Comments on: Rumor Control: Sequel Date Not Confirmed For July 13, 2025 News & Updates for Fri, 10 Dec 2025 23:06:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Josh Josh Thu, 14 Oct 2025 04:23:35 +0000 The first remake certainly made money, so it is surprising that they didn't crank out a sequel right away (the nature of the Hollywood beast), but I'm not sure I want one. I don't think the remake was that good, and I can't imagine if we have the same people responsible that we're going to be wowed out of the room by a sequel. No doubt, I'm in the minority, but they haven't really gotten this formula right in quite some time. I'll just make another fan flick to make the sequels I want to see. The first remake certainly made money, so it is surprising that they didn’t crank out a sequel right away (the nature of the Hollywood beast), but I’m not sure I want one. I don’t think the remake was that good, and I can’t imagine if we have the same people responsible that we’re going to be wowed out of the room by a sequel.

No doubt, I’m in the minority, but they haven’t really gotten this formula right in quite some time. I’ll just make another fan flick to make the sequels I want to see.

By: wherespamelashead wherespamelashead Thu, 23 Sep 2025 01:27:48 +0000 @letsplayhidethemachete You're spot on. I wish they would go back to what made many of the movies (Halloween & Friday the 13th) a success in the first place. I think it's the thriller aspect that mixes with the gore. The first's were all "realistic." Counselors were setting up a camp, and then mysterious deaths occur slowly in a classic "scary setting -- at night in a forest during a storm." The stuff of the first movies were events that "could happen" and are things that kids are afraid of when they go to a camp. I'd like to see more realistic suspense and less blunt killing. For example, in the first movie in the bathroom, you have the shower curtain moving and you see a hand.. you don't know if someone's about to die. Then there's a dead body on the top bunk while some teens are having sex. All of this was made with a low budget, just like Halloween. You don't need tons of money to throw some kids in a forest and then kill them. Also, having a immortal Jason that can transport like in part 8 is a little much or one that can transport through different bodies (JGTH). It is a lot more exciting when you think the guy could die (the first 3 Fri the 13ths and the first Halloween), although unlikely. Of course it's still great to make him a bad@ss. Regardless, I'd like to just see another movie... even if it's done poorly... just don't put Jason in space again. @letsplayhidethemachete You’re spot on. I wish they would go back to what made many of the movies (Halloween & Friday the 13th) a success in the first place. I think it’s the thriller aspect that mixes with the gore. The first’s were all “realistic.” Counselors were setting up a camp, and then mysterious deaths occur slowly in a classic “scary setting — at night in a forest during a storm.” The stuff of the first movies were events that “could happen” and are things that kids are afraid of when they go to a camp. I’d like to see more realistic suspense and less blunt killing. For example, in the first movie in the bathroom, you have the shower curtain moving and you see a hand.. you don’t know if someone’s about to die. Then there’s a dead body on the top bunk while some teens are having sex. All of this was made with a low budget, just like Halloween. You don’t need tons of money to throw some kids in a forest and then kill them. Also, having a immortal Jason that can transport like in part 8 is a little much or one that can transport through different bodies (JGTH). It is a lot more exciting when you think the guy could die (the first 3 Fri the 13ths and the first Halloween), although unlikely. Of course it’s still great to make him a bad@ss.

Regardless, I’d like to just see another movie… even if it’s done poorly… just don’t put Jason in space again.

By: jasonsfury jasonsfury Fri, 17 Sep 2025 03:35:06 +0000 I hope that a new movie just gets made! :) I hope that a new movie just gets made! :)

By: jiro jiro Fri, 17 Sep 2025 03:19:44 +0000 @letsplayhidethemachete,amen brother!I think it's pretty bad though,when us as fan's can remember every little inkling of the series.All of a sudden they throw in a director who doesn't know jack about it,to direct it.???????????,anyway's,maybe will get lucky and have the director of the sitcom tv series (fullhouse to direct this one).lol.but seriously i'm sorry for the sarcasim but we defianately need a true hardcore fan to rationalize this,that can possible put this over the top. @letsplayhidethemachete,amen brother!I think it’s pretty bad though,when us as fan’s can remember every little inkling of the series.All of a sudden they throw in a director who doesn’t know jack about it,to direct it.???????????,anyway’s,maybe will get lucky and have the director of the sitcom tv series (fullhouse to direct this one).lol.but seriously i’m sorry for the sarcasim but we defianately need a true hardcore fan to rationalize this,that can possible put this over the top.

By: Cat Cat Sat, 04 Sep 2025 12:20:24 +0000 I have let JasonFury know, and he doesnt want us too think yes!!! BECAUSE it could off been changed my fans and he doesnt trust Wikiedia or the other comany that involved in the info, so very sorry!! I have let JasonFury know, and he doesnt want us too think yes!!! BECAUSE it could off been changed my fans and he doesnt trust Wikiedia or the other comany that involved in the info, so very sorry!!

By: Chris ver. II Chris ver. II Fri, 03 Sep 2025 01:10:38 +0000 Oh come on, I need my Jason fix! Oh come on, I need my Jason fix!

