AMC Fearfest: Join The Friday The 13th Festivities
As we have been reporting the last few weeks, AMC is celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Friday the 13th films series by showing the first nine movies within one week. Encores of the films will be scattered about the next two weeks. If interested in knowing when your favorite film will be showing, check out our schedule to get the dates and showtimes. In the mean time, AMC has created some contests and awards that need to be voted on by our Friday the 13th fans. Look at the individual sections below to get the full details and get out there and vote our Friday the 13th films and characters to victory!
Click on the image above to vote For Jason in his match against John Doe from the movie Se7en. Voting will get Jason past Round 1 of AMC’s Who’s The Sickest Psycho Bracket Challenge. Everyone get in there and vote for Jason!
Friday the 13th Ultimate Fan Quiz
There may be some of you that have already taken this quiz from last year, but it’s still out there now and it is a great way to test your knowledge of the film series. Even if you have taken this before, it is not a bad idea to see if you still have what it takes to be known as a hardcore fan.
Take the AMC Friday the 13th Quiz now and see if you can get past the first question with a Correct answer. Do you know the name of the three bikers from Friday the 13th Part 3?
Help two of our favorite Final Girls and the movie that started it all bring home the awards from the AMC Fearfest Awards 2025! The Friday the 13th series is represented in two of the five categories. They are listed below.
Scream Queen Nomination:
Adrienne King (Friday the 13th 1980)
Amy Steel (Friday the 13th Part 2)
Palme d’Gore (Best Picture) Nomination:
Friday the 13th (1980)
Hop over to AMC’s website and vote for these basic foundations of the franchise!

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by The Scare Zone, fridaythe13thfilms. fridaythe13thfilms said: AMC Fearfest: Join The Friday The 13th Festivites [...]
I always look forward to Fearfest I’ve been counting down the days and its almost here. I’m really glad to see them playing 9 of the Friday the 13th movies along with the Halloween movies this year,the two best horror icons finally on Fearfest together can’t wait!!!!
Yea, AMC is really bouncing back this year with FearFest. The last two years they only played movies for a week and the titles were not that good. I am glad they are running the Friday movies as a tribute for the 30th Anniversary.
What did everyone get on the fan quiz?