Christian Sellers

How did you win the part of Scott in FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2 and what were the auditions like for such a movie? Having already appeared in the previous year’s HE KNOWS YOU’RE ALONE, what kind of genre experience did you feel you brought to the role and were you a fan of those [...]
How did you first break into the movie industry and was it helpful having a brother who was a director?
“I broke into the movies from doing stand up. But, before that, I came to Ca as a drummer, worked in several bands, played with Taj Mahal, lots of studio work. Wound up in a band [...]
How did you and your effects team land the job for FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VI: JASON LIVES? How did you approach designing Jason, as this movie marked a departure as the character had now become a rotting zombie?
“The job was spearheaded by REEL EFFECTS. I was brought on by Chris Swift. [...]
Fellow GoreZone writer Robin Pierce interviewed Friday the 13th legend Kane Hodder some time back to coincide with the UK release of his latest flick Hatchet. Robin has kindly allowed us to publish the interview in full. While it mainly deals with his recent work, and not so much on the Friday the 13th series, [...]
How did you become involved with New Line Cinema and, more importantly, Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash?
“I’d wanted to work at New Line since I was a little kid, about seven or eight years old. I fell in love with genre films - Elm Street especially - at a young age. Bob Shaye [...]
How familiar were you with the FRIDAY THE 13TH series when you were given the job of writing JASON X? Were you a fan of the movies and, if so, which was your favourite?
“I’m a teen of the ’80’s so it was impossible to ignore Freddy, Jason and Michael. I loved all three for different [...]
How did you approach the role of Roy for FRIDAY THE 13TH PART V: A NEW BEGINNING, and did you make yourself familiar with the previous four films beforehand? What was your intention with how you would perform the character, especially as it would be revealed that you were the killer?
“I really knew next to [...]
How did you first become involved with Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday? Were you sceptical about appearing in the ninth Friday the 13th movie?
“I was approached to do this film after I had completed work on Point Break. At first I balked as horror films scare the bejeezus out of me. [...]
How did you first become involved with Friday the 13th Part 2?
“I was out of work because Screen Actor’s Guild was on strike at the time. My friend Cliff Cudney was working on a film called Jason. They had gotten permission from SAG to continue to shoot before the strike started. He called me and [...]
When did you first meet Steve Miner? Was it true that you were literally pulled from a street corner for the audition? What kind of discussion did the two of you have when preparing for the role of Shelly?
“I first met Steve at the audition. I had been discovered on a street corner by the [...]