaKilla

      Might be your tinfoil hat.

      • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

        Just how well do you intend to establish the fact that you are a lemming, follower motherfucking retard with no capacity for actual thought?

        • KennyThaKilla

          Unable to respond since your poorly phrased question is based on a false premise.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Oh yes, Kenny Tha Killa knows his fucking grammar, doesn’t he? What I said is absolutely true. Just stop, you hopeless fuck.

            And again you make a defamatory comment claiming that I am insane in response to the provable truth. You and that fucking bitch are on the verge of litigation, shitbag.

          • KennyThaKilla

            Oh, I’m hopeless? I’m not the one who got myself banned from Bloody Disgusting for putting up a wall of profanity-laced, psychotic mumbo-jumbo, you fruitcake. Seek help.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            And you know what REALLY shows what a subhuman fucking piece of shit predatory bitch motherfucker you are, Kenny the Kocksucker? It’s the fact that you deem me mentally ill, but then you make baiting, mocking, instigating and derogatory comments toward the person you have declared mentally ill.

            So, either you don’t really think that I am mentally ill and you simply want to falsely portray me as such and discredit what I say, or you think it is perfectly alright to goad and persecute the mentally ill, with either of these two possibilities confirming the fact that you are an inhuman motherfucking PIECE OF SHIT and if anyone should be banned from any forum, it’s you, and that indicates that Jonathan whatever the fuck is either a piece of subhuman shit like yourself, or he’s so stupid that he doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the wall and erroneously decided to ban me due to his own stupidity!!!

            …and to top it all off, you end your last comment, after all of that instigation, character assassination, claims of terroristic tendencies, with “courteous” and “sincere” “get some help”.

            Do everybody a fucking favor, you fucking scum…

          • KennyThaKilla

            Preach on with your wall after wall of text. Continue to prove just how sane you are. lol

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Oh, I certainly am, and you are continuing to show what an inhuman psychopathic subhuman vermin animal you are.

          • KennyThaKilla

            You need more adjectives. You’re running inhuman/subhuman into the ground.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            That’s because I am being accurate as opposed to pretentious, you subhuman psychopathic shitstain.

          • KennyThaKilla

            Oh, I’m sure in your mind that’s true.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Yes, because it’s reality, you motherfucking moron.

          • KennyThaKilla

            Yes, YOUR reality.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            There is only one reality and one truth. I am the one who has a firm grasp on that fact, unlike you and countless other morons who are so warped that you think that I am the one who is crazy.

          • KennyThaKilla

            But you are crazy. That’s the real reality. The reality you can’t perceive… because crazy people don’t know they’re crazy.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            No, the reality, you fucking pathetic fuck, is that you are a fucking mongoloid with no soul. That is why, as I have said before, you constantly call me crazy (with no basis for it at all, as I have provided proof to substantiate every motherfucking thing I have claimed) and yet, you don’t have any problem with goading and tormenting someone you have deemed crazy. You see, you’re a subhuman psychopath reptile, and psychopath subhuman reptile demon incarnate shit like you don’t know what it’s like to have a conscience, so you don’t comprehend how your absolute absence of any empathy is perceived by real human beings!! That’s how those who are interested in doing so get you to figuratively hang your own death-worthy scum fucking asses!!! If only you’d do it literally.

          • KennyThaKilla

            Just another tapestry of expletives from someone who is incapable of knowing any better. It’s like watching a psychotic Tasmanian Devil spin and froth at the mouth. Xanax should be in your daily routine.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            You just continue to show ironic what a fucking idiot and subhuman you are, as stupidity combined with psychopathy is the only thing that would cause that to be what one comes away from my comments with, or to pretend that is the case.

          • KennyThaKilla

            “You just continue to show ironic what…”

            “…the only thing that would cause that to be what…”

            Wow. Try English next time.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            As I mentioned, letters and even words are disappearing from my comments and have been since I started using a wireless keyboard.

          • KennyThaKilla

            Nah, you just need a little time away at the funny farm.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?

          • Gonzo


          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            I guess you’re right, because this Kenny certainly had a rough childhood. I mean after all, once every other room in the house was filled, they surely had to start storing his mother’s bukkake and men’s salad tossing trophies in his bedroom.

