Comments on: Friday Conversation: Comparing The Black Sheep Nothing This Evil Ever Dies... Sun, 19 Jun 2025 18:59:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: David David Mon, 15 Nov 2025 17:46:32 +0000 I have to say that I'm a fan of both Halloween 3 and Friday The 13th part 5. They're flawed films but still fun movies to watch. I actually seen each of these during they're original release and was shocked by the negative reaction to them but it seems time has been kind to each of them because the overall negative backlash against them isn't as strong. I would've loved to have seen standalone Halloween themed horror films starting with Halloween 3. To bad the fans didn't agree because really after Halloween 4 that series took a sharp decline that it never really recovered. Friday the 13th 5 was a interesting idea to maybe continue the series without Jason. Not sure if would've worked but I have to admit I am curious at times about the road not taken. I have to say that I’m a fan of both Halloween 3 and Friday The 13th part 5. They’re flawed films but still fun movies to watch. I actually seen each of these during they’re original release and was shocked by the negative reaction to them but it seems time has been kind to each of them because the overall negative backlash against them isn’t as strong. I would’ve loved to have seen standalone Halloween themed horror films starting with Halloween 3. To bad the fans didn’t agree because really after Halloween 4 that series took a sharp decline that it never really recovered. Friday the 13th 5 was a interesting idea to maybe continue the series without Jason. Not sure if would’ve worked but I have to admit I am curious at times about the road not taken.

By: thevengefulmachete thevengefulmachete Tue, 09 Nov 2025 05:04:56 +0000 In My Opinion...I wouldn't say Friday transcended horror as in literally rising above horror to cross over into other genres, but it did have plenty of comedic undertones, intentional and otherwise. Folks are using Silence of the Lambs as an example because it was drama, suspense etc... Not using the word in the strictest or literal sense, the Friday franchise did indeed "rise above and beyond" what it was back in the 80s...genre categories be damned, Friday did rise to become an iconic property recognized by many horror and non-horror movie goers alike. The general and non-horror public don't recognize Friday as a part of a sub genre nor do they care, it's horror either way you machete slice it. But like Dracula, the wolf man, and Frankenstein, Jason is easily one of the most recognizable horror icons of modern horror. Jason is a bobble head, action figure, video game, t-shirt, earings, shoes...maybe Friday the 13th didn't transcend the genre, but it did rise above itself as just another horror movie... In My Opinion…I wouldn’t say Friday transcended horror as in literally rising above horror to cross over into other genres, but it did have plenty of comedic undertones, intentional and otherwise. Folks are using Silence of the Lambs as an example because it was drama, suspense etc… Not using the word in the strictest or literal sense, the Friday franchise did indeed “rise above and beyond” what it was back in the 80s…genre categories be damned, Friday did rise to become an iconic property recognized by many horror and non-horror movie goers alike. The general and non-horror public don’t recognize Friday as a part of a sub genre nor do they care, it’s horror either way you machete slice it. But like Dracula, the wolf man, and Frankenstein, Jason is easily one of the most recognizable horror icons of modern horror. Jason is a bobble head, action figure, video game, t-shirt, earings, shoes…maybe Friday the 13th didn’t transcend the genre, but it did rise above itself as just another horror movie…

By: xamoel xamoel Mon, 08 Nov 2025 22:56:10 +0000 I like the both. The black sheep for jason is jason x,,,to me. I like the both.

The black sheep for jason is jason x,,,to me.

By: David David Mon, 08 Nov 2025 12:57:33 +0000 Sub "immediate predecessors" with "immediate successors" and you've got yourself an argument I do say so myslef! GOOD DAY SIR! Sub “immediate predecessors” with “immediate successors” and you’ve got yourself an argument I do say so myslef! GOOD DAY SIR!

