Friday The 13th Blog » Harry Manfredini News & Updates for Thu, 23 Sep 2025 17:09:15 +0000 en hourly 1 See Harry Manfredini’s New Movie This April Tue, 09 Feb 2025 04:15:07 +0000 jasonsfury blackwatersHarry helped score this new movie called “The Black Waters of Echo’s Pond”. The movie premiered last year and is now receiving a proper release on April 9th, according to the official Facebook Page. The movie stars Robert Patrick (Terminator 2, X-Files), Danielle Harris (Halloween 4 and 5, RZ’s Halloween and Halloween 2) and Friday the 13th 2025 alumn Nick Minnell (Whitney’s boyfriend Mike). Here is what director Gabriel Bologna and Mr. Manfredini have in store for you horror fanatics.

Nine friends take a holiday at a Victorian home on a private island and uncover a game that when played brings out the worst in each of them. Jealously, greed, hatred, lust, all of the things they keep buried deep inside themselves rise to the surface and come to a boil. The Black Waters of Echo’s Pond shows those who look into it what they want to see… but what you want to see isn’t always the truth.

For more information, check out Let’s go out and support Harry’s work and hopefully get an entertaining horror movie in the process.

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Harry Manfredini Willing to Come Back To Franchise Wed, 18 Nov 2025 19:22:02 +0000 jasonsfury manfrediniIn a very recent interview conducted by Mark Morton that was posted this past Friday the 13th at, Harry discusses his evolution of composing going from the original Friday the 13th to Swamp Thing to Deep Star Six to Jason X and then to more recent movies like Choker.

Thanks to Mark for sharing his interview. Read below to see what Harry had to say about rejoining the franchise and for the full article click on the website link above.


“Were you even approached to be involved with the remake?

I think a lot of fans were asking for me, and I definitely would have done it if someone had asked me. But I think that the powers-that-be felt that it was going to be a whole new Jason. They didn’t even use Kane [Hodder] or the guy from Freddy vs. Jason [Ken Kirzinger]. They used somebody else completely, and they also went with a different composer [Brian Tyler].

Now, I haven’t seen the movie, nor do I know what the music sounds like. I was getting phone calls like crazy when it came out from people saying, “this is all screwed up,” “this doesn’t make any sense,” “Jason doesn’t run,” and whatever else bothered them. And they didn’t seem to like the music at all – at least the hardcore fans. I know there is a big push from a lot of fans to have me back for the new one next year. Like I said, I’d be more than happy to do it. I would have also been happy to do that last one, too! But those are things that are not in my control.”

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Contest: Win Rare Friday the 13th LP Soundtrack From 1982 Fri, 13 Nov 2025 08:19:08 +0000 jasonsfury Well, since it is Friday the 13th I decided to run a contest. For those of you that have an interest in acquiring a piece of Friday the 13th history, look no further. This LP was released in 1982 and contains music written by Harry Manfredini that was included in the first three movies. The front and back cover art is displayed in 3D and requires the red/blue 3D glasses to view it as such. Those glasses will be provided as part of this contest. If you are interested, please read the rules below.



In order to participate in this contest, you must do the following:
1. Create a Friday the 13th mix audio clip. You must use music that was composed by either Harry Manfredini, Fred Mollin, or Steve Jablonksi from the Friday the 13th films. As an extra creative bonus, you can also throw in audio dialogue excerpts from the films. Be creative. The more creative the mix, the better your chances of winning.

2. Give your audio clip a creative title. It can be anything you like. The more relevant to your audio piece the better. Remember, the more creative the better.

3. Send an email with either a link to your audio clip or an audio clip attachment along with your name and physical mailing address to Please include “LP Soundtrack Contest” in the Subject line of the email.

Entries will be accepted up to Sunday December 6th. The winner will be announced the following week and their audio mix displayed on the website. If you have any questions send me an email. Good Luck to all and have fun!

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New Interview With Harry Manfredini Wed, 02 Sep 2025 04:13:05 +0000 jasonsfury manfredini

Steve De Roover is back with a brand new interview with legendary composer Harry Manfredini. Read Harry’s thoughts below and don’t forget to check out and for great information on all things cinema.

