Official Chat with Todd Farmer - April 28th, 2025

*** ToddFarmer has joined #jasonx
(BlakeWasher) All right, Todd's here
({suiCide}) good day Mr. Farmer.
(BrennaOBrien) Welcome to our Friday the 13th chat, Todd Farmer.
(BrennaOBrien) To ask a question, please msg the moderator by typing /msg BlakeWasher (your question)
(ToddFarmer) Greetings all
(ToddFarmer) Anything interesting happen this weekend?
(BlakeWasher) Tonight we're chatting with Todd Farmer, screenwriter and Dallas from Jason X
(BlakeWasher) (like you didn't know)
(BlakeWasher) Thanks for coming in, let's get started!
* ToddFarmer is ready and willing
(BlakeWasher) (TheUberTallMan) I think we all know that in "Jason X", Jason is obliterated; Jason is killed by the future itself, but he comes back, stronger than ever on the future's own terms.
Was it a conscious effort on your part to show that everything has to change or adapt to their everyday surroundings in order to survive? A survival of the fittest type thing?
(ToddFarmer) Yes, Uber was to be a secret but you've hit the nail on the head. He was to become something even more unstoppable than we'd seen to that point. Emotionally I had him drowning his own mother but alas I was they only one that wanted to try that. :)
(BlakeWasher) About drowning his mother - why do you think the others on the production resisted that idea?
(ToddFarmer) Sean's feeling was that Jason's mother was the only consistant in his life. To mess with that was to mess with the franchise too much.
(ToddFarmer) I felt it was the only way to show a change in Jason other than the added metal. I thought it was important, but I understand the veto.
(BlakeWasher) (WesReviews) My question: Todd, what kind of research, if any, did you do regarding some of Jason X's "sci-fi mumbo jumbo" talk? For instance the cryo-stasis stuff and the technical talk about the ship landing and taking off. That sort of thing. Just curious about where people get some of that type stuff. Thanks! :o)
(ToddFarmer) But then we could get Pamela so it didn't really matter anyway.
(ToddFarmer) I got most of that stuff for the script from watching Sci-fi movies and reading sci-fi books...I'd done some research for another project with nanotechnology so that much I already knew.
(ToddFarmer) For the movie...
(BlakeWasher) (Uber-Jason) I would like to know more about the DVD when he came out and what will be added to it.And if it is Anchor bay that will be releasing it
(ToddFarmer) Much of the tech jargon wasn't mine. It got changed by others along the way
(ToddFarmer) Jimmy would better answer that. I did an interview for "The History of Jason" which is to be one addition for the DVD. There will also be deleted footage, commentary, all the usuals and more.
(BlakeWasher) ({suiCide}) what time frame did you work in, from the start of the script to the end of the first draft?
(ToddFarmer) It was late 99 when we started. The first draft was written in a week then I did a polish based on notes from Jimmy, Noel and Sean and a week later we pitched DeLuca and handed in the draft. Roughly a month later we had a greenlight.
(ToddFarmer) It was fast, but we didn't have a choice. We had a small window to get in and out with DeLuca.
(BlakeWasher) So the greenlight draft took about two weeks?
(ToddFarmer) Yes, there's a variation of it on the net, although whoever posted that draft changed some scenes within. In otherwords some of the stuff in the Net's draft I didn't write :)
(BlakeWasher) (jasonfreak) Who came up with the idea of a virtual reality Crystal Lake?
(ToddFarmer) It came out of a conversation with Mark Haslett who used to be Sean's VP of production.
(BlakeWasher) (Ginny) What were the actors like to work with?
(ToddFarmer) Actually they were all great. All very excited to meet Jason. And they did very well during the shoot. They were dealing with daily rewrites after I left and were learning lines the day their scenes were to be shot. Under those cercumstances they did fantastic.
(BlakeWasher) (Demon_Hunter) What was the idea with the size of Jason's brain and how he could function with one that small?
