30 Years of Fear: Promotion Update #4


Last week item # 3 of the 30th Anniversary package was revealed to be an entry ticket for an exclusive contest: one lucky winner will receive an authentic, screen-used piece of wardrobe from a Friday the 13th movie! This is only open to Anniversary Edition purchasers. Buy two packages, get two tickets. The more you buy, the more chances you have to win this one-of-a-kind piece of Friday the 13th history. Drawing will be held on 5/09/2010. Why is this date important? Because it’s 30 years to the day that Friday the 13th opened at cinemas across the US! Now the fourth item has been revealed………

Chance to win vintage memorabilia. Randomly inserted into select packages will be authentic, studio-issued ephemera from 1980. Could be a publicity still, a lobby card or even a press kit! To make things even more interesting, certain pieces will be autographed by the stars of Friday the 13th. (autographs include Kevin Bacon, Robbi Morgan and Mark Nelson),

If you’re interested in finding out more on how to get this package, all you need to do is sign up for the mailing list and you will be sent updates on how, when and where you can order this once in a life time package. Visit 30 Years of Fear to sign up for more details.

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Email questions: [email protected]. Follow me at: www.twitter.com/jasonsfury

One Response to “ 30 Years of Fear: Promotion Update #4 ”

  1. I have always wanted the red jumpsuit that Reggie wears in A New Beginning.

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