Behind The Scenes Part 3: Makeup With Larry Zerner
Everyone loves Shelly from Part 3 and Larry Zerner is very nice to the fans of the Friday the 13th franchise when they come to conventions to meet him. Larry has stopped by our site a few times this year to leave comments, which was very nice of him to do. Since we haven’t posted anything in a while pertaining to our loveable Shelly, it seemed appropriate to share some behind the scenes pics with our visitors of Larry on the set of Part 3.
The images below are of Larry getting his makeup applied for his scene when Chili finds his character after an unfortunate encounter with Jason. Enjoy!

Larry is great! You know, I don’t think I have seen these photos before? Very nice. Thank you for posting these. The imageof Shey standing up with his tongue out is priceless. :)
I love how Shelly gets killed off. What better way to end a practical joker than to play a real cruel joke on Him. Jason slits His throat, but only enough to make Him look like Hes pulling another joke, then of course He dies slowly. Great kill. Thanks for posting the behind the scenes pics.
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Larry Zerner, fridaythe13thfilms. fridaythe13thfilms said: @Zernerlaw Behind Scenes Part 3: Makeup w/ Larry Zerner [...]
Glad you guys like the photos. It love the behind the scenes imagery of the films. Most of the time the actors and crew are alwats having so much fun.
I still wish they would’ve showed him getting attacked though
I know this isn’t the place probably for this, but look at what movie I stumbled across on IMDB.
Great photos fantastic :)
I just found a review for it as well with NSFW pictures on it.
Sad to hear our Video Junkie review referred to as a “porn link.” It is a review of the recent XXX F13 spoof with some pictures of the cast nude. Shocking, I know! :-)
You have to remember that JP has to follow certain rules or he could possibly lose his sponsor ad’s. One you start posting any kind of porn on any level , sponsors tend to run away.
So I’m not 100% sure, but pretty close to that’s the reason he edited the post.
The problem here, William, hits a few points. First, this blog post is about behind the scenes photos on the set of Friday the 13th Part 3. Adding information about a porn movie inside this blog is just plain inappropriate. I don’t care if the movie is spoofing Friday the 13th, in the end it is a porn movie.
Using this site to promote such a film is inappropriate. Second, using the phrase ‘porn link’ may give the impression that your blog is a porn site. That is inaccurate, and apologize. That being said, the fact that not only the film was brought up here in the first place, but also your review link was added which included images that demonstrate scenes from a porn movie, just do not belong here.
You may disagree, but this is not a porn site and although the Friday the 13th films themselves do depict sexual acts, they are Rated R and are limited in these acts.
Any other comments added about this film will be deleted, especially since this blog post has been unneccesarily hijacked. Thank you everyone for understanding.
Never seen those before! Thanks for these!!!
Kick the hijackers butt!!!!