Bracket Challenge: Champion Announcement!
As I mentioned last week, it has been a lot of fun preparing this entire bracket challenge since July. I am glad so many people participated and engaged in conversation about the franchise. There have been a number of visitors that have been, shall I say, unproductive to the discussions, but that didn’t keep visitors from talking about the movies. That being said, everyone has had fun and that’s what it’s all about. I hope everyone enjoyed voting on your favorite characters.
As also mentioned last week, there is a new game, if you want to call it that, brewing for next year. Stay tuned in January for information on that. As for this concluding game, there will be one final set of business to deal with this week and that will be rearing it’s ugly soon within the next day or so. Meanwhile, here are the results of your championship voting.
Mrs. Voorhess vs Sheriff Garris
Mrs. Voorhees: 44 votes
Garris: 22 votes

Cant wait for next years. And I’m looking forward to the end of this one. Without Ginny I just don’t see a clear victor here.
Yippee Mrs.V!
Mommy, I mean Mrs. Voorhees Wins. FATALITY!
How many votes for ginny??!? LoL
Good to see Mrs V get the win.
So is it going to be Mrs. V vs. Jason?…. cause I dont see either one wanting to kill the other.
Great Mrs voorhees won!!
And looking forward to next years!
Well I’m glad everyone chose their favorite over who might stand a chance against one another, because now we have Mrs.V vs Jason. So instead of an interesting fight that could have been, now we will have everyone voting “This will be a tie, they can’t kill each other”, or some other nonsense. It should be strange I’ll tell you that.
Ginny should have been up there in the final imo. I, in fact, think she should have won it all. The outcome of this vote kinda of reminds me of how Hitler was elected in a free, democratic election too.
What we have here is the victory of two evil characters; Jason and Mrs. Voorhees (an old friend of the Chritie’s). Doesn’t make too much sense to me. But while I would NEVER criticize the democratic process because I am American, I would admit that I have disagreed with the choices I’ve been given (since Ginny was voted out).
Ginny was the “Al Gore” of this election. It was stolen from her.
just kidding. Haha. I just think its funny that so many people still complain about Ginny losing the election.
Congratulations, Mrs. V.
i think that we are all forgetting Trish, Tommy’s sister, she went to bat for her lil bro and did some good ass-kicking ,but besides her Chris, from part 3, also did some ass kicking herself. where r they?