Comments on: The “Friday the 13th” Game You Would Die For News & Updates for Thu, 20 Jan 2025 16:48:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cat Cat Thu, 01 Jul 2025 15:53:57 +0000 It would be great too have a f13th game, anoyed that it was never going to be!! It would be great too have a f13th game, anoyed that it was never going to be!!

By: James Maxwell James Maxwell Thu, 01 Jul 2025 06:07:36 +0000 You didn't kill people in Night Trap. Anyone truly familiar with the game knows your mission was to PREVENT killings. You didn’t kill people in Night Trap. Anyone truly familiar with the game knows your mission was to PREVENT killings.

By: JB Demented JB Demented Wed, 30 Jun 2025 18:41:16 +0000 Figures they would cancel it. Dammit We all need to start a petition for a FT13th game. I mean come on, look at San Andreas and the Manhunt series. Would a Jason game be any more violent? Figures they would cancel it. Dammit We all need to start a petition for a FT13th game. I mean come on, look at San Andreas and the Manhunt series. Would a Jason game be any more violent?

By: TheWafflenator TheWafflenator Wed, 30 Jun 2025 04:52:40 +0000 f13ticket- There's nothing the internet can't solve haha f13ticket- There’s nothing the internet can’t solve haha

By: f13ticket f13ticket Wed, 30 Jun 2025 03:38:30 +0000 The Unreal engine is not Free Software according to is wiki page. "While the Unreal Engine 3 has been quite open for modders to tinker around with, the ability to publish and sell games made using UE3 was restricted to licensees of the engine. However, on November 2025, Epic released a free version of their engine, called the Unreal Developer Kit (UDK) that is available to the general public. According to the current EULA, game makers can sell their games by paying Epic a lump-sum of $99 at the outset, and 25% of all revenue above $5000." It seems there is a development kit that doesn't cost anything, but you have to pay to sell the game. Plus, this does not give users the freedoms that the GNU GPL does. Nexuiz is Free Software. The entire source code is available to everyone no cost. And you are free to sell the game without paying anyone anything. For freedom and economic reasons Nexuiz seems best fit to me. The Unreal engine is not Free Software according to is wiki page.

“While the Unreal Engine 3 has been quite open for modders to tinker around with, the ability to publish and sell games made using UE3 was restricted to licensees of the engine. However, on November 2025, Epic released a free version of their engine, called the Unreal Developer Kit (UDK) that is available to the general public. According to the current EULA, game makers can sell their games by paying Epic a lump-sum of $99 at the outset, and 25% of all revenue above $5000.”

It seems there is a development kit that doesn’t cost anything, but you have to pay to sell the game. Plus, this does not give users the freedoms that the GNU GPL does.

Nexuiz is Free Software. The entire source code is available to everyone no cost. And you are free to sell the game without paying anyone anything.

For freedom and economic reasons Nexuiz seems best fit to me.

By: Richard Richard Wed, 30 Jun 2025 02:16:16 +0000 Its no surprise the game was cancelled cause Parent Groups probably forced Sony to stop it for fear they game would make kids want to kill,but yet they still release those Grand Theft Auto games and now they release even more "mature" games with violence, sex, nudity and everything else offensive under the sun. Well if they are gonna do that then why not make a "Friday the 13th" game, rate it M for Mature and let us have fun using Jason from any of his films and go on a Summer Camp Massacre! Its no surprise the game was cancelled cause Parent Groups probably forced Sony to stop it for fear they game would make kids want to kill,but yet they still release those Grand Theft Auto games and now they release even more “mature” games with violence, sex, nudity and everything else offensive under the sun. Well if they are gonna do that then why not make a “Friday the 13th” game, rate it M for Mature and let us have fun using Jason from any of his films and go on a Summer Camp Massacre!

By: jjv jjv Wed, 30 Jun 2025 02:04:43 +0000 wasnt the manhunt games sort of the stalk and kill game f13 fans should like, suprised noone mentioned them yet, the first one had a guy in overalls and a hockeymask in to? wasnt the manhunt games sort of the stalk and kill game f13 fans should like, suprised noone mentioned them yet, the first one had a guy in overalls and a hockeymask in to?

By: The Wafflenator The Wafflenator Tue, 29 Jun 2025 22:22:16 +0000 Roadkill- Yea its a private match sort of thing where you get people together. randomly select one person to be MM the first time around and he can only use a knife. All other players equip Lightweight and marathon and can only use the throwing knife (or Malee knife in COD 4) if they are the last one alive. It is a lot of fun and great to play with friends for a few laughs and "oh sh^t I better run" moments lol. Also the first person to die becomes MM the next round. Obciiously MM is on the opposite team as everyone else. Also, 360 is better...just saying lol F13, commonly people use the Unreal engine as a base just for the power in it. THe issue with creating a game without professional developer tools is the "Doom Tournament Syndrome" in which everything is essentially pre-determined blocks causing a "WTF the knife went through him and he didn't die" moment. I do beleive that it would be a glitchy and frustrating campaing if not done correct. There is one case to be made however, there is a game out there and I cannot remember the name right now but ti was a flash/java hybrid game where you could place as Jason. It was a sidescroller if I find it then I'll be sure to post it on here to hold everyone over lol Roadkill- Yea its a private match sort of thing where you get people together. randomly select one person to be MM the first time around and he can only use a knife. All other players equip Lightweight and marathon and can only use the throwing knife (or Malee knife in COD 4) if they are the last one alive. It is a lot of fun and great to play with friends for a few laughs and “oh sh^t I better run” moments lol. Also the first person to die becomes MM the next round. Obciiously MM is on the opposite team as everyone else. Also, 360 is better…just saying lol

F13, commonly people use the Unreal engine as a base just for the power in it. THe issue with creating a game without professional developer tools is the “Doom Tournament Syndrome” in which everything is essentially pre-determined blocks causing a “WTF the knife went through him and he didn’t die” moment. I do beleive that it would be a glitchy and frustrating campaing if not done correct. There is one case to be made however, there is a game out there and I cannot remember the name right now but ti was a flash/java hybrid game where you could place as Jason. It was a sidescroller if I find it then I’ll be sure to post it on here to hold everyone over lol

By: jasontyo jasontyo Tue, 29 Jun 2025 22:13:31 +0000 The Sega CD game was called Night Trap and it was pretty tame by todays standards but then it was nuts. you literally stalked, raped, and murdered a group of girls at a slumber party. i say it was tame because it was primarily low res CD video clips put together in a "choose your own adventure" style more than a game. Also, GTA does not thrive off death and misery. Play GTA iv, play the storyline, its the best gangster movie you've ever seen, only interactive. The Sega CD game was called Night Trap and it was pretty tame by todays standards but then it was nuts. you literally stalked, raped, and murdered a group of girls at a slumber party. i say it was tame because it was primarily low res CD video clips put together in a “choose your own adventure” style more than a game. Also, GTA does not thrive off death and misery. Play GTA iv, play the storyline, its the best gangster movie you’ve ever seen, only interactive.

By: jasonsfury jasonsfury Tue, 29 Jun 2025 19:18:59 +0000 For anyone who is interested in the concept f13ticket has mentioned.: For anyone who is interested in the concept f13ticket has mentioned.:
