Friday The 13th Forum Provided by 2011-02-13T04:51:50+00:00 2011-02-13T04:51:50+00:00 <![CDATA[Forum Rules]]> 1) Be Respectful
House rules apply, so the usual negative behavior such as spamming, flaming, baiting, harassment, abusing of board functions, general douchebaggery etc. will not be tolerated.

2) Derailing Discussion
Stick to the topic of discussion as designated by the OP (original poster). To make off-topic replies is a mark of disrespect to the OP as well as any reader who visits the thread based on topic title.

3) Topic Titles
Please be descriptive in your thread title, to give people an idea of what's inside. This also makes it easier for people to search for existing topics. For example, "Look, new pics" or "I think that..." tells us nothing about the content. The less ambiguous you are, the more likely members will visit and reply to your topic.

4) Spelling/Grammar
We will excuse foreign members where English is a secondary language for them, but "txt talk" or lazy lacking of punctuation is annoying. Take the time to review your post or use your browser spellchecker before posting. This is a common courtesy we ask of you.

5) YouTube Videos
A one-click Youtube button has been provided to auto-embed videos, please use it, takes the same number of clicks it would to post a link to the video page.

6) Multiple Accounts
We provide one account per person. If there's a legitimate reason for needing to re-register, contact us as we can fix your issue or authorize a new account.

If you have any questions about the rules PM an admin/mod or post in the Feedback Box.

We reserve the right to remove non-abiding users without notice.

Statistics: Posted by Dusk — Sun Feb 13, 2025 4:51 am
