UPDATED Amy Steel Appearing On The Dr. Phil Show
Amy Steel (Ginny, Friday the 13th Part 2) will be appearing on The Dr. Phil show this Friday September 24th at 4:00 PM. She will be part of the segment titled, “Working with horses helps humans heal”. The segment is a moving story with a beautiful teen who needed help with trauma. Amy lends her thoughts on the use of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP), which is a form of therapy utilizing horses.
If interested, check out the show with Amy and see what this experiential form of therapy is all about. For more information, visit the Facebook page for more information. In the mean time, check out the cool pic shot and created recently by Patrick Dobson, Wickedbeard and Amy.

Posted by jasonsfury
Thanks for the heads up! I’ll be sure to watch it…not only for Amy Steel, but also because I myself have been through equine therapy. You wouldn’t think it would help much, but it does wonders for the mind and spirit. It helped heal many of my problems, and I’m thankful for the experience. Anyway, I think it’s awesome that Amy is spreading the word for this type of therapy.
Amy is truly a sweetheart, and it is always a pleasure spending time talking with her.
I look forward to our next meeting and picture session.
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Brenda Walsh, Jason Parker. Jason Parker said: Amy Steel Appearing On The Dr. Phil Show http://fridaythe13thfilms.com/blog/amy-steel-appearing-on-the-dr-phil-show/ [...]
My DvR is all set to record the show… Its a wonder what we can learn from animals. I truly appreciate what Amy does for the victims and for the horses. She’s a wonderful person and such a sweetheart. Wickedbeard’s and my next adventure with Amy should be fun times.
Not knowing a lot about this type of therapy outside of what I just read, it seems pretty interesting. Can’t wait to see Amy on the show and find out more.
Is this the “shattered in an instant” show?
I think that it is the show. This does looking intresting. It will be nice to see Amy!
This will truly be the SCARIEST production Amy has ever been in.
I love Amy, but I honestly hate that “fraud of a man, not even a real doctor” Phil.
Even with that being the case he just got one more viewer (for one day that is).
“Are you avoiding… reality?”
Even though I hate Dr. Phil, much love to Amy. I think its pretty cool. I might have to swallow my own vomit and watch when She appears. Shes awesome.
I am laughing so hard about the comment JB Demented said, “I might have to swallow my own vomit to watch”. Man, that is really funny. Thanks for watching though, and put it this way, you’ll save on dinner JB!
xo Amy Steel (Pulitzer)
Thanks for stopping by Amy! I gotta meet you at one of these conventions one day. I was going to see you in August at the reunion, but those are the breaks. Take care and again, thanks for stopping by!
God bless you for posting here Mrs. Steel (Pulitzer).
I too shall set my DV-R to record that show. I just got through setting it and making sure there is more then enough space let to make sure it’ll stay there. I shall also set aside plenty of time to watch it later on that evening after my usual exercises. You were always my personal favorite heroine of the series, and I am so glad that you are still around, doing that you love and of course making others happy. I hope you days are filled with happiness and much joy and that you continue to help others. Once again God bless you from the bottom of my heart.
Much respect from my neck of the crowded woods, Mrs. Steel!
VERY cool to see this photo up-date Jasonsfury, my good man!
And yes my DV-R is still set to record. This is going ot be SO cool! Giny Fields is easily my favorite heroine from the original series, which to me are the ONLY Friday films worth having on Blu Ray, and I SO love still seeing them out there, the original five heroines or so, having a good time and working hard. Stay cool all of you!
God bless, Amy