A New Beginning Signed Cast Photos up for Auction
The cast represented in these photos have become more available for signatures of late at conventions, but if you are unable to attend horror conventions and do not want to pay the usual rate of $10-$20 for a signature per photo, this could be the way to go. The current ebay auction has a starting bid of $24.99 or a Buy Now for $55. If interested, here’s a chance to add some Friday memoribilia to your collection.

“You’re gonna get it bitch!”
“Oh you’ll feel much better after you shit.”
“Man this shitbox is gross!”
“You’d better watch out for the snake that’s gonna crawl up and bite yo’ ass.”
“You scared of rubber spiders on strings? Man, you are one scared cat.”
may the best women/man win them
ouuuuuuuu babeh ouuu babeh….
You hearing me Junior? Get off that fucking bike and come here and eat my stew!
Hey nice pictures.