          • KennyThaKilla

            See, this is exactly what I’m talking about. Peel the newspapers off your windows and get outside every now and then. It might help you snap back to reality.

          • KennyThaKilla

            Because it would involve destroying the fantasy you’ve created. That type of shock to your fragile mind might be the tipping point and you should instead be treated with heavy anti-psychotic/anti-hallucinatory medications and shock treatments.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Isn’t it great that you motherfucking demon mongoloids really believe there are no inescapable consequences? You will be utterly astonished no matter how many times you are told exactly what will happen to you, because you cannot understand how aghast human beings who are not devoid of conscience will respond to learning of all you are guilty of. Even lower mammals are capable of empathy, which is more correct and reflective of reality than psychopathy, and thus are totally superior to your scum animal reptile lesser inferior asses.

            I have given an explanation of the inferiority and stupidity of psychopathy in the past, and hopefully it has resulted in great suffering for soulless subhuman shit like yourself. This explanation is specifically formulated with psychopaths in mind, as human beings do not have to be convinced of the inferiority to that which possesses compassion of a fucking piece of shit which has no regard for anything but itself as if the suffering of others doesn’t matter at all, or which even views the suffering of others as a legitimate source of amusement for its reptile scum ass, and so I conceived of a way to make it clear to psychopaths themselves that they are inferior and function on the basis of something totally incorrect and stupid which is undeniable.

            That explanation is, in fact, very simple. You see, each and every psychopath believes that it and it alone is the only being in existence whose life, suffering, pleasure, etc. matter, and it has no regard for that of anyone nor anything else, including that of every single other psychopath in the world.

            Now, that should be enough information to make the point in and of itself, but given the fact that, as mentioned, psychopaths function on the basis of stupid lies, I will go on and elaborate.

            The psychopath functions according to the premise that it is the only life that matters, and all other life is inconsequential, all other thoughts, feelings, struggles, etc.

            The falsehood of this, again, does not need to be further proven to human beings with empathy, but in order to give the psychopath no means of hiding from it, let’s focus on the fact that EVERY SINGLE PSYCHOPATH ON EARTH, AND THAT MEANS ONE PERCENT OF THE EARTH’S POPULATION ACCORDING TO MOST ESTIMATES, AND FIVE PERCENT ACCORDING TO OTHERS, FUNCTIONS ACCORDING TO THE PREMISE THAT IT IS THE ONLY ONE WHOSE LIFE, PEACE, JOY, SUFFERING, LOSS, ETC, MATTERS IN THE LEAST!!! ONLY ONE COULD POSSIBLY BE CORRECT AT THE MOST EVEN FROM THE PSYCHOPATH’S POINT OF VIEW (and of course, human beings possessing a conscience are fully aware that not even one of them is, again due to instant recognition of the inferiority and falsehood of that according to which the psychopath functions.), AND SO, PSYCHOPATHY IS PROVEN STUPID, INFERIOR AND IS SHOWN TO BE OF TOTALLY FALSE BASIS IN A WAY THAT IS UNDENIABLE EVEN TO THE DEMON INCARNATE SHIT THEMSELVES!!!

          • KennyThaKilla

            tl;dr your wall of insanity.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            And yet again, you demonstrate that you embody one of the great fatal flaws of the modern day sheep.

          • KennyThaKilla

            Actually, I just regarded your insanity with the attention it deserved.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Deserves? Yet again demonstrating what a fucking deluded retard fuck and a soulless shitstain you are. If you had any regard for what’s deserved, you wouldn’t be alive.

          • KennyThaKilla

            No, deserved. I hope you learn to read once they lock you away.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            You fucking die NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

          • KennyThaKilla

            Too bad it doesn’t work that way, eh?

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            I can’t thank you enough, retard. You see, though the specific kind of retardation which is a factor in your psychopathy again prevents you from ever understanding it, you have helped to bring yourself and every other subhuman devoid of conscience like you tremendously closer to your planned extermination.

            You have also gone a tremendous way toward totally discrediting anyone who ever claims that a person is “CRRAAAAZZZZYYY!!!” by showing what callous subhuman fucks are doing so while relishing the idea of getting those who speak the truth “locked away”.

            Thanks again, and just to give you a heads up, I won’t be responding to any more of your bullshit. Bye now!!!

          • KennyThaKilla

            Whew. And finally your demented brain lets you have a rest. Good luck, Pew Pew.

  • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

    I want to make everyone aware that Bloody Disgusting’s Jonathan Barkan first prevented my comments verbally defending myself against this subhuman fuck, Kenny the Kocksucka (who, again, believes me to be mentally ill but nonetheless persists in making degrading and defamatory comments toward me) from posting for a protracted length of time and then when I pointed it out, responded both by saying very denigrating things about me, accusing me of being the one in the wrong for responding harshly to this psychopath garbage calling me insane for stating verifiable facts and hypotheses which follow from them, and also making the false claim that my comments were blocked for reasons pertaining to content such as links and images (that being a complete lie, as I tested their comment system to find out whether or not any such trigger was the cause before he claimed that this was the reason) and when I responded to his comment with the sort of vitriolic language and outrage any sane person would express in such a situation, in which things are being portrayed as essentially the opposite of what they actually are, he proceeded to ban me from their site, so there you go.

    • KennyThaKilla

      No one cares about your butthurt ramblings, Pew Pew.

      • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

        See, not only are you revealing that you’re a psychopathic demon incarnate shitstain, but you’re also showing how unbelievably pathetic you are, and taking full advantage of circumstances which allow punk fucks like you to avoid consequences. I am no advocate of shitbags akin to yourself being availed of the identities of persons who make accurate and true comments online with such truth offending their unprincipled scum asses to the point of violence, but unfortunately, it also protects deficit trash like you.

        • KennyThaKilla

          Oh? Is it time to get violent? Well then come on, Pew Pew. I’m waiting.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Well then, why haven’t you responded to my request that you tell me about yourself, bucko?

          • KennyThaKilla

            Because you’re a fruit-loop.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Yeah, let’s get to the heart of that bullshit too, you motherfucking scum ass bitch.

            You keep on saying that I’m crazy in a few different ways with no valid basis for that character assassinating, defamatory claim in the first place. Aside from the fact that this makes it totally irresponsible for anyone to allow you to continue to comment on their sites, and might even result in litigation (as character assassination and defamation are not protected speech but actionable offenses), there’s the fact that anything which you claim justifies the conclusion that I am crazy falls into one of two categories, just as with so many of the claims that President Obama makes, just as Kyle Broflovski of South Park lays out as the two possibilities concerning those who claim to have seen a sasquatch; you are either lying, or you are stupid.

          • KennyThaKilla

            The valid basis is the volume after volume of psychotic nonsense you’ve posted in this and other comment sections. Some of which got you banned. And I’m sure if anyone at this site were paying attention, you’d probably be banned from here as well. It’s clear that your elevator doesn’t go to the top. A court would do nothing but laugh at you if they could see what you’ve done here.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            “The valid basis is the volume after volume of psychotic nonsense you’ve posted in this and other comment sections.”


          • KennyThaKilla

            Hmmm. Seems I’ve struck a nerve.

            Time for your meds.

          • Маразм Клинический

            Wow! You’re so nervous bitch.
            Do you have a climax?

  • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

    “KennyThaKilla Tsadi Waw Mem Taw • 3 hours ago

    Oh? Is it time to get violent? Well then come on, Pew Pew. I’m waiting.”

    Witness the depths of the fucking dishonesty and cowardice of this punk bitch, acting as though I know who and where it is.

    • KennyThaKilla

      Witness? Who are you talking too? Is there a mouse in your pocket?

      • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

        Who am I “talking too”? “Is there a mouse in your pocket?” No, but I bet there’s a gerbil up your father and/or brother’s ass.

        I have earned all honor, all respect, all life, all love, all property, all joy, all peace, and all else by way of suffering the ultimate torture and enslavement every moment of every day for several years. You could never conceive of what you have earned for your disrespect and for your innate demon incarnate subhuman reptile nature overall.

        • KennyThaKilla

          You have earned the right to lick the bottoms of my shoes, and that’s about it.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            You fucking woman with a dick bitch with no regard for truth nor for justice, why don’t you do everyone a favor and undo the worst of the endless succession of horrible mistakes of that rotten, festering, stinking hole that shat you out, that goes down to where the homeless roam on a semi weekly basis in an attempt to have their rotten diseased appendages remove the shame and stench that you left in and around her vaginal orifice, while she guzzles their semen in the hopes she’ll suffocate on it and pay a modicum of her debt for bringing your soulless fuck ass into the world?

