Comments on: CONFIRMED New Friday the 13th Retrospective Book! News & Updates for Mon, 13 Dec 2025 15:46:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: kirk magnum kirk magnum Sun, 12 Dec 2025 22:31:31 +0000 Hi David. Hi David.

By: David G. David G. Sat, 11 Dec 2025 15:35:37 +0000 Hi it's David. Yes, check-out my Jamie Lee Curtis book to see the kind of approach I'll take with this project. Regarding all of the previous retrospectives(and I was the first person to ever publish a retrospective on Friday the 13th), I established relationships with alot of key people who've never been interviewed, like Barry Abrams(who became a good friend of mine)and Virginia Field, many others. Anyone know how I can contact Kirk Magnum? I'd be very interested in talking with him. Hi it’s David.

Yes, check-out my Jamie Lee Curtis book to see the kind of approach I’ll take with this project. Regarding all of the previous retrospectives(and I was the first person to ever publish a retrospective on Friday the 13th), I established relationships with alot of key people who’ve never been interviewed, like Barry Abrams(who became a good friend of mine)and Virginia Field, many others.

Anyone know how I can contact Kirk Magnum? I’d be very interested in talking with him.

By: cantbesure cantbesure Sat, 11 Dec 2025 08:17:56 +0000 I welcome the new book as I own a copy of his first book about the series. I enjoyed it. However, I found that there were several factual errors, spelling errors, and many personal opinions by Grove that made it seem less professional than Crystal Lake Memories. I feel he was particularly harsh in his opinions regarding 'The Final Chapter.' I hope these flaws are resolved in his upcoming book. I welcome the new book as I own a copy of his first book about the series. I enjoyed it. However, I found that there were several factual errors, spelling errors, and many personal opinions by Grove that made it seem less professional than Crystal Lake Memories. I feel he was particularly harsh in his opinions regarding ‘The Final Chapter.’ I hope these flaws are resolved in his upcoming book.

By: Christian Sellers Christian Sellers Sat, 11 Dec 2025 06:14:43 +0000 I don't understand why fans either like Crystal Lake Memories or Making Friday the 13th but not both; it's like Elvis and The Beatles all over again. Why can't you like both of them? They were two completely different books. CLM was mostly interviews but was very detailed whilst MF13 was written more as a traditional book. Can't say I have much interest in another one on the first movie but his last F13 book was definitely a great read, as was CLM. Having said that; I'm amazed that the franchise I grew up on that was full of stigma and considered lowbrow and tacky is still being talked about so we should be grateful for that. I don’t understand why fans either like Crystal Lake Memories or Making Friday the 13th but not both; it’s like Elvis and The Beatles all over again. Why can’t you like both of them? They were two completely different books. CLM was mostly interviews but was very detailed whilst MF13 was written more as a traditional book. Can’t say I have much interest in another one on the first movie but his last F13 book was definitely a great read, as was CLM. Having said that; I’m amazed that the franchise I grew up on that was full of stigma and considered lowbrow and tacky is still being talked about so we should be grateful for that.

By: Jimmy Mack Jimmy Mack Fri, 10 Dec 2025 21:02:31 +0000 I enjoyed David's first book and I'm not surprised it's the first film he is revisiting. It's been a while since I've read it but he seemed to me to be much more of a fan of the original movie rather than the series itself. I remember comments about "wearisome sequels" and Part 2 in particular seemed to get an unfair rough ride. Still, it was a good read and anything that in-depth devoted to the series is always welcome. Am astonished that anyone could claim that "Crystal Lake Memories" was a cut'n'paste job. We must have been reading a different book! I enjoyed David’s first book and I’m not surprised it’s the first film he is revisiting. It’s been a while since I’ve read it but he seemed to me to be much more of a fan of the original movie rather than the series itself. I remember comments about “wearisome sequels” and Part 2 in particular seemed to get an unfair rough ride. Still, it was a good read and anything that in-depth devoted to the series is always welcome.

Am astonished that anyone could claim that “Crystal Lake Memories” was a cut’n'paste job. We must have been reading a different book!

By: evilekim evilekim Fri, 10 Dec 2025 20:14:18 +0000 2ndsuitor, you're being sarcastic...still. I can handle it though. Weird comments ;) 2ndsuitor, you’re being sarcastic…still. I can handle it though. Weird comments ;)

By: the2ndsuitor the2ndsuitor Fri, 10 Dec 2025 18:52:28 +0000 @evilekim What makes you say that? @evilekim

What makes you say that?

By: the2ndsuitor the2ndsuitor Fri, 10 Dec 2025 18:51:40 +0000 @Dusk Thanks, but how did you know I cut my chocolate bars with an axe? @Dusk

Thanks, but how did you know I cut my chocolate bars with an axe?