(ToddFarmer) The idea was that Jason was like a T-Rex...but that meaning was lost somewhere down the line.
(BlakeWasher) So now it's just a laugh at Jason's expense
(BlakeWasher) (Jenosis) I LOVE YOU TODD!! Out of all the deaths in the movie, which was your favorite?
(ToddFarmer) As it turns out :(
(ToddFarmer) I adore you too, Jen. Noel's idea of freezing Adrienne's head is my fav. :)
(BlakeWasher) (FT13TomDinardiJV) Todd, were you at all upset or at a least a bit disapointed with the changes made to your script or what the rumored take in for Jason X was this weekend?
(ToddFarmer) It was tough to be too upset with changes to the script. That happens. No one was changing it in an attempt to make it worse. It was just a difference of opinions. The weekend take is disappointing yes and I suppose that's my blame, because it's my story that didn't give us a good opening.
(BrennaOBrien) You can't take the blame all on yourself, Todd.
(BlakeWasher) (PiT_GuRL) You did a great job with your appearance in the film. Did you enjoy acting and will you do more? Quite the stunt man ;)
(ToddFarmer) It's all good :)
(ToddFarmer) I did enjoy the acting alot. It was fun. I'd do it again. I was soooo beat up after that first day. My scene was the first day of shooting and I did the ol' hit and roll ten or fifteen times in all that armor. I was sooo black and blue the next day. All for a nano second on screen :)
(BlakeWasher) And to follow up - (Jenosis) What was it like to die on screen? Did you write the part of Dallas for you, or were other actors in talks for that part?
(ToddFarmer) I don't recall writing it for myself but they all knew I wanted a small part and when they asked what part I wanted I asked for Dallas. In earlier drafts, Jason was supposed to shove my head through a wall and leave me hanging, but budget cuts got in the way for that one.
(BlakeWasher) This should be interesting - (cool_guy) (Todd, how did Jason get out of his chains at the beginning?)
(ToddFarmer) Ok, now for the deleted scene...
(ToddFarmer) Originally, the guard who tossed the blanket over Jason's head did so after a visit from a girl...
(ToddFarmer) She gave us the exposition that the facility was being closed and it was running on a skel crew...
(ToddFarmer) They guys who were coming to move Jason were top secret. No one knew where they were moviing him, thus if something happened, as it did then no one would miss them...
(ToddFarmer) In other words, no one would know that poor Rowan and Jason were frozen down in the basement....
(ToddFarmer) The girl asked the guard to take some pics of her and Jason since the place was closing down...
(ToddFarmer) during the photo shoot, she accidently knocks the IV from the back of Jason's head...
(ToddFarmer) She also grabbed Jason's dick. Which you'll see on the DVD.
(ToddFarmer) It was cut for a couple of reasons...
(ToddFarmer) I don't think Jimmy was happy with the performances and I personally wasn't happy that the girl who grabbed Jason's tool survived.
(BlakeWasher) In the film, you'll notice during the pan around Jason the IV is in his head
(BlakeWasher) When he stares down the guard, it's gone
(ToddFarmer) That was the best set up for a Jason kill ever and to leave her alive was just evil :)
(ToddFarmer) Exactly
(ToddFarmer) I think there were shots of the blanket knocking the IV out as well, but that just looked silly.
(BlakeWasher) Now we'll just pretend that's what happened
(BlakeWasher) (mk) Todd, did the idea of having a "Crazy ralph" type character in JasonX ever come up? Possibly some old drunk aboard the ship who's sole purpose was to warn everyone.
(ToddFarmer) Not really, but only because Rowna was to know all about Jason from the beginning. Clearly this one plays out a bit different since we do have her knowing and telling the crew about Jason from just about the moment she wakes.
(BlakeWasher) Based on the deleted scene, I know everyone's wondering - IS Jason hung like a mammoth?