          • KennyThaKilla

            ^^^This is what I’m talking about. Not healthy.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Then what you are talking about is either actually being such a sheep follower fucking simpleton that you actually believe the trigger shit that you’ve been programmed to believe indicates that someone is “CCRRRAAAZZZZYYYY!!!” so that the agenda of the manipulators will not be upset by those who are born leaders, who are not cowed by the prospect of non acceptance into going along, seeking, finding, and then proclaiming the truth, or you’re a motherfucking soulless deceiver bitch fucking agent of the manipulators acting to attempt to portray the ones speaking the truth as “CCCRRRAAZZZYYY!!!” for the sake of getting the follower flock not to pay any attention to the truth they speak. If the former is the case, then on the basis of that alone you should have kept your fucking know-nothing punk nothing fucking mouth shut and never should have imagined communicating with anyone, as you only spread your indoctrination into falsehood by doing so, and it is incredibly stupid of you to so uphold the lies you have been conditioned to believe that you would actually seek to discredit the truth for the sake of uniform acceptance of such lies, but that’s beside the point, because you have demonstrated apart from that that you are a death worthy piece of subhuman shit, just as the latter possibility would indicate.

          • KennyThaKilla

            The agenda of the manipulators. Yeeeeeah.

            Cuckoo for coco puffs.

  • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

    And thanks, Disqus, for your brilliant policy of allowing mental defective piece of shit fucks like Jonathan Barkan to ban someone at their own mongoloid discretion while disallowing the blocking of absolute subhuman monsters.

    • KennyThaKilla

      Disqus laughs in your face. Bow down to the mighty Disqus.

    • http://www.bloody-disgusting.com JonathanBarkan

      It was my absolute pleasure banning you! It’s good to see that you still treat people like garbage while maintaining some silly sense of moral and intellectual superiority. Good riddance.

      • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

        Are you fucking kidding me??!!!!! Just how stupid, unjust, and libelous do you intend to let everyone know that you are??!!! Whereas I have been subject from that other scum fuck and your fucking stupid ass to character assassination, you, you motherfucking retard, are committing character suicide!!!! As opposed to comprehending the fact that you made a horrible mistake in banning me because you stupidly took the side of a manipulating fucking subhuman shitbag (which followed me to this page from the one that you banned me from to continue harassing me, which it has continued doing for days since then by the way), because you are apparently a fucking retard who couldn’t comprehend the reality that I was defending myself against the aforementioned character assassination and false discrediting of the facts that I stated, with my actually providing links which state exactly what I said, which is the basis for my deductions (and my deductions are ALWAYS proven to have been correct), YOU ARE ACTUALLY STUPID AND VILE ENOUGH TO INSTEAD REAFFIRM YOUR HORRIBLY STUPID, TOTALLY WRONG, UNJUST DECISION!!!!

        • http://www.bloody-disgusting.com JonathanBarkan

          Yup. You’re crazy.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            No, it’s just that you’re stupid. Very, very stupid. And furthermore, as I mentioned to that other subhuman piece of shit, if you genuinely believe that I am crazy, and believing that, you take detrimental action against me and make derogatory comments about me, then you, also, are showing anyone paying attention what a soulless subhuman monster you really are by doing so!!!!

          • KennyThaKilla

            No doubt about it. Nuttier than a fruitcake.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            You had better cease to allow responses to my comments to which I cannot respond due to the fact that your retarded faggot ass blocked me, you motherfucking punk ass piece of dogshit.

          • http://www.bloody-disgusting.com JonathanBarkan

            Yeahhhhhh, no. Not gonna happen.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Prepare to lose your ass, you fucktard bitch.

          • http://www.bloody-disgusting.com JonathanBarkan

            Well, I HAVE been working out lately to lose some weight, so shaving a pound or two off my ass would be rather welcome! Got any pro tips on how to burn away calories in the most effective way possible?

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Yes, start with a twelve gauge and that not only useless but detrimental and destructive lump between your fucking ears.

          • http://www.bloody-disgusting.com JonathanBarkan

            Hmm, I don’t have one of those. I guess I’ll just keep riding my exercise bike and eating healthy! But thanks anyways for your advice!

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Just get your stupid sheep asses the fuck out of the way of the real men, punk.

