30th Anniversary Summer Of Contests Part 1
Today kicks off our 30th Anniversary Summer Of Contests. Yes it is not yet Summer, but we here at fridaythe13thfilms.com believe in getting an early start, especially when it comes to giving away great prizes to our loyal visitors of the website. As mentioned in previous weeks, this is just the first in many contests that we will be running throughout the summer. So, with that in mind, lets get into the first contest.
Today, everyone has the opportunity to win an original 8 card lobby card set from Friday the 13th (1980). Each card is individually numbered and depicts a scene from the movie. For those that do not know, lobby cards were sent to movie theaters to be displayed in the theater lobbies as a way to promote the film. In the United States, these promotional cards ceased to exist sometime in the mid to late 1980’s. However, lobby cards still do exist for more recent films in International countries. So, getting your hands on a full lobby card set from any movie from the United States is a rare thing indeed. Sometimes these sets can be seen sold on the World Wide Web for anywhere between $50 to $150, It all depends on what the buyer is willing to pay and how rare the items are.
Now that the visitors have an understanding of the worth of these cards, lets get into the rules of the contest and what will need to be done to win this rare and awesome set of movie memoribilia.
What You Need To Do
1. Simply put, watch Friday the 13th (1980)
2. Throughout the movie, you will need to matchup the scene in each lobby card below and write down what is happening. What is the scene about and what is being discussed. When sending in your email entry, you will need to list out your results in the following manner:
Lobby Card 1: Alice is discussing her art
Lobby Card 2: Everyone is looking for the snake in the cabin
3. After writing down the description for each scene in the lobby cards, you will then need to answer the following questions. These should be easy for everyone as we are all true Friday the 13th fans!
- What was Mrs. Voorhees job at Camp Crystal Lake before Jason drown?
- What is the real name of the camp that Friday the 13th was filmed at?
- When did you first watch Friday the 13th (1980)?
4. After you prepare your email entry containing descriptions of the lobby cards and your answers to the above questions, add your physical mailing address in the email and send your entry to jason.parker@fridaythe13thfilms.com. Make sure to include “Lobby Card Contest” in the subject line of the email.
The contest will run through and end on Sunday June 13th. So everyone has time to pull together your answers. Winners will be announced the week of June 14th. Good Luck to everyone and remember to have fun watching the movie that started it all!
Lobby Card 1
Lobby Card 2
Lobby Card 3
Lobby Card 4
Lobby Card 5
Lobby Card 6
Lobby Card 7
Lobby Card 8

Wow, I have received a number of entries already. Great job everyone! ;)
Hey JF, I sent in the results…I accidently left out my home mailing address, so I had to re-send it, I am sorry for a double email, but I think you’ll see I’m very extensie with my responses,and you’ll dfinately enjoy te tidbit of the question about where the camp is…Thanks for the contest!
Awesome contest!!
Like Corey I also had to re-send mine because I forgot to write the answers to the three questions :)
Mine was sent right down to the second….with everything done right the 1st time….lol
@Jason Parker:
Thanks for the chance on these O.G. cards. I don’t collect much from the series (lack of funds lol) but if I ever want something it would have to be from the 1st of the series. So to be giving out anything related to the original is very nice of you guys.
I just had two questions.
1-It says “winners will be announced” , does this mean multiple sets given out, or is the 8 cards being slit or was it a typo?
2-Is this going to be a drawing from all correct entries?
Hey Jason did you see my above message about the contest? just checking.
I had not seen your comment yet. Sorry for the delay. One winner will be announced to win the entire 8 card Lobby Card set. And yes, it will be a drawing from the correct submissions.
I have been receiving a lot of entries, but everyone is encouraged to submit their email with answers. Remember, everyone has a chance to win as a number of our past winners can tell you. Good luck to everyone.
We’re now into Day 5 of the contest and we thank you for your submissions everyone. If you haven’t done so, get your entry in for the chance to win this great piece of Friday the 13th memoribilia!