(ToddFarmer) Oh yes
(BlakeWasher) Excellent
(BlakeWasher) (The13thMember) If you could change anything in the pre-production process what would it be and why?
(ToddFarmer) I think the preproduction process was great up until about three weeks prior to shooting. We started some stupid rewrites at that point and we never recovered from it. We should have gone in with a locked script.
(BrennaOBrien) Were the words "doomed" or "cursed" ever in the original script? I would have liked to have seen the old guy say that when talking about Jason Voorhees. ;)
(ToddFarmer) Cursed was used but I don't recall doomed.
(BlakeWasher) ({suiCide}) WHAT?! do you get sic of people thinking you're stone cold?
(ToddFarmer) I'm pretty sure more think that he is little ol' me.
(BlakeWasher) "Why is the writer of Jason X wrestling The Rock?"
(BlakeWasher) (Guest250) COuld you ask todd this for me please. At the beggining of the movie it doesent say how jason came back from hell could he enlighten me on this thanks
(ToddFarmer) For the money
(ToddFarmer) We didn't deal with Jason's release from Hell because the assumption was the FvsJ would deal with it. We didn't want to throw out one version only to find out that they had one of their own. We felt telling a story that was completely independant of FvsJ gave us the best shot at getting a greenlight.
(BlakeWasher) All right, now's probably a good time to get into that - everyone wants to know where the series is going
(BlakeWasher) Both Freddy vs. Jason and Jason XI, your thoughts?
(ToddFarmer) FvsJ will happen. No doubt there. Depending on it's success both Franchises may be combined for a few sequels. At the same time there could be more movies with just Freddy or just Jason. I doubt any future sequels will follow the Jason X story line based on our box office, but I would expect more Jason stories that would follow FvsJ but take place before Jason X would start.
(BlakeWasher) Considering there's a good 5 years between when FvsJ should happen and where Jason X picks up
(ToddFarmer) Exactly
(BlakeWasher) (WOLF) Noel Cunningham said today that there will be more Fridays despite the disappointing box office numbers. What advice would you give to the next screenwriter in dealing with a negative pick up picture?
(ToddFarmer) Be very afraid. :)
(ToddFarmer) Heh, let me speak further on that...
(BlakeWasher) All righty
(BlakeWasher) Get your reading glasses on, kids
(ToddFarmer) The next flick will be mostly likely written by a fella not unlike myself, in otherwords a guy who is uncredited. In that situation he will be the low man when it comes to power. That's frustrating because the story will change and you'll have no control. Horror movies are the easiest for a new screenwriter to get made because their budgets are low...
(ToddFarmer) And the risk is low...
(BlakeWasher) So - (shelly) Are you interested in writing the next installment, if there will be one?
(ToddFarmer) Not really. I have some ideas I would be glad to pass along but it was a tough situation to sit back and watch it get all changed around during production.
(BlakeWasher) (scoldsteve) Todd, where in Toronto was shooting done?
(ToddFarmer) A closed army base North of Toronto, the name slips my mind.
(BlakeWasher) (eXile) Was the purple teddy nipple clamp scene a blatant attempt at outdoing the shaving scene from JGTH in terms of kinkiest scene in Friday film?
(ToddFarmer) heh, no, that was just Jimmy and I up too late one night and cracking each other up with what ifs.
(BlakeWasher) "What if Professor Yllo was a total perv?"
(ToddFarmer) Pretty much. Or...what if Professor Yllo was more like us?
(ToddFarmer) :)
(BlakeWasher) (FT13TomDinardiJV) If Freddy vs. Jason had been done before Jason X, do you think Jason X would have been approached differently or possibly not even made, with NLC going with Jason Goes To Hell as "The Final Friday"?
(ToddFarmer) It would have still been made. There are three consistants in life, you pay taxes, you die, and Jason always comes back. It would have been approached differently though. We would have probably done Jason in the Winter becasue after FvsJ we could have gotten that made. Before FvsJ any Jason movie other than the one we made would have been next to impossible.
