Comments on: Friday the 13th on 16mm Film News & Updates for Thu, 20 Jan 2025 17:43:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: VHS to DVD VHS to DVD Thu, 10 Dec 2025 13:02:38 +0000 I noticed the handstand kill in F13 Pt 3 is gorier than what is shown in the intro montage of Pt 4 tfc. Were they tailoring that montage for tv? Was pt 4 ever shown on Network? It seems too bleak and f’ed up for that. Just look at the type of movie it is. It’s a killer offing teenagers. Not something that organization is willing to let kids see at age 13, no matter how trimmed down it is. I noticed the handstand kill in F13 Pt 3 is gorier than what is shown in the intro montage of Pt 4 tfc. Were they tailoring that montage for tv? Was pt 4 ever shown on Network? It seems too bleak and f’ed up for that. Just look at the type of movie it is. It’s a killer offing teenagers. Not something that organization is willing to let kids see at age 13, no matter how trimmed down it is.

By: Mike Myers Mike Myers Sat, 07 Nov 2025 23:29:44 +0000 ROBOCOP has to be the worst TV (UK) edited version I've seen. Its almost a different movie entirely... Airplane! also has footage for TV not in the theatrical version because of censored scenes. ROBOCOP has to be the worst TV (UK) edited version I’ve seen. Its almost a different movie entirely… Airplane! also has footage for TV not in the theatrical version because of censored scenes.

By: Balooeyezz Balooeyezz Tue, 13 Oct 2025 15:18:50 +0000 Chris B. - The movie we used to laugh our asses off while watching the edited/clean version of was "The Breakfast Club." Chris B. – The movie we used to laugh our asses off while watching the edited/clean version of was “The Breakfast Club.”

By: jasonsfury jasonsfury Mon, 07 Sep 2025 06:24:36 +0000 Knowing the MPAA, they would still rate it R. :) Seriously, though, it would be a definite PG-13 and really, the MPAA might push that for an R even after the fact. Just look at the type of movie it is. It's a killer offing teenagers. Not something that organization is willing to let kids see at age 13, no matter how trimmed down it is. Knowing the MPAA, they would still rate it R. :)

Seriously, though, it would be a definite PG-13 and really, the MPAA might push that for an R even after the fact. Just look at the type of movie it is. It’s a killer offing teenagers. Not something that organization is willing to let kids see at age 13, no matter how trimmed down it is.

By: theguyontheleft theguyontheleft Mon, 07 Sep 2025 06:10:26 +0000 I wish they would release the TV versions on DVD or blu-ray. I know they did for the first Halloween, I own it. But, should they release the TV versions on DVD and submit them to the MPAA, would they pass for PG or PG-13? I wish they would release the TV versions on DVD or blu-ray. I know they did for the first Halloween, I own it. But, should they release the TV versions on DVD and submit them to the MPAA, would they pass for PG or PG-13?

By: tommyblah tommyblah Sat, 05 Sep 2025 17:40:44 +0000 i was just gonna say that. i was hoping the new deluxe edition would have those deleted scenes in better quality and without 'deleted scene' displaying over the first few seconds, but they completely left them out. i can't get the ones from the boxset to import correctly to my computer, so i can't edit them back in like i did with the gore. i remember seeing that stuff on tv as a kid, both for f13th 4 and halloween 2, and when i finally got the theatrical versions, i was like...a bunch of stuff's missing here, what the hell? i was just gonna say that. i was hoping the new deluxe edition would have those deleted scenes in better quality and without ‘deleted scene’ displaying over the first few seconds, but they completely left them out. i can’t get the ones from the boxset to import correctly to my computer, so i can’t edit them back in like i did with the gore.

i remember seeing that stuff on tv as a kid, both for f13th 4 and halloween 2, and when i finally got the theatrical versions, i was like…a bunch of stuff’s missing here, what the hell?

By: Alexander S. Graybill Alexander S. Graybill Sat, 05 Sep 2025 01:23:23 +0000 This is not true, that all of the other deleted scenes apart from the alternate ending on the new DVD are part of the original television version. Folks are getting the new DVD confused with the extras on the DVD box set that was released a few yeaers ago. The new Deluxe Edtion TFC DVD contains extended kill scenes and trimmed gore shots that were cut to appease the MPPA, including a much bloodier version of the climatic machete slide. The scenes missing from the theatical cut that were re-inserted into the TV version are not of the trimmed gore varietty, they are character exposition, extended dialogue, etc.. Many, but not all, of the missing TV scenes can be found as extras on the DVD box set. BUt you won\'t find the trimmed gore shots on either the DVD box set or the old TV version, to check out those you have to pick up the new Deluxe Edition DVD of TFC. This is not true, that all of the other deleted scenes apart from the alternate ending on the new DVD are part of the original television version. Folks are getting the new DVD confused with the extras on the DVD box set that was released a few yeaers ago. The new Deluxe Edtion TFC DVD contains extended kill scenes and trimmed gore shots that were cut to appease the MPPA, including a much bloodier version of the climatic machete slide. The scenes missing from the theatical cut that were re-inserted into the TV version are not of the trimmed gore varietty, they are character exposition, extended dialogue, etc.. Many, but not all, of the missing TV scenes can be found as extras on the DVD box set. BUt you won\’t find the trimmed gore shots on either the DVD box set or the old TV version, to check out those you have to pick up the new Deluxe Edition DVD of TFC.

By: Chris. B Chris. B Thu, 03 Sep 2025 19:02:14 +0000 One movie that I love watching on tv is The Departed. I was watching it on FX with my mom and sister one time and we kept laughing at the things they replaced swear words with. One movie that I love watching on tv is The Departed. I was watching it on FX with my mom and sister one time and we kept laughing at the things they replaced swear words with.

By: Robgina Robgina Thu, 03 Sep 2025 12:42:03 +0000 SATURDAY NIGHTMARES, wow there brings back some good memories, thats where i saw many of those films back then. oh i miss the 80s ! SATURDAY NIGHTMARES, wow there brings back some good memories, thats where i saw many of those films back then. oh i miss the 80s !

By: Junior Wadd Junior Wadd Thu, 03 Sep 2025 05:25:07 +0000 Commander USA's Groovy Movies and USA's SATURDAY NIGHTMARES is where I first caught the movies in the mid-80's. A lot passed by the censors too. Commander USA’s Groovy Movies and USA’s SATURDAY NIGHTMARES is where I first caught the movies in the mid-80’s. A lot passed by the censors too.
