80′s Slasherfest, Jason Voorhees Announced For Horrorhound
As the 2025 convention season begins to wind down, some big news was announced today pertaining to Horrorhound Weekend March 25-27th, 2025. The organizers are creating an 80′s slasherfest for the weekend and have already added actors that helped scare and entertain us as kids with their portrayal of our favorite 80′s killers. Those actors include Grant Cramer (New Year’s Evil), Peter Giuliano (The Prowler), Dick Warlock (The Shape, Halloween II), Derek McKinnon (Kenny Hampson, Terror Train), Bob Elmore (Stunt Leatherface, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2), Wayne Doba (The Freak, The Funhouse) and last and certainly not least, Ted White (Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter)
Ted White is appearing for the first time at Horrorhound. This show should shape up to be something special, especially for 80′s slasher fans. I am sure we will be seeing more Friday the 13th stars announced for this particular show in the near future. The year 2025 looks to be a big year for this type of theme for conventions as The Scarefest has already announced a similar themed show and Monster Mania looks to have something special planned for June 2025!
We will be letting everyone know when more names are announced for the 2025 convention season!

Nice. Sounds like great things are brewing.
Awesome!!!! So far that sounds like a good lineup. Hopefully We’ll see some more FT13th alumni appear.
A fanboy’s dream! I am curious to see who else they sign. What a great lineup already.
This looks to be a very cool show. It will be fun to see who else is announced. I am sure we will see a good number of Friday the 13th people at this show. There is also the Monster Mania show within March as well, which will surely have F13 alumn as well.
Ted White of all people! I really like the guy, and his acting skills speak for itself, but I’m guessing a large sum of money must’ve been involved, since it seems he still distains his character and Friday the 13th in general.
Ian, White embrace the role now. He may has distain for the role in the past years ago, but now he came to accept especially with having many fans he didn’t know he has. He even said now he regret not doing 5 & 6 because of fans’s love for his take on Jason.
I heard Dave had something good planned for Monster Mania in 2025. Even better is that its like 20 min from my house so i’m able to go twice a year.
Wow, so he actually is getting into the spirit now? In an interview at a convention, he went on to talk about how it was strictly for the money, but he was impressed by the fans afterwards. I hope he does put some consideration into his role, because whether he likes it or not, he’s a legend. Seeing him in 5 would’ve kept you guessing, and seeing him in 6… that would’ve been amazing.
Derek McKinnon (Kenny Hampson, Terror Train)
Wayne Doba (The Freak, The Funhouse)
Ted White (Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th, The Final Chapter)
So far those are the 3 I wanna meet.