Friday The 13th Blog » Masks Nothing This Evil Ever Dies... Mon, 20 Jun 2025 02:32:32 +0000 en hourly 1 Web Series Masks Revealed, Sort Of Fri, 03 Jun 2025 11:46:54 +0000 Dusk

If you haven’t jumped on board Friday the 13th: The Obsession, you’re missing out. While we wait for a new official film, this professionally-shot web series promises a solid continuing storyline. From my vantage point it seems in the vein of New Nightmare.

Producer Tim Whitfield has released a photo of the four different Jason hockey masks that will be used – well, three of them with the forth blurred-out for now (click the image above). Can you match the masks up with the existing sequels they’re modeled after or inspired by? I have a fairly good idea, but I know a lot of you out there are really into the whole “hock” scene (of which lack of disposable income precludes me from giving a shit about) so could make a more educated guess.

The cool thing about these masks is that some or all may be worn by either Jason or the main female. Can’t wait to find out – the series begins rolling in a week or two!

While this is being made directly for the fans, I can’t help but recall a web short for a Mortal Kombat movie pitch lead to an official web series by Warner Bros for that franchise, now playing – will this wake up the same company to the talent at Timberwolf West? I wish. has an associate producer credit on the series, as a contributor to the successful Kickstarter funding campaign.

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Maskworks’ Campfire Legend Boasts Retro Jason Mon, 22 Nov 2025 16:32:09 +0000 jasonsfury There has been a bit of a renassaince in the likeness of Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th Part 2. We have seen a lot of masks, busts and lifesize Jason dummies created of late for the man known as ‘Hillbilly’ Jason. Recently, Maskworks have acquired the mold for Campfire Legend which was created by Dead End Hollow. The mold is indeed for the likeness of Jason from Part 2 and now Maskworks has added their own finishing touches.

The photos below are of a foam filled bust that has hair added and very fine details painted on. The eyes and teeth look fantastic. If interested in finding out more, visit the Facebook page for the answers that you seek.

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Jason From ‘Freddy vs Jason vs Ash’ Comics Sat, 18 Sep 2025 04:28:28 +0000 jasonsfury The first comic series of the Freddy vs Jason vs Ash saga left Jason Voorhees without the bottom part of his hock. I always thought that look of Jason was awesome and could easily imagine it used in a feature film. However, getting a real good thought of what the new look would look like in real life is always tricky. Well, DWN Productions has created a very accurate rendition of Jason’s look from the comics and, in my mind, should really be used in a sequel at some point. Jason just looks plain mean and vicious.

View some great shots of DWN’s mask below and visit their website for more details on this very unique version of Jason Voorhees!

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Red 7 Hockey Mask Offers Cheaper Alternative Thu, 15 Jul 2025 11:05:50 +0000 jasonsfury We brought you news on the ‘Black 7‘ replica hockey mask made from the screen used mask from ‘The New Blood‘ a few months ago and it was a huge hit with collectors. One problem for some fans about the mask, however, was the $300 price tag. Well, now Mario Kirner is offering blanks of these highly sought after masks at a cheaper price of $130. Here is what Mario has to say about his latest release of the mask:

Hey guys, the ultimate part 7 blanks just entered the collectors world! RED SEVEN! Same as with the BLACK SEVEN, these blanks come directly from the mold of the screen used mask. If you want to give it your own paint job or simply want to have an “as close as possible” blank on display by it`s own, go for this very exclusive run of blanks! Usual for blanks, they come without the holes drilled out, still in a rough shape and unpainted. It`s up to you to bring it to live the way you like it best!

The detail is amazing.. even the paint of the chevron is shaped through. The blanks are not simply vacuum pulled from a positive that was made from a negative etc. but was casted directly from the screen used hero mask and so kept all the details!! The first lay was done in white plastic, so the survace is ready to be painted. The second, third and fourth lay is red.. deep bloody red!

These blanks are produced in a run of only 25 masks and will hit Ebay tomorrow for a very reasonable price.

So, if you want to own of these exact replica mask, visit the eBay auction below.

 Good luck to everyone in owning a truly remarkable piece of memoribilia.

