30 Years of Fear: Promotion Update
The first update for this promotion, which is 30 years in the making, has been revealed. This update will give you some insight into what this anniversary edition will be all about. This is just the beginning in what will be an awesome opportunity for fans of the franchise to celebrate 30 years of Friday the 13th! Visit http://www.30yearsoffear.com/ to read all about it.

Dont get me wrong…I love this movie(and the series as a whole), but I have the “From Crystal Lake to Manhattan” boxset and I just brought the special(deluxe)edition of the films. I cant see buying YET another edition unless it comes with a pair of Adrienne King’s…well…nevermind!!!
Don’t worry it’s not another DVD or Blu Ray release…it’s better. And it DOES come with something from Adrienne KIng. ;)
Crap, wrong thread. I guess I’ll keep buying them if they keep putting new extra features on them.
This has certainly got me intrigued….
how about they re-release pt.1 uncut without half of the picture cropped off? …would be nice.
Guys, I can’t stress enough..this 30th Anniversary Edition from Creepy Tees has nothing to do with any DVD or BD release. It’s a (very) limited edition t-shirt and memorabilia package that will totally rock your socks off. Not some double (or triple) dip DVD release.
Yea everyone, you will be blown away with what is going to be included in this package. As the details unfold, everything will become more clear.
Just wanted to give everyone here a heads-up that the next e-mail update will be going out to newsletter subscribers on Friday the 8th (and each subsequent Friday in January until the 29th when the entire package will be announced) so remember, if you aren’t signed up, you will NOT be able to get in on this incredible piece of Friday the 13th history.
People are going to flip when they realize how much stuff we’ve crammed into this (extremely) Limited Edition release! You can sign up here if you haven’t already: http://www.creepy-tees.com/teaser1.htm
And good luck, because they are going to go QUICK.