          • http://www.bloody-disgusting.com JonathanBarkan

            You know what? Taking up jogging/running IS a great idea! Thanks Tsadi! Gosh, you really are a nice, helpful person!

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            You’re like castrated steers who, along with the stupid and easily manipulated cows, are gleefully following those who are leading you to slaughter and who are keeping the bulls penned up away from any possibility of taking back their natural rightful leadership role, and not only that, but due to the way that you have been conditioned by the slaughterhouse saviors, you even mock the bulls and place yourselves between they and the slaughterers when the bulls make any attempt to reach and destroy those ill-intentioned manipulators and reestablish the normative order of existence, thereby helping to ensure that the perversity continues, and that endless generations of follower morons like you become fodder while the bulls are kept in a state of distress and torment by way of the subversion of nature which defines such a system, preventing the bull from doing that which its nature leads it to do for the good of the herd.

          • http://www.bloody-disgusting.com JonathanBarkan

            …….so you’re saying to eat less red meat? I can do that! I hear that’s a good thing to do but I gotta admit that I love a good hamburger now and again, haha!

          • KennyThaKilla

            Speaking of bull, your bullshit it stinking the place up again.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Nobody yanked the retard chain. Get the fuck back in your hole.

          • KennyThaKilla

            Your comments prove otherwise, spanky. Stop sniffing glue.

        • KennyThaKilla

          Libel is a published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation. Based on the mad ramblings you’ve written here and elsewhere, no one has misrepresented you.

      • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

        Congratulation again, dunderhead, on being so fucking stupid that you not only don’t see the error of your ways, but defend and uphold your decision to serve as a party to the offense against the person of character assassination, actually penalizing the victim by barring him from commenting on your site while allowing responses to his comments to continue to post. You are a soulless, petty pathetic fucking piece of shit and I genuinely hope to read soon that some sensible person has taken away any means by which you could affect the lives of decent people.

  • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

    You can easily find images online of Knights Templar Freemason coins with green crosses on them, and you can very easily find images of red crosses associated with the Knights Templar.

    Freddy Krueger did not have stripes on his sweater in the original movie, giving his torso the appearance of a tunic.

    Searching crusader gauntlets will bring up results which look very similar in construction scheme to Freddy Krueger’s glove, including the soft glove inside which is visible from the bottom of the gauntlet with the same sort of rings wrapping around the bottom of the fingers, the rivets and plates, etc. the use of brass, and even pointed fingertips.

    “I’ll be giving a three-hour presentation, entitled The Sacrificed King. This is on the Kennedy assassination and I’m going to footage there that you’ve never seen before. I’m going to show you the direct, I mean direct, absolute occult connection to the Kennedy assassination, I’m going to tell what group killed our president, murdered our president if you will. I’m going to show you the footage of what Dealey Plaza really is so you’ll see that this is not just an innocent park in the city of Dallas. I’m going to show you where Dallas really is, and what the occult significance of its location means. And when you leave there, folks, you’re going to understand more about the workings of the world, and who assassinated our president and why then you’ll ever have before. You’re also going to see that, uh, Oliver Stone knew all of this and chose to deceive the American people, because he is one of those who are bringing about the New World Order. And his movie, JFK, was designed to convince all of us that our government doesn’t work. The Constitutional government can’t work, that it’s turned against us, and it’s not true, folks. Our Constitutionally instituted and established government had absolutely nothing to do with the Kennedy assassination..” - William Cooper

    “William Cooper: And we know that The Order assassinated John F. Kennedy in the outdoor Temple of the Sun known as Dealey Plaza.”

    “In Dealey Plaza, the X that marked the spot on Elm Street where Kennedy was killed has returned” - Robert Wilonsky, The City Hall Blog, The Dallas Morning News, Nov. 26, 2025

    • KennyThaKilla

      There you go with your nutty ramblings again. connecting dots that were never there. Freddy’s sweater always had stripes, even in the original film. Oops. Looks like your delusion evaporated right from the get go.

      • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

        No, it looks like you’re a presumptuous fucking moron in addition to a fucking psychopathic shitstain subhuman bitch, because what I actually intended, and actually probably typed, with words continuing to constantly disappear from my comments (and yes, this occurs right before my fucking eyes at times after I have typed a fucking word), this one being such a totally fucking convenient case of that for some soulless hacking fucking scum animal, was that the sweater didn’t have stripes on the sleeves in the original, which is what gave the torso the appearance of a tunic. How would no stripes at all make the torso look like a tunic?