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Custom Hock Stand Shows Off Vintage Jason Fri, 02 Jul 2025 05:11:30 +0000 jasonsfury When Director Ron McLellen is taking a break from working on this fan film, “The Man In The Lake”, he likes to create custom Hockey masks stands to display his collection. Well, recently he created a stunning display stand for his hockey mask representing “The Final Chapter”. Check out the weapons that are attached to the wood stand and the custom Friday the 13th title displayed on the front. It’s a beautiful display and is perfect for anyone who wants to display there hockey masks.

Perhaps Ron would be willing to take commissions for creating these for fans who own hockey masks? In the mean time, check out Ron’s website, for all things horror.

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Get “Hillbilly” Jason At Camp Blood Mon, 14 Jun 2025 00:10:32 +0000 jasonsfury Ari Lehman (Jason Vorhees, Friday the 13th 1980) is offering an opportunity to own a very cool Jason Voorhees bust from Part 2 at a lower price for fans that are attending the Camp Blood Friday the 30th Reunion. Read the information given by Ari below if you are attending Camp Blood in August and are interested in purchasing this very life like bust!

I am now taking Pre-Orders for these TOP-QUALITY FIBERGLASS JASON 2 HEADS.

Life size, Fiberglass, Comes with Glass eyes, hand laid Beard Stubble, Synthetic human hair, and all hand painted, the realisim is extremely creepy! Comes with DISPLAY STAND.

I am taking exclusive Pre-Orders for these fine collectibles to be delivered directly to CAMP BLOOD to be signed by the Jasons of your choice!

I will sign the heads for FREE at CAMP BLOOD…

These collector-quality busts will be going FAST so order yours today and pick it up at CAMP BLOOD!

Those who are not attending CAMP BLOOD must wait until they become available at my website STORE.

If you are interested in ordering one or more please contact me right away at:

The current CAMP BLOOD SPECIAL price is $250. After we sell out of this limited edition the price goes up! The same item has been getting $400+ on the internet sales networks!

The heads will be shipped directly to CAMP BLOOD for ONLY for those who order NOW while supplies last! ORDER YOURS TODAY!!!

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A Completely “Hideous Looking Man” Thu, 03 Jun 2025 01:41:34 +0000 jasonsfury Crash Cunningham offered his first run of his Part 3 “Hideous Looking Man” bust for purchase in February and sold out very fast. Crash recently posted pictures of the finished bust and it is nothing short of spectacular. No detail has been missed and if you looked at a close-up picture of this piece, you might actually think you were looking at a picture of Jason on set in 1982! Check out the images below and if you’re interested in a second run of this bust, visit his website

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Beware Monster Asylum’s “Killing Machine” Thu, 27 May 2025 04:52:41 +0000 jasonsfury Monster Asylum has been responsible for a number of high-end sculptures that represent  many horror genre films and their characters. These sculptures are made for movies from past to present. The man behind Monster Asylum, Jonathan Fuller, is now offering his visual representation of Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th (2009). His new bust, titled “Killing Machine”, is screen accurate in design and would be a great addition to anyone’s memoribilia collection. The cost for this piece is $400 plus shipping. The shirt in the pictures below is not included normally, but will be included in eBay sales.

If you are interested, visit the Monster Asylum website or contact Jonathan Fuller directly at Take a look at the photos below and see Jason Voorhees up close once again.

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Replica Hocks Take Step Up To “Hero Collection” Tue, 25 May 2025 13:12:38 +0000 jasonsfury Known to many in the mask collecting community as Lars10, his replica hockey masks are fast becoming the most accurate in the community. To date, he has created two of the most authentic looking hockey masks for Freddy vs Jason and Friday the 13th (2009). These two masks have been put into what is being called the “Hero Collection”. These masks have been recreated with every conceivable detail in mind. Every scratch, chip and scuff mark has been detailed into these masks and the result is nothing short of amazing.

Check out the pictures of the masks below and compare for yourself. Look for more masks to be created by Lars10 in the future. For more information on these masks or to ask about purchasing, please email

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Opportunity For “Black 7″ Now On eBay Wed, 19 May 2025 03:31:20 +0000 jasonsfury We first mentioned this replica hockey mask back in March and they were being offered independantly by request via email. Now Mario Kirner is offering three of these masks at eBay as a Buy It Now option. If interested, check out the eBay listing and read the promotional ad below for all of the details!


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