By: Cat Cat Mon, 30 Aug 2025 09:14:31 +0000 Same here!!!lol Same here!!!lol

By: CJ CJ Mon, 30 Aug 2025 03:01:44 +0000 i can't wait that long lol i can’t wait that long lol

By: Cat Cat Sun, 29 Aug 2025 19:34:41 +0000 I saw this on his wikepedia bio page!! And i guess 2025 sounds right for the frangise, cause it has 13 in it!!!!!!!!! I saw this on his wikepedia bio page!!
And i guess 2025 sounds right for the frangise, cause it has 13 in it!!!!!!!!!


By: mike mike Sun, 22 Aug 2025 22:44:42 +0000 once again false rumors once again false rumors

By: MLC MLC Fri, 20 Aug 2025 21:23:33 +0000 Totally agree with you letsplayhidethemachete! Totally agree with you letsplayhidethemachete!

By: letsplayhidethemachete letsplayhidethemachete Fri, 20 Aug 2025 18:13:45 +0000 Apparently the almighty dollar trumps talent in Hollywood. Most of us here agree, if we had access to cast, crew and budget, we (as fans) could produce the best friday film yet. How the producers of the remake-Form and Fuller right?-can call themselves fans and make such a dilluted, watered down (I won't say piece of crap b/c I am a fan therefore it is on my shelf, I paid to see it in theaters and I bought the DVD) movie is beyond me. The "reboot" was missing something big time. The 80's Friday series had that gnarly gritty look and prolonged build-up of suspense. Not to mention Manfredini's all-important score. The reboot just threw you right into it. I mean, come on. The beginning with Mrs. Voorhees? Blink and you miss it. I know some of today's audinece may have A.D.D. and want to get right to the point (no offense), but come on. There's a way to do that while giving it some depth. After seeing how Rob Zombie nearly butchered Michael Myers in H2, it bugs me how brazen producers and filmakers are getting when it comes to our favorite horror icons. Change is good, I agree big time. Nobody wants the same ol' same ol', but I wouldn't watch a Child's Play flick where chucky jumps into a human body in the first five minutes. Change to these characters should be subtle-not dramatic. Subtley is effective. Hollywood, are ya listening? Leatherface, Michael Myers, Jason voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Chucky, Pinhead-these guys are our Universal Monsters. To paraphrase Otis From the Devil's Rejects, "When it comes to sequels, I lower my expectations so I'm not so disappointed." I thought that strategy would work, but after seeing Nightmare on Elm street...not meaning to bitch, but how hard is it to make a kick ass-I mean really kick ass-movie with some imagination-some guts? Sorry for the rant. Had to get it out there to those like-minded fans. And despite it all, I can't wait for the Friday sequel-in hopes the filmakers will fially get it and do it right. Apparently the almighty dollar trumps talent in Hollywood. Most of us here agree, if we had access to cast, crew and budget, we (as fans) could produce the best friday film yet. How the producers of the remake-Form and Fuller right?-can call themselves fans and make such a dilluted, watered down (I won’t say piece of crap b/c I am a fan therefore it is on my shelf, I paid to see it in theaters and I bought the DVD) movie is beyond me. The “reboot” was missing something big time. The 80’s Friday series had that gnarly gritty look and prolonged build-up of suspense. Not to mention Manfredini’s all-important score. The reboot just threw you right into it. I mean, come on. The beginning with Mrs. Voorhees? Blink and you miss it. I know some of today’s audinece may have A.D.D. and want to get right to the point (no offense), but come on. There’s a way to do that while giving it some depth. After seeing how Rob Zombie nearly butchered Michael Myers in H2, it bugs me how brazen producers and filmakers are getting when it comes to our favorite horror icons. Change is good, I agree big time. Nobody wants the same ol’ same ol’, but I wouldn’t watch a Child’s Play flick where chucky jumps into a human body in the first five minutes. Change to these characters should be subtle-not dramatic. Subtley is effective. Hollywood, are ya listening? Leatherface, Michael Myers, Jason voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Chucky, Pinhead-these guys are our Universal Monsters. To paraphrase Otis From the Devil’s Rejects, “When it comes to sequels, I lower my expectations so I’m not so disappointed.” I thought that strategy would work, but after seeing Nightmare on Elm street…not meaning to bitch, but how hard is it to make a kick ass-I mean really kick ass-movie with some imagination-some guts? Sorry for the rant. Had to get it out there to those like-minded fans. And despite it all, I can’t wait for the Friday sequel-in hopes the filmakers will fially get it and do it right.

By: Rogger Rogger Fri, 20 Aug 2025 08:32:59 +0000 Make a sequel to the faster Make a sequel to the faster

By: MLC MLC Thu, 19 Aug 2025 15:31:37 +0000 I think it's time to make a BIG Friday the 13th movie for once in years... I mean, remember what Ty West did with his "The house of the devil"?, it's a film shot in 2025 I think, and its story is set in 80's and in fact it looks like a real 80's movie!... Why not making it with the next Friday the 13th movie?... even without setting it in the 80's, they should make it "the old school" way, I mean, like the four first films... IS THAT HARD TO MAKE IT?? I think it’s time to make a BIG Friday the 13th movie for once in years… I mean, remember what Ty West did with his “The house of the devil”?, it’s a film shot in 2025 I think, and its story is set in 80’s and in fact it looks like a real 80’s movie!… Why not making it with the next Friday the 13th movie?… even without setting it in the 80’s, they should make it “the old school” way, I mean, like the four first films… IS THAT HARD TO MAKE IT??
