Angry Nintendo Nerd On NES Friday The 13th Game
Since it’s been discussed lately and for those who’ve never seen this. If you hold the NES Friday The 13th game in high regard, prepare to see it shafted. This is still the top ranking Friday The 13th related video on YouTube!

awesome nostalgic video very funny!!! I almost wanna pop in one of the older fridays right now and watch them… “you and your friends are dead, game over” priceless!!!!
ps did they really spell Voorhees as Vorhees?!?! come one…..
I’ve caught this before. It’s hilarious!
Such a funny guy. I look forward to his little vignettes.
Sorry guys, I gotta agree with the angry nerd. That game sucked hard. I love Friday the 13th. I love everything about it. But that game sucked. They need to make an updated game.
I agree, we do need an updated f13 game. it has been far too long and now with the graphic improvements that have happened we could get a really good looking game with jason. Game designers should take note of this. as for the Avgn, i have seen every video of his and he is absolutely hilarious. If you haven\’t seen him before until now and you like his f13 vid, also check out his anoe vid, tcm vid and halloween vid, they are priceless
Yeah, I remember rushing out to get this game and then trying to pretend that it was cool for the longest time. The closest thing to a cool Jason game was Namco’s Splatterhouse games, in which the character Rick was a total rip-off of Jason, visually at least, especially in the second one.
lol this video is funny as hell! I don’t know why everyone hates the Friday The 13th NES game, I actually found it pretty fun, But thats just me…haha. Can’t wait for the new movie to come out!!!!!
My favorite YouTuber at his best.
who thinks rockstar should make a f13 game lke gta except ur jason? run around the lake, kill different people….
Am i the only person who absolutely loves this game? Yes, some of the design choices don’t make total sense (like the complete inability to avoid Jason while on the lake), but the game is challenging without being impossible and requires a fairly deep (for its time) strategy element in order to win.
The Nerd also has a humorous video where he bashes A Nightmare On Elm Street for NES, but frankly, both games are among my favorites for the system.
I also love the game over message:
“You and your friends are dead. Game Over.”
if u like this they also have a nightmare on elm street tcm and Halloween all funny
“I agree, we do need an updated f13 game. it has been far too long and now with the graphic improvements that have happened we could get a really good looking game with jason. Game designers should take note of this. as for the Avgn, i have seen every video of his and he is absolutely hilarious. If you haven\’t seen him before until now and you like his f13 vid, also check out his anoe vid, tcm vid and halloween vid, they are priceless”
So true. We’re FINALLY Getting a new/modern Ghostbusters game for the new-gen systems (I’m getting an X-Box 360 over the summer half way for it and four other games), and I see no reason why, except for some comic book style copyright issues, a new Friday the 13th game chouldn’t be made.
I also feel there should be two interesting playing options: One to be herr Voorhees, the king of the movie Slashers, and two to be a male or female heroine as counsalers who are once again in the Essex County Crystal Lake county region to re-open it, and you must explore a virtual 3.8 mile remote camp ground with a lake region. And in Jason mode, you should be able to master loitering & prowling and being a better serial killer who kills quietly and isn’t detected, and you chould be awarded for killing in more original, variety of ways with different instruments of death (please, don’t just pluck a machete in his hand, though that is more then welcomed).
Alas, I’m wishful thinking of something that will most likely NEVER come to fruitaition. Ah well, we can all dream, can’t we? … ;)
Voorhees13 and captain_brandon1980…I’ve been thinking for a long time how much a game where you play as Jason would rock. It’d be nuts…sort of like Hitman meets Manhunt meets Splinter Cell meets GTA. Think about it: you can use any hazardous object as a weapon, and you get style points/rewards the more elaborate the kill. And just like in the movies, you can place your dead victims in cabins or vehicles to frighten the other victims. The game should use a fear system that makes them less rational and easier to catch.
They could probably get away with it at MA if they made it not completely serious and a little campy. If not, I’d take an Adults Only rating…kids wouldn’t really need to be playing it anyways. That being said, some of the kills in Manhunt and the Punisher game were just as gruesome as some you’d expect from a Friday the 13th game…
Indeed. I agree it should only be done in with a Mature rating, and with no one 14 and under playing it, I would say.
The fear metor is a good idea. Gotta tell ya man, if I was a higher-up at gaming software company such as the ones you mentioned, I would be hounding Cashamount and New Line for rights details constantly, as I would want it to be my dream project come true. But I personally wouldn’t want it campy. Maybe we chould have a well known gerne star like a Savini as a digitized character with his likeness and voice-over as a local Crystal Lake towns folk who is like a crazy Ralph esque character, or simply someone you can talk to in town at a general supply store, ect.
I agree with the playing as Jason for a change. I would sort of prefer two possible playing options if such a game were ever made, and benig able to be Jason and trying to knock them all off in withint a 24 hour period would be a fine one. Let’s hope it happens one day (and with technology, who knows? Maybe one of us hardcore Voorhees fanatics will one day and spread the game around the net? Who knows) …
Not to be mean or anything, but this is very old. Still funny though!
hahahaha somebody listened to my giddy postings!
I never could grasp why they didn’t make another F13th game for any consoles since the NES. I did see a F13th game for a cell phone in which you are actually playing as Jason and you fight in hell or something. Looks pretty cool. I myself loved the NES game and I stillm play it from time to time on my NES. Of course I could never beat it (or NOES on NES) without the help of the Game Genie. As I have been saying for a long time on this site and for awhile before that even, I would LOVE to see a tornament Mortal Kombat style fighting game with horror flic characters as the fighters, Jason, Freddy, Michael Myers, Leatherface, etc. If only licensing wasn’t such a big issue, it would be such a bad ass game! Fatalities, weapons, etc. Such a shame it won’t happen.
great idea with the fear metor…..i also think putting victims in places to frigthen would be sweet
Did anyone try TerrorDrome? Hard as heck, and very old-school, but fun. And you can play as Jason, Michael Myers, Leatherface, Ash, Ghostface..
This is 1 of the very first videos I ever watched on Youtube. It cracks me up every time, and the cactus comment is flat out hilarious!
Wow this is old.
Its brilliant though :)