Camp Blood: Friday the 30th Reunion Adding Day
Just announced this morning, Camp Blood: Friday the 30th Reunion will be adding an extra day to the event! The convention will now run August 12th-15th. The reason for the added day was to accomodate concerns that there may not be enough time to meet and get signatures from the actors and then be able to attend the other festivities from the weekend. More details will be forthcoming within the last big update before the reunion happens in two months.
Also, there will be signings available on Thursday August 12th for those that are going to be in a mad dash to to have as many signatures as possible from the weekend. For more information on the 30th reunion check out the offiical website.

Posted by jasonsfury
I’m so pumped for this! I booked my flight and hotel last week! Hope to see some of you there, cause something this big won’t come around again for a while.
It should be a ton of fun and I agree that getting this many people together from the franchise will never happen again. Once in a lifetime for sure.
Ill be there. Muahahaha
Normally I would be really happy about this. But since I am not from the US and have to fly all the way from Europe to Texas, I am mad that I now have to change my f***ing flight ticket. They can add any actor or F13 alumni they want or add anything else, but I wished they would stop changing things like the location and the time span just 2 freakin months before the actual event. Don’t they know that fans are coming from all over the world and that for some of us it’s quite a huge & expensive trip? Are they just thinking about the American fans that jump into a car and drive to Texas?
By now they could at least give us some sort of card: Which movie will be shown when? Because I would be pissed if I arrive on late Thursday and already missed say part 3 in 3D.
I doubt much will go on Thursday. I mean, this is short notice for the guests as well, and most of them won’t be ready to sign stuff on Thursday. I’m pretty sure the marathon will still go on Friday, well, because it’s Friday the 13th. I already booked my flight to come in Thursday afternoon and I don’t plan on changing it. Friday through Sunday will rock enough ass!
I have asked for the schedule of events and am waiting to receive that information.
I am travelling from Ireland. I am so pumped about this, I’m virtually living for this alone. I can’t wait to meet lots of Friday fans as well.