(BlakeWasher) (Jaws) any word on a Jason x video game?
(ToddFarmer) I've heard nothing.
(BlakeWasher) (Danzig) Todd, What is the one thing that can kill Jason FOREVER?
(ToddFarmer) Bad box office
(ToddFarmer) :)
(ToddFarmer) Outside of that...
(ToddFarmer) I'd say the only thing that might stop him would be to send someone back in time to save him from drowning.
(BlakeWasher) Which was done in one of the Freddy vs Jason drafts, actually
(BlakeWasher) ({suiCide}) was "I gave her an upload" your line dedicated to your lady?
(ToddFarmer) Yes, but the set up was slightly different.
(BlakeWasher) (mk) Todd, besides F13, of course, what's your favorite horror movie(s)?
(ToddFarmer) Fred and Mike in the slasher market.
(ToddFarmer) H-1 and dreamwarriors
(BlakeWasher) (evilupgrade) Can you make a jason movie where all jason does is beat more naked girls in sleeping bags, that was my favorite part of jason x
(ToddFarmer) Heh, I loved that part myself.
(BrennaOBrien) Todd, were there any special items you got to keep from the set to remember your experience?
(ToddFarmer) I was supposed to get the chair with my name on it, but somehow it got misplaced. But I did get my severed head. It now rests on the top shelf behind me in a nice glass case.
({suiCide}) out of the living room, because it freaks out his gf.
(ToddFarmer) Heh
(BlakeWasher) (JassmanX) Hey Todd, have you written any other films?
(BlakeWasher) If you've joined recently we're talking with Todd Farmer, writer of Jason X
(ToddFarmer) Jason is my first credit. I sold a script just before Christmas. It's a thriller about a serial killer in the real world. No supernatural elements. Jonathan Hensleigh is attached to produce and direct. He wrote Armageddon, Die Hard with a Vengeance and The Rock. He's pretty cool.
(BlakeWasher) (OnaPaleHorse) a lot of people here talk about jason dream matches, who would you put jason up against, regardless of copyrights or continunity.
(ToddFarmer) Other than Freddy...I'd like to see Jason abducted and dropped on a planet to be hunted by a Predator. Of course, the Pred would find himself hunted as well.
(BlakeWasher) Aliens vs Predator vs Jason
(ToddFarmer) I'm game
(BlakeWasher) (WOLF) Jason X is destined to be a cult classic with horror fans and Friday fans. But it seems the general movie going audience thinks Jason is a joke. Do you think there is any way to make him a scary character again?
(ToddFarmer) Yes. I'm pretty sure our team could have done that had FvsJ not been a concern. It would have been funto try that.
(BlakeWasher) since both Dean Lorey and Lexa have said it now - ({suiCide}) so, is Jasons offical middle-name "fuckin" now? Jason Fuckin Voorhees.
(ToddFarmer) Well if Dean said it then it is clearly a law. :)
(ToddFarmer) by the way, I thought Lexa said "fuckin" perfectly.
(BlakeWasher) Agreed
(BlakeWasher) (oasis) what software do you use for scripts?
(ToddFarmer) Scriptware and Final Draft. Just depends what the company I'm working with is using.
(BlakeWasher) (PiT_GuRL) Would you like to direct a movie from one of your scripts?
(ToddFarmer) I would now.
(ToddFarmer) I never thought I'd want to
(ToddFarmer) But the writer just doesn't have much control
(BlakeWasher) (Ferris) Todd - Did you have any concerns when you took the project about scripting the tenth chapter in a long-running series with a cult following in that it comes with a lot of "baggage" fan expectations and genre rules that can handcuff you creatively?
(ToddFarmer) Yes, honestly I wish we could have done an original horror. In order to get Jason X made we had to do some pretty drastic changes and in doing so that was a huge risk.
