Twelve year-old Tommy Jarvis stands in the woods in the driving
rain, watching two young punks dig up Jason Voorhees' grave. They
open it, and Jason springs to life, ending the lives of the desecrators.
Then Jason's gaze turns to Tommy, and he raises the machete high
over Tommy's head. . .
now a teenager, wakes up drenched with sweat in a van from the Unger
Institute of Mental Health. Tommy soon arrives at his destination,
a halfway home for troubled teens. Tommy is brought into Matt Peters'
office, where the doctor explains that the clinic is run on an honor
system, with the intention of preparing the patients to re-enter
society. Tommy then meets young Reggie, whose grandfather George
works at the house.
Tucker and his deputy return patients Tina and Eddie to the institute.
Following close on their heels are Ethel and "Junior" Hubbard, whose
property adjoins the halfway house. The foul-mouthed Ethel raises
Hell about the kids again having sex on her property. Ethel's
fears about the "loonies" are justified in short order when the
anti-social Vic hacks up Joey with an axe. Vic is arrested by the
police and ambulance attendants Duke Johnson and Roy Burns come
to take away the corpse.
Night comes
and the murders begin. Greaser Vinnie and Pete are viciously dispatched
with a road flare and a machete. The next morning Tommy hallucinates
Jason standing behind him. At breakfast, Tommy beats Eddie senseless
when Eddie wears a mask Tommy made. Has Tommy become the killer
he fears? Or is it the drifter that shows up at Ethel's house looking
for work? That night the murders continue when waitress Lana and
her boyfriend Billy are viciously murdered with an axe.
The next
day, patients Tina and Eddie sneak off into the woods to have sex.
The drifter watches them intently, but he is soon struck down by
the killer, as are Eddie and Tina. That night Pam drives Reggie
to see his brother Demon, with along Tommy along for the ride. As
Reggie and Demon catch up on old times Tommy is accosted by Junior.
Tommy again loses control and pummels Junior, running off when interrupted
by Pam. When Pam and Reggie return to the house, Demon and his girlfriend
Anita are killed. Soon after, Junior and Ethel Hubbard are killed
as well.
Pam goes
to look for Tommy but the killer is at the house, killing patients
Jake, Robin and Violet. Reggie discovers the bodies in Tommy's room
just before Pam's return, and they both run into a hockey mask-wearing
figure. They flee into the woods and come across the body of ambulance
driver Duke Johnson as well as that of Dr. Peters. Separated from
Reggie and back at the institute, Pam flees from Jason toward the
barn, but she slips in the mud. Just before the killer can reach
her, Reggie drives a tractor into him. Reggie and Pam flee into
the barn - who is the killer who wears Jason's mask?. . . |


Cast & Crew
Where Are They
Body Count
Timeline |