At the same time, I prefer it how it is now... that mystery.. I don't want to see it how it is! Once we've been shown, it can only be that way, but now we haven't seen anything it can be left to our imagination and is more interesting. I don't think there should be a prequal, and I don't think we should ever have a proper glimpse at Jason when he was a child, which is why I liked the scenes when Pamela is talking about her son, you just see the siloette.
Though if there was a prequal, i'd like it to be somewhere in the 60's and have a family or boy scout camping in the woods taking a photo of the group and it zooms in and you see this disfigured boy in the distance behind a tree.Statistics: Posted by Callum Sanderson — Fri Jun 17, 2024 5:46 pm