(BlakeWasher) (Yavas) TODD!! Can you show in the net your REAL SCRIPT, not the FIRST DRAFT? We thirsty to read it. Some foreignesrs just can't go to the theatre to see the film!
(ToddFarmer) I'm going to get a copy to Blake in the future
(BrennaOBrien) (SCORE!) :D
(ToddFarmer) The one on the net isn't too far off...
(BlakeWasher) (MMN) Hey Hot Toddy. I read on the message board that you had an idea for JvsF that you were thinking about pitching, but desided against it. Since it isn't going to happen wanna share?
(ToddFarmer) That hand coming out of the ground at the end was someone elses doing.
(ToddFarmer) Well, I altered that idea and turned it into and original horror that I may go out with one day. So for now I'll stay quiet, but one day you might see it. :)
(BlakeWasher) We look forward to it
(ToddFarmer) Me too
(BlakeWasher) (zombie) Can give us an explanation of how Jason escaped being blown up in the exploding Grendel?
(ToddFarmer) I'd say simply because he's Jason, but I think it's like blowing Jaws up by shooting an airtank at the end of Jaws. In reality it's impossible but it makes for a fun ending.
(BrennaOBrien) (umfridaythe13th) Todd, When you were writing the Jason X script did you ever have writers block? Anything in particular you would do to get over it?
(ToddFarmer) I didn't during the first drafts. I did later when I was told you can't do this or you can't do that and I'd have to come up with something to replace what was there. I normally just pace around until something comes to me.
(BlakeWasher) (OnaPaleHorse) does the crystal lake facility talking about jasons regeneration suggest that he is some sort of mutant rather than supernatural
(ToddFarmer) Good question and I'm not sure there's a clear answer. I'd always sort of thought that since Jason Lives, Jason had some form of advanced healing factor since he looked a little different in each film and since he could always sustain the damage. Plus, after his going to hell, who knows what abilities he would have?
(ToddFarmer) It goes back to an earlier question...
(BlakeWasher) (biosynthnut) Todd where did jason get the machete in the begining??
(ToddFarmer) It was in a box of Jason artifacts that was locked in Rowan's office. There was a scene which showed her packing up her stuff to leave and then getting run over by some fleeing meat when she drops the box, the machete falls out and later Jason grabs it. That was cut. I forget why.
(BlakeWasher) Incidentally, the box also contained some newspaper clippings I wrote the headlines for
(BlakeWasher) I cry :~(
(BlakeWasher) (WOLF) What were some of your alternate endings for Jason X? Whose idea was it having Brodski coming out of nowhere to tackle Jason?
(ToddFarmer) The whole ending was wonky. I don't know why. I wrote that Brodski, Rowan and Tsunaron make it to Tiamat and they pull away. Rowan then grabs a rocket launcher and blows up Grendel. Then Jason flies toward them out of the explosion and Brodski dives from Tiamat and tackels him in space and they go on to burn up in the atmophere. That was the last one I wrote and I'm not sure why it changed.
(BrennaOBrien) (Lovecrafts_Afterbirth) Todd, Jada and I saw Jason X on Friday and we loved it. I noticed that Jason X made sport of 80's slasher flicks, especially towards the end of the film. What are your thoughts about the genre? Is Jason X a deliberate statement against a bye-gone motion picture era?
(ToddFarmer) I think there was a little too much humor at the franchise's expense. There was supposed to be some but I think it got a little carried away.
(BlakeWasher) For those just joining we're talking with Todd Farmer, golden god and writer of Jason X
(BlakeWasher) How're you doing tonight Todd?
(ToddFarmer) I'm good. You ?
(ToddFarmer) :)
(BlakeWasher) Can't complain. Full chat tonight.
(ToddFarmer) Seems so
(BlakeWasher) (JasonXxX) Hey, Todd, I see that've got a website under construction. Can you give us some details on the content and when the page will open up?
