Beware The Hideous Looking Man
I saw this last month and completely forgot to mention this to everyone. Crash Cunningham offered his first run of his Part 3 “Hideous Looking Man” for purchase in February and sold out very fast. For those of you that did not see this mask previously, check out the pics below. The mask sold for $270 and I am sure he will having a second run of these at some point. The mask, obviously, has not been fully painted, but we will show you finished pictures when he has it completed. If you’re interested in this mask, visit his website, . Send him a message and he can let you know when he might be making these again.

Why must I be poor?!?!? I would love to have this, such great detail from one of my favorite in the series
I agree. I wish I had the money as well. This looks near perfect. Crazy accurate!
This is a nice piece and I empathize with you guys. This would go well with one of his Part 3 hocks. Speaking of hocks, Crash mentioned in his blog that he will no longer be making the traditional Jason hocks from the movies. He is only looking to make customized hocks, something original. I am glad I got my JGTH previously!
Like I have said time and time again all over the boards
Crash did and awesome job on the bad boy
and I was glad he used the name that I picked for it
Can’t wait to get mine, got my order in ;)
Wow really good!!!
Thats a shame, his masks rock!!