By: David G. David G. Fri, 10 Dec 2025 16:48:03 +0000 Hi it's David. Sounds good, Kirk. It's interesting you mentioned Braden Lutz, who worked very closely with cinematographer Barry Abrams(who's a friend of mine)because Braden died a few years ago. I believe he died from water poisoning or something like that. I spoke to one of his relatives about him a few years ago. How can I get ahold of you, Kirk, for future reference? Hi it’s David. Sounds good, Kirk. It’s interesting you mentioned Braden Lutz, who worked very closely with cinematographer Barry Abrams(who’s a friend of mine)because Braden died a few years ago. I believe he died from water poisoning or something like that. I spoke to one of his relatives about him a few years ago. How can I get ahold of you, Kirk, for future reference?

By: kirk magnum kirk magnum Fri, 10 Dec 2025 06:44:14 +0000 On the above post, why does my name say kik magnum instead of kirk magnum? hummm. On the above post, why does my name say kik magnum instead of kirk magnum? hummm.

By: kik magnum kik magnum Fri, 10 Dec 2025 06:42:52 +0000 I'm totally stocked about this new book! Friday the 13th really set the tone of the 1980's "slashers" and really the "Friday" sequels seem to get more attention than the first one. I have Braden Lutz's script from the first movie and the original first 2 deaths is listed and marked at shot; it's completely different than what is seen in the movie. Presently I'm tracking down photos of the scenes. Who knows, contact me and I can help with photos at least. I have 200 plus b/w behind the scenes and publicity shots. I’m totally stocked about this new book! Friday the 13th really set the tone of the 1980’s “slashers” and really the “Friday” sequels seem to get more attention than the first one.

I have Braden Lutz’s script from the first movie and the original first 2 deaths is listed and marked at shot; it’s completely different than what is seen in the movie. Presently I’m tracking down photos of the scenes.

Who knows, contact me and I can help with photos at least. I have 200 plus b/w behind the scenes and publicity shots.

By: Germaniac Germaniac Fri, 10 Dec 2025 05:31:26 +0000 CLM didn´t ofer anything new? Bracke contucted interviews with alumni´s hat haven´t talked about their involvemnt in the franchise before (to that extent): Glover, Monoson, Shepard, Kozak, Kimmel, the entire cast from JTM etc etc and it dug out exclusice pics that where never senn before (he Mrs Jarvis death make-up, the make-up shots of Crispin Glover, the BTS pics of JL etc). The reason you can find them online now is ecause webmasters scanned those pics from the book after it was released. In short: CLM is the bible for the franchise! Another book that only deals with Part 1? Sorry, but with all the documentaries and the other book on part (by the same author!) that desn´t sound very thrilling. How often can you cover the same material over again? CLM didn´t ofer anything new?
Bracke contucted interviews with alumni´s hat haven´t talked about their involvemnt in the franchise before (to that extent): Glover, Monoson, Shepard, Kozak, Kimmel, the entire cast from JTM etc etc and it dug out exclusice pics that where never senn before (he Mrs Jarvis death make-up, the make-up shots of Crispin Glover, the BTS pics of JL etc). The reason you can find them online now is ecause webmasters scanned those pics from the book after it was released.
In short: CLM is the bible for the franchise!

Another book that only deals with Part 1? Sorry, but with all the documentaries and the other book on part (by the same author!) that desn´t sound very thrilling. How often can you cover the same material over again?

By: Mik(c)a(h) Mik(c)a(h) Fri, 10 Dec 2025 04:02:11 +0000 I hope that doesn't make one of us the Joey Burns of the comments section. I hope that doesn’t make one of us the Joey Burns of the comments section.

By: Dusk Dusk Fri, 10 Dec 2025 01:37:38 +0000 Don't worry none about the2ndsuitor, he's sort of the Victor J. Faden of our comments section here. Don’t worry none about the2ndsuitor, he’s sort of the Victor J. Faden of our comments section here.

By: David G. David G. Fri, 10 Dec 2025 00:40:57 +0000 Hi. This book will be to the making of Friday the 13th what David Szulkin's Last House on the Left book was to the making of that film, but even moreso. If you get a chance, check-out my new Jamie Lee Curtis biography, Jamie Lee Curtis: Scream Queen, which covers the making of all of her classic horror films. The first film, Friday the 13th, is a film I love very much, and which I think is a classic and deserves to have a book all its own. Hi. This book will be to the making of Friday the 13th what David Szulkin’s Last House on the Left book was to the making of that film, but even moreso. If you get a chance, check-out my new Jamie Lee Curtis biography, Jamie Lee Curtis: Scream Queen, which covers the making of all of her classic horror films. The first film, Friday the 13th, is a film I love very much, and which I think is a classic and deserves to have a book all its own.
