Camp Blood: Friday the 30th Reunion Changing Location
There has been some moving and shaking going on with the reunion convention and I just wanted to pass on this information to everyone who is attending the event. Please read the information below, directly from John Gray, who has been putting together the show.
We are now doing the show at Sneaky Pete’s in Lewisville, about 5 miles from the original location.
Wanna talk about a true “camp style setting”… well, Sneaky Pete’s IS on Lewisville lake and there will be food, tons of alcohol, plenty of ballrooms for signings, outdoors screenings, the bands… pretty much everything we planned at the convention center plus more.
ALL your rooms can be kept, and shuttles will bus you to the location. We are also opening up new room blocks at hotels surrounding Sneaky Pete’s, so it will be up to you to either keep your room where you are at, or stay closer to the event.
We are turning the “conventional convention” on it’s ear with this one folks, and believe you me, what we are planning with Sneaky Pete’s is going to blow you away. I wanted to wait until we could announce it officially on the site, but of course, it was just a matter of time I’m sure before word got out that the venue was changing.
Oh, and did I mention the Studio Movie Grill is right next door? So we are planning an all day Friday the 13th film festival at an actual theater (with beer and food) for Friday August 13th with celebs and panels. So basically, you can register in the morning and then watch all the original Friday’s on the big screen, in 35mm!
More details to come… but trust me folks, this IS for the better. I think everyone has had it with the typical hotel signings, no?
So no worries, the show, nor the dates are changing… just the venue.
Now, stay tuned for the official announcement!
We even plan on having Stu Charno greeting fans as they enter the camp ground saying “welcome to God’s country” lol!
Keep an eye out for more information on the location change and the last big guest announcement before the event takes place in August!

Prolly a dumb question, but what state is this in?????
Sounds awesome, I wish it would have been anounced before I paid for my room. Oh well no biggie, thanks fury for the update.
Sorry joe gallow. I usually have a link to the event within the stories I create and that would have gave you the Texas info right away!
Thanks for posting Jason.
I will be attending and this sure sounds like a cooler local for the festivaties.
im going now. jasonfury i wants to meet ya and i can ask melonie kinnamon if she knws my neighbor!!! im just confused how to get a hotel and stuff
Sounds good.
I would say in sometime in late June we will have something set up on the site fir everyone to discuss meeting up somehwere at the convention. Look for that!
This sounds awsome, i wish this kinds stuff happened in Australia, that way i could get in on some of the action.
Is there going to be a contest to maybe send some people to the convention for free?
I’ll Be There!
I can’t wait for this event. My first con and with all Friday alumns!
I’m really looking forward to this show! Not just the Celebs and getting autographs either. I’ve been waiting a long time to see the classic Fridays in a theater and now I will finale get the chance……Hope John shows 1-6!
Unfortuntely, we are not going to be running a contest for this. I wish we could, but were unable to work out details for that.
Will the list of hotels get changed because of this or are we supposed to be camping there in tents right next to the lake??? I’m asking cos I don’t have a car. Not even a driver’s license.
uh nevermind.. should have read the whole thing first.