(ToddFarmer) Dean Lorey and I were going to have a site that talked about all the stuff that takes place behind the scenes of a movie. From getting an agent to a lawyer to selling a script to shooting a movie. The good stuff and the crappy stuff that happens that ends up have Roger Ebert saying you suck. :) But we are slightly slow getting it up and going :)
(BlakeWasher) A lot of people want to know what you think about Jason X being bootlegged on the Internet
(ToddFarmer) Tough one and always will be a tough one. I think the boots hurt us and I've no idea how much. There are those who saw the boot who did not see the movie in a theatre. I know there are those who saw the movie and hated it and that's why they didnt' see it in a theatre, but I would have like the love money as well as the hate money. You may love Jason X or hate it but we worked hard...
(BlakeWasher) All right folks, we'll be wrapping this up pretty soon here - get your questions in!
(BrennaOBrien) (S-10) Some movies often pretend that when you get stabbed or shot, that it doesn't hurt and doesn't leave a mark. In my opinion, it's healthier for people to know that violence is ugly and dangerous, rather than making it silly or funny. What are your thoughts on movie violence?
(ToddFarmer) It was our intention to do the best job that we could and our only reward is box office because it is a Jason movie and none of us made very much money.
(ToddFarmer) I think it depends on the genre. I grew up watching the three stooges. Even though the smacked each other with boards and poked each other in the eyes as fun I always knew that hurt and didn't go running off to school to do it to my friends. People aren't stupid, they know violence hurts and I think they can get the joke.
(BlakeWasher) aside from the guy who stabbed the person in the arm for insulting the series...
(ToddFarmer) Yes, aside from him
(BlakeWasher) (Luigi) did Quake 2 have any influence over Dallas playing that very Quake like game?
(ToddFarmer) Yes, and it also had alot to do with Condor packing a BFG
(BlakeWasher) which was sweet
(BlakeWasher) ({suiCide}) any reasons why in 2455 spaceships are made out of tougher materials then spacestations?
(ToddFarmer) No :P
({suiCide}) =D
(BlakeWasher) (TheReaper) Todd, someone told me that both the girls that were in the crystal lake VR sequence were porn actresses, any truth in that?
(ToddFarmer) I had not heard that but then I wasn't there when they shot those scenes. I left three weeks into the shoot.
(BrennaOBrien) (Lovecrafts_Afterbirth) Todd, one thing I noticed in viewing Jason X on opening night was a full house and an INCREDIBLE amount of audience participation. I wonder if you experienced the same thing. My question is, what sort of response did you notice, and how did it make you, as the writer, feel?
(ToddFarmer) Well, that depends on a couple of things. If I'd actually wrote what they were responding to then I felt good, of course. All we ever wanted was to make a movie that the fan would have fun watching. If they had fun then we are happy.
(BlakeWasher) (JasonIsAniceGuy) There are some pictures of Brodski fighting Jason with knives. Was this another deleted scene?
(ToddFarmer) Yes, those were cut. What was in the film was the last part from that fight. I remember the fight scene was very long. I'm not sure why it was cut out altogether rather than trimmed down.
(BlakeWasher) It should be on the DVD, right?
(ToddFarmer) Yeah, I would think so
(BlakeWasher) What other deleted scenes might make an appearance?
(ToddFarmer) It won't be put back in the film, because I don't think Jimmy liked it, but it should be in the extras section.
(ToddFarmer) Other scenes...
(ToddFarmer) The opening was cut down, the part where the girl grabs Jason's Johnson, that should be put back in.
(ToddFarmer) The waking Rowan Scene had been rewritten after I left. There was about four minutes cut from it where they just do alot of ER dialog...
(ToddFarmer) And there was a check list when they were preparing the shuttle for launch...that was cut.
(BlakeWasher) What about the opening to the first VR scene, where Az and Dallas make out in a field of daisies?
(ToddFarmer) I'm not sure if those will be there or not but I would think so
({suiCide}) lol
(ToddFarmer) No, that's in my personal library now.
