Comments on: Friday Conversation: The Worst Ending In The Franchise News & Updates for Sat, 11 Dec 2025 08:17:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jack Mama Jack Mama Thu, 17 Dec 2025 05:53:04 +0000 Has anyone ever been hit with Toxic Waste? How do you know it doesn't turn you into a little kid? Has anyone ever been hit with Toxic Waste? How do you know it doesn’t turn you into a little kid?

By: The Gill-Man The Gill-Man Thu, 10 Dec 2025 19:32:59 +0000 Part 8 has one of the worst endings of any film I've ever seen...period! Laughably dumb, through and through. Toxic waste melts he turns into a kid?? I half expected Ninja Turtles to show up (which would have made it way cooler actually!). Just a horrible ending, no matter how you look at it. Part 8 has one of the worst endings of any film I’ve ever seen…period! Laughably dumb, through and through. Toxic waste melts Jason…so he turns into a kid?? I half expected Ninja Turtles to show up (which would have made it way cooler actually!). Just a horrible ending, no matter how you look at it.

By: Colin Colin Wed, 09 Dec 2025 14:25:09 +0000 As far as I'm concerned the endings for the Friday films got bad in part VII. Actually from TFC on they all got cartoonish and stopped being scary but that's a different topic. But yeah, from VII up to FVJ the endings were all suspect and disappointing. I also thought the reboot ending was rushed and lackluster. Perhaps any further installments should take a page from the makers of the first four films. They knew how to tie a picture up IMO. As far as I’m concerned the endings for the Friday films got bad in part VII. Actually from TFC on they all got cartoonish and stopped being scary but that’s a different topic. But yeah, from VII up to FVJ the endings were all suspect and disappointing. I also thought the reboot ending was rushed and lackluster. Perhaps any further installments should take a page from the makers of the first four films. They knew how to tie a picture up IMO.

By: DrJohnMan DrJohnMan Tue, 08 Dec 2025 21:25:17 +0000 It's my opinion that Jason X was nothing more than a kid having a bad dream after reading an article of Jason, and then watching the movie Aliens. So... I have to go with the Jason in New York. Him traveling there could have been an interesting idea, but the movie... and especially the ending, was barfable. If I wrote it, I think I would have done something along the lines of some reasearch peoples having Jason's mom's corpse/head there in some research facility in NY. Jason goes to "bring it home." I think I would have like that concept SOOOO much better. It’s my opinion that Jason X was nothing more than a kid having a bad dream after reading an article of Jason, and then watching the movie Aliens.

So… I have to go with the Jason in New York. Him traveling there could have been an interesting idea, but the movie… and especially the ending, was barfable.

If I wrote it, I think I would have done something along the lines of some reasearch peoples having Jason’s mom’s corpse/head there in some research facility in NY. Jason goes to “bring it home.” I think I would have like that concept SOOOO much better.

By: dem13 dem13 Tue, 08 Dec 2025 01:26:48 +0000 and the ending of the remake, was not that good... and the ending of the remake, was not that good…

By: dem13 dem13 Tue, 08 Dec 2025 01:25:22 +0000 part 8 is the worst, nonsense, goreless, worst acting, the worst ending it is ridiculous. part 8 is the worst, nonsense, goreless, worst acting, the worst ending it is ridiculous.

By: pit-n-shit pit-n-shit Mon, 07 Dec 2025 21:54:37 +0000 part 5 was a confusing but though interresting, i think part 7 was horrible also i hated this power of tina i thought that childish. part 5 was a confusing but though interresting, i think part 7 was horrible also i hated this power of tina i thought that childish.

By: Dave Lane Dave Lane Mon, 07 Dec 2025 02:27:34 +0000 This is pretty cool. None of my friends like Friday the 13th... So, I never really get a chance to talk about it. This is pretty cool. None of my friends like Friday the 13th… So, I never really get a chance to talk about it.

By: Dave Lane Dave Lane Mon, 07 Dec 2025 02:20:57 +0000 My favorite ending is part 4, with 1 as a close second... I didn't really care much for the ending of the remake, or the movie it's self. It was a total let down... As for part 2, I really liked how they never explained what happened to Paul. The mystery really added to the creepyness... And in part 3, where Chris was in the canoe and Jason came busting through the door, and when Chris turned back around to see that the door was some how fixed. There was a level of confusion and creepyness that I loved about that, especially where it had followed up what (in my opinion) was the best chase scene ever... Though I didn't care for the Mrs. Voorhees coming out of the water part, felt like a rip off of the first friday to me. But still it wasn't that bad, it still made me jump. I think the dream sequence of Jason cutting Chris' head off would of been way better. And I think the part at the very end where Chris went insane, was very realistic and creepy. My favorite ending is part 4, with 1 as a close second… I didn’t really care much for the ending of the remake, or the movie it’s self. It was a total let down… As for part 2, I really liked how they never explained what happened to Paul. The mystery really added to the creepyness… And in part 3, where Chris was in the canoe and Jason came busting through the door, and when Chris turned back around to see that the door was some how fixed. There was a level of confusion and creepyness that I loved about that, especially where it had followed up what (in my opinion) was the best chase scene ever… Though I didn’t care for the Mrs. Voorhees coming out of the water part, felt like a rip off of the first friday to me. But still it wasn’t that bad, it still made me jump. I think the dream sequence of Jason cutting Chris’ head off would of been way better. And I think the part at the very end where Chris went insane, was very realistic and creepy.

