AMC FearFest Week: Kane Hodder and Tyler Mane Talk Movie Magic
Part of what is making this AMC Fearfest one of the best that has been produced are all of the great retrospectives and conversations that are airing inbetween the movies in the commercial breaks. This conversation with the pair centers on how they incorporate movie magic into their performances to give each of themselves a more menacing demeanor.

Posted by jasonsfury
Good, but when Kane first brings the subject of apple boxes up, do you think he means other actors had to use them to work with them? Seems odd to ask Tyler if he would need to stand any taller.
Cant see this either!! grrrr
Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing. These conversations are great.
That’s crazy. Ken Kirzinger as Jason in Freddy vs Jason had to wear lifts in his boots. Without them he is six foot five. I just don’t see the point. The avergae height for males I think is actually 5′ 9″. compare that to a six-footer, and the the six-footer looks tall. The fact Tyler Mane needed lifts is just funny to me. Kane certainly isn’t the tallest Jason. In fact, I think Ted White is taller than he is. Another form of movie magic is to shoot kane from a low angle and the victims from a high angle, effectively making kane look taller.