AMC Fearfest Week: Win Replica Part 3 Hockey Mask!
All this week, we are celebrating AMC Fearfest’s Marathon of the Friday the 13th film series. Friday the 13th 1980 through Jason Goes To Hell will be airing starting Monday, October 18th. To commemorate the observance of the franchise by AMC, we are going to be giving away an exact replica of the hockey mask from Friday the 13th Part 3!
The mask was painted and detailed by one of our friends of the website, jasonlivessince1980. We have featured his work on the website previously and he was generous enough to create this screen accurate mask for a lucky fan to win. The mask itself is from later in the film during the barn scene with the final confrontation between Jason and Chris. Check out the pics of the mask below, which indeed is THE mask which will be sent to the lucky winner. For more of the work done by jasonlivessince1980, please check out is blog, He also is a featured artist at Frightstuff, so if you want to contact him there, please do so.
So, the question is, how can I win this awesome hockey mask? Well, that’s a good question and that is exactly how you can win, by answering some questions. Starting on Monday, October 18th and running through Friday October 22nd, we will be posting a daily blog with questions to be answered for the films that will be showing that day on AMC. For example, October 18th will have questions pertaining to Friday the 13th Part 1 and Part 2.
This contest will be like buying a raffle ticket for a drawing. If you were to buy 5 raffle tickets, you would have 5 chances to win. The same will apply here. For each day of questions you submit correct answers for, that is one more chance you are given to win the drawing. Answer the questions correctly for all five days and you will have 5 chances to win the hockey mask. If you submit answers for only one day, that would lessen your chances in the drawing to win.
For each day, read the questions, then send your answers in an email to Include “Hockey Mask” Contest in the Subject line. Please include the following in your email:
1. Your screen name if you post here on the website or another name you can be recognized by.
2. Your answers to the questions with the corresponding numbers.
On Friday night, October 22nd, all of the entries that are received with the correct answers by 11:59 PM EST of that day will be put into a bin. One entry will be pulled randomly and that entry will be the winner of the Part 3 hockey mask! The winner will be contacted via email Saturday October 23rd and the winner announced on the website.
If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below or send an email to Good luck to everyone and have fun answering all of the questions this week. Make sure to watch the Friday the 13th Marathon all this week on AMC!
Monday October 18, 2025
Tuesday October 19, 2025
Wednesday Ocotber 20, 2025
Thursday October 21, 2025
Friday October 22, 2025

Awesome contest. You guys really take care of the fans. Thank you!
Love the hocky mask!!!!!
Kickass mask!!!!
I’m in
Holy Crap! I so want this, so you bet I’m in!
Thanks guys for the opportunity!
i like the mask’s sign me up
i think this is unfair I have tried and tried and tried sending my answers and it will not let me, what am I doing wrong here?
What problem are you having? Is it saying your email is not getting sent? I am receiving a ton of emails. What is your email addy? Maybe I can check and see if I received it.
hi i was wondering if i have to wait for an email
Hey fury are you going to know who got the answers right so we know how many chances we have to win?
@ricky bowlander The winner will be notifies this Saturday via email.
@shaunford1982 I will not be listing everyone’s chances to win on here, if that is what you mean. That would be too much time to do that. Sorry
oh don’t worry the question i was asking was how do i fill out the triva but i already figure it out thank’s anyway
This mask is so cool. I sent my answers in for each night thus far in one e-mail. I hope that is ok
That will work with no problem, CJlovesherJason
I am still having trouble sending my answers for the contest, it says that the response failed and there was an error, i tried several times and still nothing.
I’m sure all of the fans on here realize that the original script font for “Friday the 13th” is completely different for promotional pieces (i.e. posters, original box art) on parts VI, VII, and VIII. What I did notice today while watching part VI on AMC, is during the main title sequence the script font for “Friday the 13th, Part VI” is the actual original font from the first five movies and not the new font on the original part VI movie posters or box art. I wonder why that is? And, why did they change the font style to begin with? Interesting…
I love the mask, I would proudly display one in my home.
Hey Jasonsfury, just wondering as for the trivia questions email i sent i forgot to put my nickname that i use on here but have put it all of the other submissions, i was just wondering if that is any issue at all?
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