Bracket Challenge: Week 2 Results


sheriffgarris1 Both divisions last week were major victories. The upcoming week will be more challenging.

Garris: 57 votes
Tucker: 9 votes
Landis: 1 vote
Williams: 1 vote




axel-300x2001Axel pimped his way to an easy victory and moves to the next round.

Axel: 63 votes
Phil: 11 votes
Assistant Coroner: 5 votes

About the Author


I've been dedicated to this franchise for most of my life and am happy to be contributing news and information to all of the fans out there. If you have any questions or want to submit your thoughts, email me at

9 Responses to “ Bracket Challenge: Week 2 Results ”

  1. Yay! Way to go Garris!

  2. cool my favs

  3. Woo hoo,so far i’ve got 4 out of 4……………KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.

  4. 3 for 4 here

  5. I thought Williams got shut out! Oh well.

  6. Yes, Im the only one that voted Landis. I love life.

  7. Yep 3 for 4 here. Sweet!!!!

  8. 3 for 4, stupid Roy

  9. 4 for 4 so far, I know it’ll get alot harder in the later rounds

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