- At the end of Part 8 Jason drowns in the toxic
waste and turns into a boy again, but in Part 9 he is fully grown and with
a mask which was destroyed in the waste from Part 8 (which in turn
was destroyed in Part 7).
- EXPLANATION - The boy was another of Rennie's hallucinations. Jason
washed out to sea, along with his slightly melted mask.
- When the female FBI agent gets to the house, you can see the sun is just setting,
but then there is bright midday sun when she enters the cabin, and then total darkness
when she goes to the shed.
- When Agent Marcus puts the light bulb into the socket, the dead one
has been placed on the ladder. She then proceeds to fold up the ladder
and lean it against the wall, leaving us with a disappearing light
- When she starts to climb the ladder, the flap of her hat is down, but her
hat is flipped straight up when she climbs down.
- When Agent Marcus hears a noise, she slips something
into her towel. The script said this was a gun: if so, why didn't she use it on Jason?
If not - what the hell was it? Is it what caused the blood on the front of her towel
when she fell?
- Where Agent Marcus falls over the balcony and lands on the coffee table you
can see that the leg in the lower right hand corner is clearly "pre-bent"
before the actress lands on it, so it will collapse easily.
- Also when she lands on the coffee table, the legs are clearly knocked
out to the side, but in the next shot the table's legs are tucked under the
- When Agent Marcus is running away from Jason, from one scene to
the next she goes from shoes to no shoes, to shoes to no shoes
about five or six times. Also her towel was sure securely
attached as she sprinted through the forest.
- At the ambush site, it is unclear as to where all the FBI agents are
shooting from, making it look like they are almost in a circle surrounding Jason. If they
were really in a circle, then they would be shooting at each other as well as Jason.
When the FBI agent with the yellow harnass drops from the tree firing at Jason, there is the exact same shot of him doing it again, but flipped.
- Jason's machete disappears from his hand as he looks up at the bomb being dropped. Also it
was made very clear that he was craning his head way back to look up, but when the bomb
actually explodes, his head is facing straight forward.
- The bomb that is dropped actually explodes
behind Jason, then there is a pause before Jason actually explodes.
It is also unclear as to where this "bomb" was dropped from so precisely as to
not injure the FBI agents.
- You can see that Jason's detached head didn't really fall
from the sky, but it was rather obviously dropped from right above the
camera. You can tell,because there is a piece of straw that is
visible at the top of the screen that is attached to the fake head
and it is held there a moment before it is dropped.
- When the coroner is inspecting Jason's body he is wearing a watch on his left wrist.
While he is eating the heart the watch disappears but returns after he is possessed.
- When the coroner sees Jason's heart beating, from shot to shot he has a
little blood, then a lot, and then just a little again, but when he goes to
actually eat the heart there is a lot of blood smeared on his cheek and face.
- While eating Jason's heart, the coroner's shirt is covered with
the fountain of black fluid coming from his mouth, but when the
assistant coroner comes in there is far less liquid on his shirt
(it is most noticeable as he holds the assistant coroner's face
down on the table).
- On the American Case File show, they show pictures of the coroners
that were killed. The picture of the assistant coroner is just a still from
the previous scene.
- When Deborah and her boyfriend go into the tent,
their shadows show her taking off her shirt and tossing it aside.
In the next outside shot of the tent, her boyfriend is once again
shown taking off her shirt.
- When Deborah and her guy start to make love in the tent, she throws the
condom aside, and then the coroner steps on a condom outside.
- EXPLANATION - It's not the same condom, folks! Always be prepared with
more than one!
- **note: this blooper is in the unrated version of Jason Goes To Hell***
When Deborah and her guy are having sex in the tent and the coroner stabs
her with the pole, if you look carefully you can see that the fake torso
has already been sliced in half before the pole is lifted up through her.
- When Diana comes out of the door of the diner, she is holding the
metal pan sideways, but when she goes into the alley a white food bowl for
the dog has magically appeared in it.
- when the coroner runs toward the car that Josh and Edna are getting into,
Josh doesn't seem to notice even though he is facing in the coroner's direction.
- When Edna's head is slammed in the door, it is completely bloodless and her head
appears to bounce back to normal shape.
- The mailbox sign reads "Vorhees," it should be Voorhees. (Or should it?)
- The amount of shaving cream on Josh's face changes from shot to shot
in the Voorhees' house,and if you look closely you will see his moustache
is already gone before the coroner shaves it.
- When the mortician possesses Josh and when Josh tries
to possess Diana, you can see the wire on the thing coming out of their mouths pulling and moving it around.