By: Dave Lane Dave Lane Mon, 07 Dec 2025 01:52:16 +0000 I might be alone on this, but personally, I thought the ending for part 5 was pretty good. I liked the fact that Jason wasn't the killer and Tommy going insane at the end... For me, the worst ending would have to be Jason X, with part 8 being a close second. I might be alone on this, but personally, I thought the ending for part 5 was pretty good. I liked the fact that Jason wasn’t the killer and Tommy going insane at the end… For me, the worst ending would have to be Jason X, with part 8 being a close second.

By: Puckbunny13 Puckbunny13 Sun, 06 Dec 2025 13:50:46 +0000 Alright. I did this yesterday and then tried to post and was told that I had typed in the wrong code. I didn't and then when I got bumped back all of my typing was gone! Let's try again. I was really surprised that this wasn't just a long line of posts stating how much the end of part 8 sucked! There's comments all over the map! Part 8 has to be the worst ending of all! I'm with HisNameWasTravis, I want an explanation from SirMWK on the reasoning behind a dead leather-faced zombie Jason who looks like he is made out of cardboard can have raw sewage poured over his face and turn into a smooth, perfect skinned yhoung boy! Someone call Joan Collins! Someone call Elizabeth Taylor! Call Farrah Fawcett for that matter; Jason was dead, it did wonders for him... Part 1: Best ending I think. Part 2: Very good ending but I would like to know what happened to Paul. He should turn up again. It's not like Paul Furey's doing anything these days. Part 3: This is my favourite movie of the series; however, I remember the first time I saw it, I was completely disgusted with Mrs Voorhees jumping out of the lake. I think I've changed my tune since then. It's alright. Part 4: Wicked ending. Part 5: about as good as the rest of the movie. Part 6: This ending is fantastic! Such a lot going on. Wicked! Part 7: This ending is obtuse! We're supposed to cheer for the return of the wife-beating, alcoholic husband, who, after living in the water for 10 years, only got a little bit moldy? Alcohol must have preserved him... I guess. Part 8: Huh? Part 9: Jason got sucked down into Hell by giant hands that looked like something from the back set of Fraggle Rock?? Who made them Jim Henson? Part 10: I thought it was cool. I love that movie. Part 11: Jason coming out of the water carrying Fred's head? Classic scene! Part 12 (remake): I, like everyone else, knew it was coming but that was okay. What kind of a remake of F13 would it be if Jason didn't jump out of a lake?? Cool. Alright. I did this yesterday and then tried to post and was told that I had typed in the wrong code. I didn’t and then when I got bumped back all of my typing was gone! Let’s try again.

I was really surprised that this wasn’t just a long line of posts stating how much the end of part 8 sucked! There’s comments all over the map!

Part 8 has to be the worst ending of all! I’m with HisNameWasTravis, I want an explanation from SirMWK on the reasoning behind a dead leather-faced zombie Jason who looks like he is made out of cardboard can have raw sewage poured over his face and turn into a smooth, perfect skinned yhoung boy! Someone call Joan Collins! Someone call Elizabeth Taylor! Call Farrah Fawcett for that matter; Jason was dead, it did wonders for him…

Part 1: Best ending I think.
Part 2: Very good ending but I would like to know what happened to Paul. He should turn up again. It’s not like Paul Furey’s doing anything these days.
Part 3: This is my favourite movie of the series; however, I remember the first time I saw it, I was completely disgusted with Mrs Voorhees jumping out of the lake. I think I’ve changed my tune since then. It’s alright.
Part 4: Wicked ending.
Part 5: about as good as the rest of the movie.
Part 6: This ending is fantastic! Such a lot going on. Wicked!
Part 7: This ending is obtuse! We’re supposed to cheer for the return of the wife-beating, alcoholic husband, who, after living in the water for 10 years, only got a little bit moldy? Alcohol must have preserved him… I guess.
Part 8: Huh?
Part 9: Jason got sucked down into Hell by giant hands that looked like something from the back set of Fraggle Rock?? Who made them Jim Henson?
Part 10: I thought it was cool. I love that movie.
Part 11: Jason coming out of the water carrying Fred’s head? Classic scene!
Part 12 (remake): I, like everyone else, knew it was coming but that was okay. What kind of a remake of F13 would it be if Jason didn’t jump out of a lake?? Cool.