1) How did you get involved in the scoring-business and of course in Friday the 13th?
I always wanted to score films from when I was very young.  There was something about it that just fascinated me I guess.  It took a long time for me to even get there.  When I was going to school in New York, the opportunity came up for me to do some film music and I was on my way.   Started with doing many short childrens films which were quite successful.   One of my directors, Gary Templeton, was connected in some way with Sean Cunningham who was doing some films, and I got to meet him, and did a couple of films for him before we hit on Friday the 13th…. And the rest is history I guess.
2) Next year Friday The 13th will celebrate its 30th anniversary. What is the enduring appeal in this film and the following franchise?
I guess it is just our enjoyment of fear and the u nknown.  The films were simple, but they worked on the level of the fan base I guess.  I think fans would go, and then bring their pals, and watch their pals get scared. I don’t think there is any kind of secret as to how it worked.  Jason is kind of like having a visit with an old friend who stops by now and then.. a crazed killer
Friend, but still an old pal. 
3) Were you aware at the time that you were working on something special?
No.  I don’t think anyone envisioned what it has become. 
4) Did the huge success of Friday the 13th opened doors for you?
Friday the 13th opened doors.  And I suppose closed some as well.  At the time it surely put me on the map, and it opened other film offers. At the same time, it stereotyped me into being a horror guy.  It was early on in my career. So as a film composer I have had to find ways to get other genres into my resume. All things being said, it opened doors, and gave me the career I wanted for so long. I am grateful.
5) You did write the famous ‘Ki Ki Ki – Ma ma ma’-sample and the iconic score for Friday The 13th. Every Friday-fan does now by now what the sample means, but it always struck me as if you were influenced by Bernard Hermann of Psycho-fame. Am I right about that and if not what are your biggest influences?
Well, first of all, it is almost impossible to write almost any film score and not be influenced by Bernard Herrmann.   His fame and musical stature goes far, far beyond Psycho. Of course I know his music and have studied numerous scores he has written. At the time of writing Friday, I was studying Jerry Goldsmiths Score to COMA, and also the music of Kristov Penderecki, both of whom influenced the score to Friday the 13th as well. The Penderecki being one of the main influences of the so called “jason sound” to which you spoke. 
6) You also did the soundtrack for the following parts except Part 8. I personally love the score for parts III and VI, because these have a different vibe then the others. Can you explain how those scores came about?
Well, I also did not do the score to VII. I think they reused some of my earlier scores in places, but I did not do the whole score.  I was doing another picture at the time of 7, and I think the same on 8. So that was one reason. I also seem to remember that these films had a Canadian content contract and so it was to their advantage to use a Canadian composer. I think Fred Mollin did the scores.  Nicely done, I might add. 
And Thanks for those nice words about III and VI.
7) You also were involved in other classic horror films like Swamp Thing, House, The Hills Have Eyes II, Slaughter High and Deep Star Six. Some of these are also from Sean S. Cunningham. What is your relation with Mister Cunningham and how is it to work with him and Mister Craven?
These are two very smart and talented people.  I think many fans would love to know that even though they are horror icons, they both have amazing senses of humor.  I blesses to know each of them…
9) Explain also your experiences of working on these classic genre films?
It is nice to have that backward perspective.  I don’t think any of these were classic genre films when I was working on them. They may have become classics, but not at the outset.  Every film has its own journey.  I think my approach is the same for all films, to find the character, and subplots, the form and textures, the shape and substance, and the intentions of the director.  If they become classics, then I guess we all did our work properly. I enjoy every film I score.   
10) Do you have affection for the horror genre? And if so, why is that?
It may or may not surprise you, but I am not huge horror fan. Don’t get me wrong, I like a good horror film. What I do like about horror films, or should I say, scoring horror films, is that it is a wide-open palette of musical possibilities.  All bets are off, and you can write and go for anything that crosses your mind, or ear. From the farthest out aleatoric music, music concrete, to just silence. Yes, silence is a big part of a score.
11) After Friday The 13th Part VIII the franchise went to New Line. You composed totally different kind of scores for Jason Goes to Hell and Jason X. Why this departure and what were the differences to work under New Line instead of Paramount?
As far as New Line vs Paramount, there was no difference at all.  The differences in the scores should be pretty obvious in that they were both pretty different films from the previous films.  
12) Why weren’t you involved on Freddy vs. Jason and the Friday The 13th reboot? What did you think of the scores of these new movies?
I don’t know the answer to this question. This is something you should ask the producers or directors of those films. I did not see or hear either of them, so I cant honestly comment on either scores.
13) You did also other well-known movies like Kickboxer III and Iron Eagle III. What is your favourite movie on which you worked and what is your favourite score?
Every film I do is a fav. I know that is a cliché, but I think it is true to some extent. Every film has its own fun for me.  Iron Eagle, had its big military march and action, House and House 2 had baby pteradactyls and worm dogs, old cowboys, a gun, a car, a blonde and ofcourse Aztecs. Let me play my sax in a film noir setting!  Many of the Lifetime films I have done give me a chance to be dramatic and tender. So you see they all have their qualities. 
14) What will the future bring for you? Can you enlighten us about some of your upcoming projects?
I have a number of films in the future. A couple of horror films,  a psychological thriller and a horror comedy. I just finished something called The Black Waters of Echos Pond. Kind of a Jumanji meets Psycho. 
Thanks for your time!
Thanks for asking me for the interview.  I hope these help

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