        • KennyThaKilla

          Words don’t disappear from your comments, that’s just your excuse when you get caught saying something nutty, which is pretty much every time you post a comment. At any rate, Wes Craven didn’t give to shits about your Templar nonsense. You’re unbalanced.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Thanks. You have yet again shown, in addition to demonstrating what a fucking subhuman you are for the probably trillionth time in your parasitic shitstain existence, what a fucking intellectually deficient fucking retard you are.

            The very content of my comment and the explanatory note on that comment from my response to you show that I didn’t say anything “nutty”, and that your responding by claiming that I did is a matter of your being either a complete mental retard or one who is deliberately seeking to reinforce the programming of the human sheep. Either way, you’re an incredibly vile piece of subhuman contaminant shit, and I would not have wasted a single word on you were we to have met in person, as the appropriate response of a real human being with a conscience and the capacity for free thought to the problem which you and others who share your subhuman nature are is not words.

            You should NEVER have had the opportunity to communicate in any way with me. I am due all honor and all respect, and full ownership of the entirety of this motherfucking universe and everything and everyone in it including your scum animal fuck ass, but you don’t respond to that as a human being would. You respond like the subhuman disease without conscience that you are. You and every other human impersonating parasite like you will be exterminated, and you’d be far better off doing it yourself than awaiting what conscientious human beings will do when they learn the extent of your atrocities and inhumanity. Just imagine, you fucking infinitely inferior shit, that someone were doing unto you what you are doing unto me. Imagine what your response to that would be, and then realize that what empathy means is identifying with the suffering of others, so every human being on Earth will respond as if it had happened to them, while the hidden subhumans like you will reveal yourselves in your absence of a conscientious response.

          • KennyThaKilla

            Pompous windbag, you are due the droppings from the bottom of my bird’s cage, and that’s about it. Oh, and I’ll still let you lick my boots.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            And you would know what I am due how, exactly? KILL YOURSELF, YOU SOULLESS PARASITIC PIECE OF SHIT!!!!

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            I’ll keep this short so you have no excuse: EVERY psychopath thinks it is the only one that matters. EVERY SINGLE ONE OUT OF BETWEEN ONE AND FIVE PERCENT OF THE WORLD’S POPULATION!!! THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A SECOND, YOU RETARDED SHITSTAIN!!!

          • KennyThaKilla

            You think you’re the only one that matters. Got it.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            No, you think that, so why don’t you and all the other psychopaths, each one of you believing you’re the only one who matters due to your retarded demonic nature, get together and figure out which one of you it really is?

          • KennyThaKilla

            Denial will get you nowhere. Embrace your straight jacket destiny.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            How do you combine complete intellectual deficiency with such invincible confidence?

          • KennyThaKilla

            I’m not sure, but somehow you make it work.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Why don’t you go all the way and castrate yourself like the ancient pagan priests and dress like a woman? It would really help everyone around you out, as it would ensure that those among them who have any perspective would not expect you to demonstrate any accountability to reality in the things you say and do.

          • KennyThaKilla

            Probably because I’m not a psychotic self-mutilator like yourself. Shock therapy, dude. You needs.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            I have indeed suffered and do indeed continue to suffer as no one else ever has by any other means. You are a soulless fucking subhuman indescribably demonic shitstain. Kill yourself and your family now.

          • KennyThaKilla

            The only thing you’ve suffered is a mental breakdown. Telling people to kill themselves AND their family… and you call ME subhuman.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            “Telling people to kill themselves AND their family… and you call ME subhuman.”

            Yes, because that is tremendously less than the least that you and any family that hasn’t killed you deserve.

          • KennyThaKilla

            I’m sure that made sense in your warped mind.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            If your feeble-minded subhuman fucking ass had a conscience, then you would recognize what horrific suffering you deserve for disrespecting the one who is owed all respect and all honor in this motherfucking universe, that being me, but if you had a conscience, you would not have done it in the first place. You would not, like a fucking Holocaust denier (and I guarantee you what I suffer continuously makes the Holocaust paradise on Earth by comparison), presume that it didn’t occur, but would err in favor of accepting it rather than risking wrongfully denying an horrendous wrong, but you ARE a subhuman fucking reptile with no conscience, so kill your family and everyone who knows what you are and hasn’t killed you themselves, and then kill yourself.

