Friday The 13th Forum Provided by 2011-05-18T04:37:40+00:00 2011-05-18T04:37:40+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: How do I Deal With Annoying Co-Worker?]]> Statistics: Posted by Dusk — Wed May 18, 2025 4:37 am

2011-05-16T01:11:58+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: How do I Deal With Annoying Co-Worker?]]>

All I can say at this stage is that if you complain to the boss, the boss will see you as someone who has a negative attitude and is not a team player, blah blah blah.

Your best bet is probably to surprise her with a complement or get her a coffee at some point and see how she reacts. I’m sure she’s got her own anxieties and is very insecure about her own role in the workplace, just like everyone else.

Statistics: Posted by Infinity Looper — Mon May 16, 2025 1:11 am

2011-05-14T17:01:14+00:00 <![CDATA[How do I Deal With Annoying Co-Worker?]]>
I finally told her to stop complaining. She then yelled at me for being disrespectful to her. Telling her not to complain is not disrespectful. Calling her what I think of her would be disrespectful. (starts with a 'B') So then I told her that I was not being disrespectful and that she was being disrespectful. Shen then went and told my boss on me; who then blew her off.

So I can't tell her to stop complain without being told on and if I call her a bitch she'll probably get me fired. Yet, I don't want her, literally, standing over my shoulder and constantly correcting me as if she's 'God's gift to training,' because she isn't.

I would like it if she were not paired up with me on the schedule anymore but my boss said on interviewing me that it's important that I can work with anyone. But how do I work with this annoying co-worker? What happens if we're constantly paired up together?

I tried ignoring her, she keeps bitching. I tried calling her out and telling her to stop complaining, she tells on me. Should I pretend to be her friend so that I can rise up in the business and 'stab her in the back' later by getting the boss to get rid of her? That seems mean and a lot of work. Plus, that might take a lot of time.

I came to this job to have a nice job where I can treat people nice and enjoy my work. I mostly like my new job, but this co-worker is awful. All morning I make only a small amount of mistakes. She comes and stands over me, I make five in a row. That tells me something right there.

How do I deal with her in a professional way? Thank you.

Statistics: Posted by f13ticket — Sat May 14, 2025 5:01 pm
