Resurrection: Jason Would Be Proud
After the blog went down for a few days, we are back! Thank you for your patience everyone. Dusk worked very hard to get the blog up and running, so everyone please give him a big thanks for his trouble. I know that there are alot of you that visit us every day and not [...]

Coming Soon To fridaythe13thfilms.com
Coming in the next week or so, we have a few updates and special events that we are sure our visitors will enjoy. We truly appreciate the fact that we have so many people that take time out of their day to stop by and I and others here at the website thank you! So [...]

Random Info: Poster Contest, Production Challenge, Visitor Help
So, I ran into quite the problem with my computer over night and into this morning and lost some of the things that I wanted to post for everyone on the website. I apologize, but the Production Challenge: F/X Artists will be postponed until Monday.
As for the poster contest, we have really been receiving postive responses to [...]
Friday the 13th Sequel: Poster Contest Voting
I have been asked by a few of our visitors how the voting process will be conducted. Originally I thought Dusk and I would look over the entries and decide. But now I think the website should go another route …… you the fans will decide who the winner is! After the deadline of Saturday [...]

F13th Films Store Now Open
Yeah, I don’t know any chicks that would want to dress up in Voorhees worship-gear either.
Clarification on Chat Box Feature
A lot of you have been stopping by the new chat box and we have had some good conversations. The number one problem we have had to this point is that visitors type a message and then do not see any responses, even though they see other people in the chat. The reason the responses [...]

Happy New Years from fridaythe13thfilms.com
From all of us at fridaythe13thfilms.com, we want to wish everybody a happy and safe new years. We’ve had a good year here on the website and 2025 is a promise to be an even better one. You never know what’s going to pop up here. Will the highly anticipated new message board finally be [...]
Happy Friday the 13th!! Join The Celebration
Another Friday the 13th is upon us. As part of this special day, I put together some great writeups, conversations and contest for everyone to enjoy. Check out the links below that will hopefully help in enhancing your enjoyment of our favorite day of the year, Friday the 13th!!
- Trailerpalooza Watch trailers of every movie [...]

Spend Friday the 13th with fridaythe13thfilms.com
This Friday, November 13th, we will have some great events planned to celebrate Friday the 13th. Join us for the following events to be posted throughout the day this Friday:
1. Discussions on the franchise: Multiple Friday Conversations
2. Special Announcement on Friday the 30th, The 30th Anniversary reunion event next August.
3. Special Bracket Challenge on a character [...]

Watch the Vic Remix in Jason’s Jukebox
Visitors have been requesting new music in the jukebox so for those of you that have not seen, there has been a hilarious and awesome new video added to Jason’s Jukebox, which is located in the right sidebar. If you’re a fan of A New Beginning you will enjoy! I put the video below, but always [...]

Special Website Announcement in SciFiNow Magazine
I was recently interviewed by UK’s SciFiNow Magazine for #32, now on sale. In it I flash my Jason geek badge, heap praise on the people that have made this site what is is throughout past and present, and generally try not to sound like too much of a jackass. Of particular interest to readers [...]

Visit the Friday the 13th Filming Locations
For those of you that have not had the oppportunity to do so, our website gives you, the fans, a unique opportunity to visit the various filming locations for your beloved franchise. The best part is that you can do so without leaving your house at all! Alot of the fans have been to this [...]
Fridaythe13thfilms.com Email Accounts
Just a quick reminder to our readers that we have had a very popular Friday The 13th Email Service available for several years now. It’s completely free, and we have thousands of active users. I check regularly for any service downtime and have the ability to mass-email anything super-duper important. You can easily sign up [...]
More Memories of FridayThe13thFilms.com
After the excellent article by jasonsfury I wiped away the nostalgia-fueled tears and decided to do a follow-up on the history of this awesome site I get to run.
Trip Down Memory Lane For fridaythe13thfilms.com
Does anyone remember when this website was www.fridaythe13th.com? I remember. Brenna and Blake had to go through a big change to a new domain. I don’t remember why. If anyone knows, please shed some light on the situation. Anyways, I ran across an article from 2025 that interviewed Blake and Brenna about the series and [...]

Fridaythe13thfilms.com On MySpace
If you guys use MySpace, be sure to add us: MySpace for Friday The 13th: The Website

News & Blog Posters Wanted
It’s long overdue, but the doors are open again to add new blog accounts here at FridayThe13thFilms.com. As of late it’s been me (John) and Tony handling everything, and we can only do so much. There is about to be an absolute explosion of all things Jason, so we want to bring more posters on [...]
Tech Issues
Something went down and the site rolled back to its week or so ago state, a restore is being worked on.
Update Dec 16: OK, I’ve got word I can continue updating the site. The older posts will be shoehorned at a later date in the near future.

Friday The 13th Email Accounts
Now that the email system is working 100% again I thought I’d take some time to speak about it. For years now this site has offered a free fridaythe13thfilms.com email box - you can easily sign up and login via the main page of the website. It’s no replacement for the awesomeness of Gmail, but [...]
Email Service Down - FIXED
Our FridayThe13thFilms.com free email addresses have been down with some tech difficulties. If you’re one of the many users of this service, please use an alternative mailbox until further notice. It’s very rare that problems occur with the mailbox but I am working to fix the issue. I will update this post as I receive [...]