Friday the 13th 2025 official trailer release confirmed
After a lot of educated guesses by various fans (and some of them correct) Bloody-disgusting has confirmed that the official trailer for the upcoming relaunch of Friday the 13th will be attached theatrically to Lionsgate’s Saw V. Saw V hits theatres on October 24th.
Can’t wait to see it online, hope it appears before Saw V is even out, but we’ll see.
And nice work on the new layout.
Only the blog section of the main page seems blank, but guess it could be a work in progress.
It’s about time we hear something on the trailer. Granted it’s still only the teaser which we all have sort of seen already. By the time Halloween comes out I’m gonna want a full theatrical trailer to hold me over. Hopefully this month the marketing will start a little and the web site will have content. We shall see.
Now i think i’m going to see Saw V in theaters lol
Yeah I’m not a huge fan of the Saw movies. They’re kind of like the Bond movies for me. Every other one is good. But now that the Friday teaser/trailer is attached maybe I’ll go and leave after I’ve seen the trailer… Nah too expensive, so maybe I’ll stay.
The first two Saw films were incredible. 3 was decent but the ending definitely didn’t have the shock factor of the first two. 4 was mediocre, but there was plenty of gore.
I have no real interest in seeing 5.
Cool. Finally it’s confirmed. I don’t give two shits about a Saw 5, but I’ll definately will catch the teaser either at the official site, or on YouTube eve in just regular flashvideo quality.
Bring it on, baby. And yeah, the trailer as well. The teaser seem’d okay form the ComicCon vid, but I want a real trailer to tide me over, as many do.
Awesome news. I can’t wait to see the trailer. I liked the first couple of Saw movies, but they’re starting to slip a little. I’ll watch V on DVD probably.
yeah, The only reason “SAW V” gets this trailer is so the company makes back the money of the already tired “SAW” series. Just like when one of those MATRIX films came out-I only went in to see the FVJ trailer-then walked out! so yeah…
Corey, please don’t mention that disappointment that was FVJ.
Big fan of the friday movies, However can not bring myself to watch this slaughter. NO MORE REMAKES.
Saw WHO ?? Lol. Bring on the trailer !! YEAH !!
And P.S…the site looks good, I like the layout alot. Good work, whomever has gone to the trouble.
Hmmm well personally I feel, why aesthetically pleasing, I find the new layout to be harder to navigate slightly. I need to get used to it. That new chat box doesn’t do anything for me at all unfortunately. Nobody is ever on and when people are on they talk about nothing. Oh well.
oops…I meant “while aesthetically pleasing”
“Hmmm well personally I feel, why aesthetically pleasing, I find the new layout to be harder to navigate slightly. I need to get used to it. That new chat box doesn’t do anything for me at all unfortunately. Nobody is ever on and when people are on they talk about nothing. Oh well.”
Same here. I don’t even care about chat rooms, myself, but to each they’re own.
And yeah, I’ll have to get used to this layout of my favorite site as well.
I truely wouldn’t also mind seeing the old message board make a come back (*crosses figners*) so we can have some non-blog related, off topic discussions about various sequels. Just my two cents. Very few people who are our fellow Voorhees followers from around the world, ever truely wanna keep an IMDB board discussion goin’ on any given thread, and as a result, things are already gettin’ boring over there.
ah well.
ATTENTION! If you want to see the Friday the 13th trailer, but you don’t want to sit through Saw V, I have a GREAT idea: WATCH THE SON OF A BITCH ONLINE ON THE 25TH! I guarantee it won’t be very hard to find. So yeah, stop crying like babies and just watch it online….Jeez.
“ATTENTION! If you want to see the Friday the 13th trailer, but you don’t want to sit through Saw V, I have a GREAT idea: WATCH THE SON OF A BITCH ONLINE ON THE 25TH! I guarantee it won’t be very hard to find. So yeah, stop crying like babies and just watch it online….Jeez.
Hey now, I was one of the first guys, just to note, that mentioned I am gonna catch it online, and not at some dullard Saw 5 screening. Just wanted to say.
I\’ll cry if I want to thank you very much.
And yeah I may watch it online but I have a thing for watching our pal Mr. Voorhees on the BIG screen. So to each their own.
I’m not surprised that they would release the trailer with Saw V since that is the next big horror film to hit the big screen soon and Friday is released 4 months later in Feb.of 2025
I hope it’s the full trailer and not the teaser they showed at Comic Con. I also hope promotions for this movie start soon after Halloween.
only a teaser according to
Corey said “The only reason “SAW V” gets this trailer is so the company makes back the money of the already tired “SAW” series.”
Budget for Saw I-IV = 25.2 million
Worldwide Box Office for Saw I-IV = 555 million
Why would they keep making these shitty movies year after year if they didn’t bring in major dough. Common sense and Wikipedia are your friend.
Hola. Me gustaría saber porque no se ha editado aún el dvd viernes 13 parte 9: Jason va al infierno. gracias.
hola. Me gustaría saber porque no se ha editado aún en España el DVD Viernes 13 parte 9: Jason va al infierno. gracias.