By: David David Mon, 08 Nov 2025 12:48:44 +0000 Hey Kirk you're right, opinions are like assholes some stink some don't. But the fact of the matter is that Silence of the Lambs is famously noted for being the only horror movie to win Best Picture at the Oscars; it's still horror. To clarify our disagreement, you think both Halloween III and Friday V are good movies and better than their immediate predecessors, I contend the opposite but echo your sentiments in that they don't get much better after that. I'm not being an ideologue here I know that on it's own, Halloween 4 is crap, but serves as the best accompaniment for the original that you're going to get, Halloween II is a close second ;) HOWEVER, I still do declare that Friday Part VI transcended the genre, and Part V exhibited everything that was wrong with the genre x 10, and in consequence, caused said transcending; so in that respect it was worth something. Okay Kirk, to make you happy I'll use the idiom "sub-genre". Yes the general American public classifies their movies in 5 distinguishable categories, but Jaws and Silence of the Lambs and The Sixth are all still under horror; horror movies can be classy and successful too (wait did you actually type that The Sixth Sense could listed under Science Fiction, sure you weren't thinking of the Sixth Planet?) But anyway, I thought we were people actually taking time from our lives to post on a Friday the 13th message board, A.K.A FUCK the general American public! You, me, and everyone on this board knows horror is broken down into more specific sub-genres. Via Friday the 13th Part VI Jason Lives, the franchise transcended the slasher flick genre and moved into the realm of the monster movie genre; Jason can stand among the likes of Frankensteins' Monster and the Wolfman. Hey Kirk you’re right, opinions are like assholes some stink some don’t.

But the fact of the matter is that Silence of the Lambs is famously noted for being the only horror movie to win Best Picture at the Oscars; it’s still horror.

To clarify our disagreement, you think both Halloween III and Friday V are good movies and better than their immediate predecessors, I contend the opposite but echo your sentiments in that they don’t get much better after that. I’m not being an ideologue here I know that on it’s own, Halloween 4 is crap, but serves as the best accompaniment for the original that you’re going to get, Halloween II is a close second ;)

HOWEVER, I still do declare that Friday Part VI transcended the genre, and Part V exhibited everything that was wrong with the genre x 10, and in consequence, caused said transcending; so in that respect it was worth something. Okay Kirk, to make you happy I’ll use the idiom “sub-genre”.

Yes the general American public classifies their movies in 5 distinguishable categories, but Jaws and Silence of the Lambs and The Sixth are all still under horror; horror movies can be classy and successful too (wait did you actually type that The Sixth Sense could listed under Science Fiction, sure you weren’t thinking of the Sixth Planet?) But anyway, I thought we were people actually taking time from our lives to post on a Friday the 13th message board, A.K.A FUCK the general American public! You, me, and everyone on this board knows horror is broken down into more specific sub-genres. Via Friday the 13th Part VI Jason Lives, the franchise transcended the slasher flick genre and moved into the realm of the monster movie genre; Jason can stand among the likes of Frankensteins’ Monster and the Wolfman.

By: David Copafeel David Copafeel Mon, 08 Nov 2025 05:25:54 +0000 Okay, I've been watching the discussions here and had to put in my two cents. Both F5 and H3 are legitimate sequels. The tone and mood of the next films were different. This doesn't make them transcend a genre. Carrie was an example of transceding the genre. Sissy Spacek was nominated for her portrayal of Carrie White because of her acting in a film that was able to be watched as a suspense melodrama. We all know it's horror but it works on different levels. You can't honestly say H4 and F6 would be looked upon by the general public as anything other than horror. These films did transcend expectation within the horror genre and the influence of them is apparent but doesn't make the leap into another genre. Okay, I’ve been watching the discussions here and had to put in my two cents. Both F5 and H3 are legitimate sequels. The tone and mood of the next films were different. This doesn’t make them transcend a genre. Carrie was an example of transceding the genre. Sissy Spacek was nominated for her portrayal of Carrie White because of her acting in a film that was able to be watched as a suspense melodrama. We all know it’s horror but it works on different levels. You can’t honestly say H4 and F6 would be looked upon by the general public as anything other than horror. These films did transcend expectation within the horror genre and the influence of them is apparent but doesn’t make the leap into another genre.

By: Dachande Dachande Mon, 08 Nov 2025 05:24:34 +0000 The only time Halloween 3 related to the series was with a commerical for the original halloween in the movie. other than that it was a bomb far worse than F13 part 5. Part 5 is my least fave, but it at least still has a somewhat good story and atmosphere. Just the missing Jason makes it so poor. The only time Halloween 3 related to the series was with a commerical for the original halloween in the movie. other than that it was a bomb far worse than F13 part 5. Part 5 is my least fave, but it at least still has a somewhat good story and atmosphere. Just the missing Jason makes it so poor.