          • KennyThaKilla

            You are owed the fecal material that collects in the s-curve of my toilet.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            You’re one of those extra special retards that either thinks whatever shit it spews out of its mouth or in written or typed form magically becomes reality, or one of those who just don’t have any conception of an obligation to have what they say conform to reality. I am indeed owed the entirety of the universe and everything and everyone in it, and that includes my being your rightful owner, mind, body, soul, spirit, energy, life, property, etc.

          • KennyThaKilla

            No, I just have a firm grasp on reality, unlike you. You own nothing but your own failings, and there are many.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            “No, I just have a firm grasp on reality” If you really believe that you have conveyed reality in your comments, then you are more mentally disordered than I could ever have imagined, but the truth is you’re just a predatory psychopathic fuck that takes advantage of anonymity to antagonize people, and you will pay forever.

          • KennyThaKilla

            But yours is the perspective of a deranged individual, so your opinion is of no value.You’re dismissed, pond scum.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Here’s a little bit of information on the way you were dealt with back before your scum asses infiltrated humanity and played upon the compassion you do not possess for anything or anyone to convince good people not to handle you appropriately, portraying it as “cruel” to do so when that is exactly the opposite of the truth and reality of the matter:

            “Psychopaths existed for ages; some think that they existed from the very start of the humanity. In old cultures such people were killed, as Martha Stout, Ph.D., explains in her book ” Sociopath Next Door”:

            Psychiatric anthropologist Jane M. Murphy describe Inuit concept of kunlangeta, which refers to a person whose “mind knows what to do but does not do it.” Murphy writes that in Northwest Alaska, kunlangeta [psychopath] “might be applied to a man who, for example, repeatedly lies and cheats and steals things and does not go hunting, and, when other men are out of the village, takes sexual advantage of many women.” Inuits tacitly assume that kunlangeta is irremediable. And so, according to Murphy, traditional Inuit approach to such a man was to insist that he go hunting, and, in the absence of witnesses, push him off the edge of ice.” - “What You Should Know About Psychopaths” by Simona Rich

          • KennyThaKilla

            But that information is useless because it comes from a warped mind.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Well, I must thank you again for giving yet more conclusive proof of your fucking retardation. The sky is often blue in the daytime, but it can’t be, because you make these bullshit claims as to my sanity.

          • KennyThaKilla

            See, there you go. Now you’re questioning the color of the sky, because it’s always gray for you. A doctor can help you with your depression.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            Again Obama, either lying or stupid.

          • KennyThaKilla

            The POTUS had nothing to do with the conversation. Stay focused, Pew Pew.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            “You’re unbalanced.” No, I am not, and you are persistently committing wanton character assassination.

            I NEVER said anything crazy!!! NEVER!!!! The only reason you and that fucking piece of shit Barkan, if you’re not actually the same fucking person, ever thought you could successfully portray me that way is because you are of no fucking conscience!!!! Therefore, you do not have any ability to relate to some fucking piece of soulless scum calling you crazy for expressing the truth, and thus, you have no ability to relate to the outrage and fury of a man with character and conscience to such a false, defamatory and discrediting claim!!!

            There are countless millions who are deficient in conscience, in compassion, or completely devoid thereof, who think it is “CCCRRRAAAAZZZZYYYY!!” when someone who DOES have a conscience witnesses the complete INHUMANITIES which they don’t even bat an eyelash at, and has A VERY STRONG RESPONSE TO IT BECAUSE HE HAS A FUCKING SOUL, AND A FUCKING CONSCIENCE!!!!

            At least in the fucking book and movie you pieces of shit came with white blond hair and glowing eyes for easy identification!! Die, you motherfucking scum!!!

          • KennyThaKilla

            Wow. Complete meltdown. Take your meds already.

          • Tsadi Waw Mem Taw

            That is totally nonsensical. It again demonstrates a cold, callous, subhuman nature that you respond to righteous indignation as if it were insanity. Thanks again for exposing the reality that you’re a demonic retard.

          • KennyThaKilla

            I agree - what you write is totally nonsensical.