All New Friday Actor Photos From Monster Mania!
We keep rolling out more blogs on this past weekend’s Monster Mania 16 convention. It was a huge hit with big named stars from the entire horror genre. MM16 also had an impressive lineup of actors from the Friday the 13th films with a lot of great stories told to fan attendees. One question we are Always asked here is what do these people look like today? Well, now we have a treat for those fans that have yet to see some of these Friday the 13th actors since their appearance in their films.
A long time visitor to this website and one of the best replica hockey mask artists around, VF80 (Mike), has been nice enough to share his photos with us here today. He was quick to load his images after this past weekends events and now we benefit from his promptness. Check out the photos below and see how much, if any, the stars have changed.
Ted White (Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter)
Tom Mathews (Tommy Jarvis, Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part 6)
Tom Morga (Jason Voorhees/Pseudo Jason, Friday the 13th: A New Beginning)
Kane Hodder (Jason Voorhees, Part 7, Part 8, Jason Goes To Hell, Jason X)
Melanie Kinnaman (Pam Roberts, Friday the 13th: A New Beginning)

Hell yeah! I can’t wait till Friday the 30th in May (if it won’t be delayed again) to see all these guys. I’ve got a ton of merch needs autographing.
Melanie Kinnaman looks great!
I have to agree, Melanie looks hot! Also, Tom Mathews looks almost the same. Thanks for posting the pics!
Cool pics… Nice tattoo sleeve, very cool! Melanie has a great plastic surgeon obviously. Just saying.
? i dont think Tom Matthews even resembles the same person who played Tommy in part 6 or was in ROTLD anymore. wierd.
Mikes Hockey mask are awesome! As we speak he is making me a part 3 hock he calls the Higgin’s Homicide.
Yeah both Tom and Melanie look different from back in the day. We have to remember though, it’s been 15 years since ANB and 14 since Jason Lives. A lot of living in that amount of time. They both look great though, especially Melanie… rawr!
I don’t look the same as I did back then. I bet none of you do either. I can grow a beard now (kinda).
I think that Melanie looks real good for it being 25 years later. In fact, everyone has aged well.
I agree JF. And I’m embarrassed that my math is so poor.
MILFriday the 13 PART V
Nice photos sweettits!!!
I just have one question…how tall is Kane Hodder, really?
Cool pics bro. I always love when Kane poses with His fans, the choke thing is one of my favorites that Ive seen Him do alot. And wow Melanie is still hot after all these years.
Well, I have heard the stories about his wearing lifts at conventions, however, the two times I met him he was not wearing lifts. I am 6’1″ and were very close in height. I would have to look at our pic again, but I think we were even or maybe I was a bit taller, and I was in sandles that day.
I don’t think Melanie look too bad for her age, though I’m kinda concern she seem a little too skinnny than she should. But still, she look quite good. Where is the pic of Ms. Baker though?!?
And Kane is around 6′ 2″. I meet both him & Ken and I compare the 2 pics of me with them.
Thanks guys. Convention was a blast, did some costume shots with Ted White and other con goers as well. I did not get a chance to meet Kirsten Baker, there were other celebs at the con I had on my radar instead, and was only in town for the afternoon, so to meet other people, hang with some of my friends, and do my costume thing couldn’t meet everyone.
Have some mask pics for you soon Joe, coming along nicely.
Oh man, I’d LOVE to see what the Norweigan-born Kirsten Baker looks like today! Please, if anyone attended the convention with her and got any photographs, please sent them in to Jasonsfury so that he can post’em or e-mail them as attachments to some of us that are very curious. Parts 2, 3 and then The Final Chapter are my favorite installments of the series. I love the Steve Miner helmed sequels and then Joseph Zito’s TFC and I dig The New Blood as a very weird, quirky & eccentric and very nicely ‘out there’ weird little neat guilty-pleasure.
It was the final “Exploitation/Slasher” feeling entry before the film makers sort of more or less starting make PG-13 feeling modern 80s ‘monster’ movies with censored gore shots. But yeah, have been DYING to see or hear of her from years, maybe even more so then Marth Kober form the same installment. Yeah, definately Ms. Baker even more!
And yes I must second: “Melanie Kinnaman looks great!”
Oh yes my dear dude-VERY much so.
I gotta admit that when The Creepy Kentuckian on over at mentioned it in his audio interview before-hand that some website guy had e-mailed on over recent convention photos of Ms. Kinnaman and that she looked even hotter then she did in ANB, I was a bit skeptical but also very curious as all Hell. I gotta admit as a man, that she has not only aged very well, but I honestly believe she chould still be a model/actress. Honestly: SUCH true beauty the old school Paramount-era Friday heroines and bit players still possess!
And yeah, we all age I agree. But I also agree: the older adult version of Mr. Thom Matthews oddly enough doesn’t really resemble the younger version of him from Return of the Living Dead Parts 1 & 2 and Friday VI anymore, but that is okay as we all age of course. And plus it’s of no baring in my life or makes little difference. Besides he owns his own construction business for celeb homes out in L.A. and is a good personal freidn of George Clooney’s of all people, and I’m sure he does of course VERY well for himself and he isn’t concerned with how he looks now Vs. back then. *lol* Big thanks again for posting allof this, Jasonsfury!
Kane looks his usal “killer” self hehehe
Well, I found someone post 2 pics of the lovely Ms. Kirsten Baker on a forum. You can see it below here:
I must say she aged well & doesn’t look almost close to 50. Someone even gave her the Mickey Mouse shirt just like she wore in part 2. And I love her longer hair!!