- Jessica's baby is very young and without hair
in an early scene, but later the baby is older and with a full head of
- Steven is thrown onto a side table with a lamp by Josh, and all the items (picture frame, etc.) fall into the ground. In the next shot, all of those items are gone from the floor except the lamp.
- Before being impaled with the poker, Josh lifts his head to look into the mirror
in the living room but the reflection of Jason stays still.
- When the possessed Josh grabs Diana and she looks in the mirror,
we see that it is Jason. But when she shoots him in the head, the mirror's reflection shows Josh.
- Jason is supposed to have only one "good" eye, but in Josh's reflection
of Jason you can see Kane Hodder's eye looking out of Jason's bad eye socket.
- When Steven impales Josh with the fireplace poker,
Josh starts to stumble very slowly toward the window, but in the next shot, he is
moving with enough force to move across the room and shatter through a
- When Josh falls out the window, the curtains are pulled out with him and hang on
the outside. When Steven goes to look down at his body, the curtains are now inside the
- After Jason kills Diana and the sheriff finds
Steven with the body, he hardly has any blood on his jeans. Later at the
police station, his pants are covered with blood.
- When Steven stabs Josh with the poker you can see
clearly that it goes all the way through him, but later in the movie
when Josh goes to posses Robert, there is no blood on his front or
on his back.
- Electric lights are turned on inside the Voorhees house. Who was paying that electricity bill?
- If Robert stole Diana's body from the morgue, why was she still in her waitress
outfit? Enough time had elapsed that the mortician would have cleaned her up
and examined the body, or at least put her in a body bag.
- The blood on Robert's face drips out the right side of his mouth as the "hellbaby" is
passed into him, but when he stands up it is on the left side.
- In the scene where Steven carries Jessica out of her mother's house after
punching Robert, you can see a cameraman in the passenger window of the car as
the couple gets into it.
**note: this blooper is in the unrated version of Jason Goes To Hell***
Earlier, Jessica got out of the shower and just put on a white T-shirt (she had black underwear on the floor which she leaves on the ground). But when Steven puts Jessica into the car, you can see that she is wearing a flesh-colored thong.
- You can see a reflection of Robert in the car's hood when he is
grabbing at Steven through the driver's side window. Since he is
possessed by Jason's spirit, there should be a reflection of Jason instead.
- When Steven gets punched by Randy there is blood filling
his mouth, but a few seconds later there is barely any blood on his lips.
- When Steven is fighting with Randy by the police
car, you can clearly see in one shot that he has his gun in the back of
his pants, but later he pulls the gun out of the front of his jeans.
- Steven backs over Robert and there is clearly a lot of blood around his abdomen,
but when Robert comes into the police station his shirt is clean and untouched.
- When Steven is being led down the corridor in handcuffs and sees
Jessica in trouble, he jumps up and passes his arms under his legs,
but if you look closely you can see that it is just string
between his arms and he pulls his hands a lot wider apart than real
handcuffs would go.
- When Robert gets shot in the forehead, the bullet "hole" just
looks like makeup (which it is).
- When the short diner cook is shooting at Jason, if you look closely at
the shot over his shoulder you can see that he is wearing safety goggles.
- The man in the blue shirt that is thrown into the counter by possessed
Robert is the same man that Vicki shoots with a shotgun in the next shot.
However, when the police officer arrives, the man lying between the counter
is now wearing a plaid shirt.
- When Jessica discovers the note left in Stephanie's cradle by Creighton Duke, it first reads "I have what you want. Come to the Voorhees house....alone!" When Steven reads it after Jessica sneaks out, the note says "I have the baby. Come to the Voorhees house....alone!" The writing also changes from pen to marker.
- When Jessica leaves the restaurant to go to the Voorhees house she has large
stripes of blood on her neck, when she gets out of the truck they are
gone, and they reappear when she is talking to Creighton Duke.
- In the first shot of the pole in Duke's leg it is very bloody, but in the
next shot when he is yelling to Jessica, there is a noticeable lack of blood.
- If Randy was possessed by Jason, why did he talk normally to Jessica? Also why
did Randy look fine when all the other host bodies became all nasty and zombie-looking?
- After being "reborn" through Diana, it is rather odd that Jason
comes out fully clothed and with his mask on.
- Despite having two fingers broken by Duke in the jail cell, Steven's able to carry on a violent fistfight with Jason.
- After Jessica stabs Jason he throws her off and she falls backwards, but in the
next shot she is turned around and flying face forward.
- When Jason is pulled into the ground his mask is securely on his head,
but then his mask is shown laying on the ground at the end.
- The burnt skin on "Freddy's" arm is actually just the stuntman's arm painted pink, there is no makeup appliance at all.
- Also, the blades on "Freddy's" glove bend noticeably as he pulls the hockey mask into the ground.