Gentle Giant Studios Animated Jason Voorhees Maquette
Easily one of the most unique Friday the 13th/Jason products available, Gentle Giant brings fans the Animated Jason Voorhees Maquette!
This excellent conceptual statue takes the iconic character Jason Voorhees and paints him in a whole different light. The concept is simple. What would Jason look like if he were brought to us in modern cartoon form.
The statue features somewhat of a Tim Burton animated look featuring Jason carrying a helpless victim off into the woods of Crystal Lake after the slaugther. The sculpt is very unique as this is something that had never been attempted. The concept seems like a very accurate representation of what one may see if this situation became a reality. The paint job is very well done. The colors are much brighter than the attire fans are acustomed to seeing Jason wearing, yet the bright colors work well with what is being accomplished with this piece. Read on for pictures and more!
The look on the face of the young victim is priceless. She is forever frozen in fear from the site of big animated Jason. The Crystal Lake sign lies smashed beneath the heavy step of Jason.
This piece seemed oddly fascinating the moment it was announced and would be a great piece of work to add to the collection of any Friday the 13th fan. Supplies are very limited as this Maquette is limited to only 1000 pieces. Each statue stands 10.5 inches tall and is very solid and heavy. Each box contains a number certificate of authenticity. Gentle Giant studios will continue it’s relationship with the New Line House of Horrors in the coming months with various statues and busts based on Jason, Freddy and Leatherface. Jason will be featured once again in a very nice looking bust from Jason Lives: Friday the 13th part VI.
For more information on this product and more from Gentle Giant, Visit their official site HERE
Whoa, gotta love that last on (the Jason Lives bust). Very cool little item there.
That just looks horrible and anime-esque. There, I said it.
The last picture is nice though.
Both of these have been around a while so why are they just now puting pics up? I’ve been seing both of these on ebay for about a year now.
Yeah a dont like figurines like that style like cartoon dont like . but look nice the desing but i style love the last picture me to.
In response to SplitSkull, I haven’t seen them until now. And not to “start” anything with you, if you go to their website, the “Jason and Victim” Maquette was just released in April…to your credit it has been 4-5 months. But the Jason Lives bust is getting released next month. Like I said, according to the site, and I am not trying to instigate. Hope y’all have a nice day.
Yeah. It was released in April. There was a limited supply and they just recently got more new stock in and now they are gone again as well. ebay is probably the only place you can get them at this time. I’m not sure how many of the 1000 remaining have already left Gentle Giant at this point. But the part VI bust hasn’t been released and won’t be until next month as Adam stated.
Kind of cool. I always thought F13th would be pretty cool if animated! Cartoon Carnage!!!! Wonder why no one has ever approached that idea w/ any of the horror franchises, in this case F13th?
Hey guys: tomarrow I depart for Memphis as my brother Erik is having a traditonal Scottish wedding, and yes, I’m the Best Man (and in a Kilt like many). I’m leaving tomarrow for the Saturday service and I wont be back untill Sunday evening.
Just wanted to explain my absence for a few days.
This is all cool news, but I sort of wish that, for us poster lovers, and I have all of the re-prints off eBay hanging in my master bedroom, that someone whould re-do them as if the include the original *exact* looks and with credits at the bottom. Maybe they’r not allowed to do that, and the re-prints are fine as they are, but I would love to see some *identical* re-prints one of these days, and hope someone does it.
actually this has been around for awhile, I got one for my birthday in June of this year. it is much better in person than pics…and since there are only 1000 that makes it even better.
Captain_brandon1980……welcome to Memphis
Busts and stuff are cool, though but what I would be interested in seeing, and maybe perhaps writing are Friday the 13th novels and more comics. Some of the stuff that I have read in the past are pretty good. Any news if they are going to be doing more novels in the future or more comics? I know they just released the trade paperback to Freddy vs Jason vs Ash and volume 2 of Friday the 13th will be coming out next month. Hopefully they have more stuff coming out when the time of the new movie comes out.
To bk w/special sauce:
I’ve been thruogh Shelpy County/Memphis before. Not really my town, but it’s the biggest city near by that my brother Erik wanted his wedding to be held at. I’m originally from Jackson, Tenn myself, with some childhoood years spent in Shreveport, Louisiana and rural Kennett, Missouri.