By: Ben Ben Sun, 06 Dec 2025 05:00:03 +0000 I think Part VII "New Blood" is my least favorite ending of any Friday in the series. I really do like the film and have learned to appreciate it more over the years but the ending, like most of the film due to the strict cuts to the gore and violence imposed by the MPAA, make the whole thing feel a bit anti-climactic. I feel the ending is where the picture suffers the most. After a slam bang confrontation between Tina and Jason we close the film with Tina bringing her father back to life, he looked exactly the same as he did when he died at the beginning of the film with the exception of some dirt on his face, and he pulls Jason back into the lake. I think the best ending is Part VI (Which is also my favorite film in the Friday series). That ending kicks ass. After that my favorites are Freddy vs. Jason, Final Chapter and the Reboot. I think Part VII “New Blood” is my least favorite ending of any Friday in the series.

I really do like the film and have learned to appreciate it more over the years but the ending, like most of the film due to the strict cuts to the gore and violence imposed by the MPAA, make the whole thing feel a bit anti-climactic.

I feel the ending is where the picture suffers the most. After a slam bang confrontation between Tina and Jason we close the film with Tina bringing her father back to life, he looked exactly the same as he did when he died at the beginning of the film with the exception of some dirt on his face, and he pulls Jason back into the lake.

I think the best ending is Part VI (Which is also my favorite film in the Friday series). That ending kicks ass.

After that my favorites are Freddy vs. Jason, Final Chapter and the Reboot.

By: crystallakehiker09 crystallakehiker09 Sun, 06 Dec 2025 04:20:07 +0000 Hahaha that ending on Jason X makes me embarrassed to admit I'm such a fan. If you're ever defending the franchise to a bunch of people, all they would have to do is pull that clip out to shut you up. How could you possibly defend that?!?! Part 7 is pretty bad too. And part 8. I agree with the early comment that Freddy has no place in Friday movies. The ending of part 9 would have been so great if it just ended with the mask in the dirt. Freddy's hand coming up pretty much erased any meaning the movie had (which I know most of you don't think is very much haha) Germaniac-- I think you are my polar opposite in the Friday universe. Will we ever agree on anything!? Freddy winking at the end of JvF? The worst! Give me fake Jason in part 5--Take my eyes--but not that crap! Next you're going to tell me Jason runs! geez! Hahaha that ending on Jason X makes me embarrassed to admit I’m such a fan.

If you’re ever defending the franchise to a bunch of people, all they would have to do is pull that clip out to shut you up. How could you possibly defend that?!?!

Part 7 is pretty bad too. And part 8.

I agree with the early comment that Freddy has no place in Friday movies. The ending of part 9 would have been so great if it just ended with the mask in the dirt. Freddy’s hand coming up pretty much erased any meaning the movie had (which I know most of you don’t think is very much haha)


I think you are my polar opposite in the Friday universe. Will we ever agree on anything!? Freddy winking at the end of JvF? The worst! Give me fake Jason in part 5–Take my eyes–but not that crap! Next you’re going to tell me Jason runs! geez!

By: Chris ver.II Chris ver.II Sat, 05 Dec 2025 21:30:39 +0000 Parts 5 and 8 Parts 5 and 8

By: tommyblah tommyblah Sat, 05 Dec 2025 20:50:14 +0000 when i was a kid seeing them in theaters, i think i hated jx's ending the most & i didn't think part 8's was that bad. now i kinda think JGTH has the worst ending. demons pulling him to hell...what the fuck? despite the rising from the grave stuff, f13th's never touched topics like hell & magic, and it was better that way. i'd have to say if they had used the intended ending of part 8, with jason barfing up child jason, that would be hands down the worst. as it is, it sucks, but it doesn't suck any worse than the 90 minutes leading up to it. when i was a kid seeing them in theaters, i think i hated jx’s ending the most & i didn’t think part 8’s was that bad. now i kinda think JGTH has the worst ending. demons pulling him to hell…what the fuck? despite the rising from the grave stuff, f13th’s never touched topics like hell & magic, and it was better that way.

i’d have to say if they had used the intended ending of part 8, with jason barfing up child jason, that would be hands down the worst. as it is, it sucks, but it doesn’t suck any worse than the 90 minutes leading up to it.