By: Kirk Magnum Kirk Magnum Mon, 08 Nov 2025 04:55:42 +0000 David, Read my first initial post. The one specific word stands out: “I;” which means and opinion, not fact. If you want facts you contact the people who actually made the freak’n film. If you are going to impose you’re authoritative power on people thinking you have the almighty opinion, then you should make a website and do so. My opinions are mine, some shared and some not; who the FUCK cares! We’d be an extremely boring planet if we agreed on everything! If you think “Halloween 4” and “Friday the 13th Part 6” are a shining spot, that is great! “I” think they are a speed bumps on the spiral downward to their respective franchises and prefer 1981’s “Halloween II” and 1985’s “Friday the 13th part V.” No disrespect was implied or given to you for your beliefs. David,

Read my first initial post. The one specific word stands out: “I;” which means and opinion, not fact. If you want facts you contact the people who actually made the freak’n film. If you are going to impose you’re authoritative power on people thinking you have the almighty opinion, then you should make a website and do so. My opinions are mine, some shared and some not; who the FUCK cares! We’d be an extremely boring planet if we agreed on everything! If you think “Halloween 4” and “Friday the 13th Part 6” are a shining spot, that is great! “I” think they are a speed bumps on the spiral downward to their respective franchises and prefer 1981’s “Halloween II” and 1985’s “Friday the 13th part V.” No disrespect was implied or given to you for your beliefs.

By: Kirk Magnum Kirk Magnum Mon, 08 Nov 2025 04:29:31 +0000 Again, David brought this up, let’s go through this… First, “transcend a genre” means it could be listed under specific categories, not subcategories like “Slasher” because it’s not a real category that the general public goes by, that is a subcategory but real categories are: Action, Horror, Comedy, Drama and Science Fiction; those are real categories that the American public goes by. So, going into a store Friday the 13th would pretty much only be listed under the horror section where as Jaws could be listed under Action, Drama or Horror sections, Silence of the Lambs could be listed under, and was marketed as a Drama besides Horror section and the Sixth Sense could be listed under the Science Fiction, Horror or Drama sections. Jaws, Silence of the Lambs and the Sixth Sense brought in bigger crowds because of this. That is what “transcending a genre” means. Friday the 13th brought a light, a SPOTLIGHT to the Horror genre, it didn’t transcend it. Look up the definition of “Transcend” it states: “To rise above or beyond the limits of.” That means it crosses over genres. Friday the 13th didn’t rise above anything else but horror, it stayed within the boundaries of horror. Jaws, Silence of the Lambs and the Sixth Sense rose above the conventional categories. Again, David brought this up, let’s go through this…
First, “transcend a genre” means it could be listed under specific categories, not subcategories like “Slasher” because it’s not a real category that the general public goes by, that is a subcategory but real categories are: Action, Horror, Comedy, Drama and Science Fiction; those are real categories that the American public goes by.

So, going into a store Friday the 13th would pretty much only be listed under the horror section where as Jaws could be listed under Action, Drama or Horror sections, Silence of the Lambs could be listed under, and was marketed as a Drama besides Horror section and the Sixth Sense could be listed under the Science Fiction, Horror or Drama sections. Jaws, Silence of the Lambs and the Sixth Sense brought in bigger crowds because of this. That is what “transcending a genre” means.

Friday the 13th brought a light, a SPOTLIGHT to the Horror genre, it didn’t transcend it. Look up the definition of “Transcend” it states: “To rise above or beyond the limits of.” That means it crosses over genres. Friday the 13th didn’t rise above anything else but horror, it stayed within the boundaries of horror. Jaws, Silence of the Lambs and the Sixth Sense rose above the conventional categories.

By: thevengefulmachete thevengefulmachete Sun, 07 Nov 2025 21:38:47 +0000 And yes...I do agree Friday the 13th did transcend horror, setteing the standard for many slashers to come. Let's face it, even thirty years later, when you think of horror, you visualize the hockey mask. And yes…I do agree Friday the 13th did transcend horror, setteing the standard for many slashers to come. Let’s face it, even thirty years later, when you think of horror, you visualize the hockey mask.