Stay cool everyone.
It’s all good Adam. I was exagerating when I sai a year but if want to get technical that’s cool bro lol!! But even still it being around for SEVEN months why are they posting this now?
The Animated one looks too cartoonish, but I guess that’s the point. I like the more serious Jason Lives-one though, great bust.
And speaking of great busts…I remember in Friday the 13th V, I saw at least….
Here is what I found out for the Michigan marathon for AMC theaters. Very expensive so I am still looking into other theaters as well. BigTdoe and Brian let me know if you find anything better and I need to know the amount of people you will be bringing.
Hi Ted!
It was a pleasure speaking with you over the phone today. Here is the pricing information I said I would send you regarding hosting your fundraiser in one of our movie theatres! Let me know if any of these theatres will work for you and then we can pick an auditorium within that theatre that will be best for your group size.
Great Lakes 25
4300 Baldwin Rd
Auburn Hills
Gratiot 21
35705 S Gratiot Ave
Clinton Township
Fairlane 21
18900 Michigan Ave
Grand Rapids 18
3000 Alpine Ave NW
Grand Rapids
Celebration! Woodland Mall
3195 28th Street SE
Grand Rapids
Celebration! Rivertown Mall
3728 River Town Parkway
Holland 8
12271 James St
Laurel Park 10
17310 Laurel Pk Dr N
Livonia 20
19500 Haggerty Rd
John R 15
32289 John R Rd
Madison Heights
Frenchtown Square Mall 8
2121 N. Monroe Street
Meridian Mall 6
1999 Central Park Dr
Rochester Hills 10
200 Barclay Cir
Rochester Hills
Southfield 20
25333 W 12 Mile Rd
Forum 30
44681 Mound Rd
Sterling Heights
Taylor 10
22265 Eureka Rd
Commerce Township Stadium 14
3033 Springvale Drive
Walled Lake
Movies 16
28600 Dequindre Road #1050
To host a Private Screening Event with National Cinemedia and an older film (see below for directions to get the film), you cost would be an hourly auditorium rental rate, plus a $100 projectionist fee per film.
Auditorium Rental: Auditorium rental is a four-wall rental, so despite seat count, the cost will remain the same.
Our auditorium rental rates are below:
6AM – 6PM MON-THURS. $350/HR
6AM – 12PM FRI-SUN $350/HR
6PM – 6 AM MON-THURS $500/HR
12PM – 6AM FRI-SUN $500/HR
Sample Agenda and Pricing for your event on a Friday, February 6th:
4:00pm- Access begins
4:30pm- movies start
10:30pm- Movies end
11pm- Access ends
TOTAL ESTIMATE: $3,500(auditorium rental) + $400($100 each for the projectionist for a 35mm film) =$3900
Directions for Obtain a 35mm print film through SWANK:
1) Log on to
2) Select “Other Group Showings”
3) Select “Newest Movie Releases”
4) Select 35 mm films
5) Scroll through the list of 35 mm films available.
You’ll need to contact swank to book the film. Swank’s phone# 1.800.876.5577. On average, 35 mm film rentals start at about $300.00 (this usually includes delivery to our theaters 24 hours prior to your event).
APPROVAL PROCESS: Once we finalize a proposal and you sign off on it, I then submit your request to our national film office. The film office is the liaison between National Cinemedia and the theatre. They provide approval for all of our events nationwide on both the space and films. We require at least two weeks advance notice to process a request. Approval from our film department generally takes up to 72 hours after I submit a signed proposal.
Event Management Team: After an event is confirmed, it is handed off to our Event Management Team who coordinates all of the logistics of your event! They are the liaison between you and the theatre management, and they work with all of the necessary vendors—this helps you save time and energy! They will also provide you with a 24 X 7 cell phone number should you need anything on the day of your event.
Please let me know if you have any questions or ideas! I would love to earn your business.
Sarah Minor
Event Consultant
National CineMedia
CineMeetings & Events Division
303.792.8875 phone
303.792.8800 fax
Wow that shit’s EXPENSIVE!!!!
Hey, I think its neat. Nice to see the out of the box people taking an interest in producing J products.