Another Contest Sneak Peek
Last week we offered the visitors a Sneak Preview of items that we’re going to be offering as prizes for our 30th Anniversary Summer Of Contests. Well, now a new item has been generously donated for our contests and this one is a very valuable item indeed. I think the person who wins this item in the Summer will be very excited.
Take a guess at what the item could be by looking at the image above. Our first contest of the Summer will be announced tommorow with full details. And I know that Summer doesn’t officially start until later in June, but for us, once Memorial Day weekend in the US arrives, it IS Summer!

Is it a FvJ styled replica of Freddy’s Glove? Maybe one sweet replica of Jason’s mask?
cooor love to win that!!!
Hmmm i will venture a guess and say the neca freddy vs jason boxset.
The Freddy VS Jason trivia game?
A live performance of the freddy vs jason fight scene in your living room!!!
A chance to be thrown in a fire? LOL kidding.
I’m gonna go with some sort of replica of the glove or J’s mask.
is it a Blue Ray of Freddy vs jason?
Slideshow premium format figure of jason and freddy
Maybe a lithograph autographed by Robert Englund and Ken Kirzinger???
It looks like someone painted over some text that was at the top in the picture between the two.
So maybe it’s an autograph or rare poster.
A chance to go head to head to head against these guys?!?
freddy vs jason was vorst movie I ever seen.