(BlakeWasher) (TheReaper) wasn't there nudity cut out as well?
(BlakeWasher) between that question and his previous one, people are going to think things about Mr. Reaper
(ToddFarmer) I had to think about that. No there wasn't any other nudity. None of the other actressed wanted to do nude scenes.
(BlakeWasher) Jason X certainly did have the most attractive cast of any Friday the 13th
(BlakeWasher) (jasoninabikini2) what is Kane Hodder like and what did you feel when you saw him in costume?
(ToddFarmer) Kane's a true nut
(ToddFarmer) And he's quite ominous in the outfit
(ToddFarmer) Plus he growls and grunts and screams before every take
(ToddFarmer) So It can throw you off if you aren't ready for it
(ToddFarmer) Oh, and he IS Jason
(ToddFarmer) He thinks it and he believes it. :)
(ToddFarmer) Therefore he IS
(BlakeWasher) Just like you being a golden god
(BlakeWasher) ({suiCide}) do you think it was a bad move showing uber Jason in the trailers? do you think it should have been a surprise?
(ToddFarmer) Yes yes and yes
({suiCide}) AMEN
(ToddFarmer) he was supposed to be a surprise
(ToddFarmer) Can you imagine what the experience would have been like had you seen him in the movie for the first time and knew nothing about him?
(ToddFarmer) Like it or hate it that would have been one heck of a moment.
(BlakeWasher) I noticed a lot of people in the theater had not seen the ad
(BlakeWasher) You could tell, because they were the ones saying "OH SHIT!"
(ToddFarmer) I always thought putting Uber on the poster was like putting a penis on the poster for the Crying Game.
(BlakeWasher) you spoiled it for me!
(ToddFarmer) I know why it was done, but by looking at the box office I hardly think his being there really pulled more people into the flick.
(BlakeWasher) (ALLOUTMASSACRE) why did you decide to set the movie in space even though when other horror "icons"
were put in the space the movies sucked?
(BlakeWasher) okay, about 10 more minutes folks
(ToddFarmer) I hadn't seen those movies. And if I had I wouldn't have cared. I thought I could write a script in space that worked. I think I did. Now whether that movie was made is debatable.
(ToddFarmer) :)
({suiCide}) todd: did blake washer really diserve his name in the credits? I mean come on.
(Jenosis)Todd: Had Jason in space always been the main idea... Or did you toss other setting ideas around?
(ToddFarmer) Well, he did so some free work for the production. He made some newspaper clippings that were to be used but they got cut
(MMN) Todd, I've been sending it to Blake, but fuck it. How do you feel about the 2.7 million opening day? Disapointed? Satisfied?
(Luigi) (Cypress_Empire) Writing Jason X, you must have had some ideas what happened after he was pulled to hell; how he returned ?
(ToddFarmer) We had Jason in a winter setting which was pretty cool. And Jason in Bladerunner setting but we knew we couldn't get a current Jason story made because NL would have seen that as stepping on FvsJ
(Luigi) (Nick) did you watch the friday the 13th series before you wrote the story to jason x, and what was your favorite movie?
(ToddFarmer) Disappointed, MMN, but not horribly embarassed. NL will make their money back. We won't lose money. I wouldn't want to be Life or Something Like it right now. Bless their hearts. It will be tough for them to recoup their budget
(ToddFarmer) And when you consider we were in about 800 theatres less than the others, we didn't do horrible but I would have prefered better, of course.
(ToddFarmer) Yeah, I watched them all before pitching ideas.
(Luigi) (Mini0n) Todd, If you could go back and rewrite anything about the movie, What would you change?
(ToddFarmer) I think I would have stayed closer to one of the earlier drafts. We strayed an awful lot in tone and character. I'm not saying any early draft was perfect but I thought they were a better direction than where we ended up. But then that's me. I'm just the monkey with the keyboard.
(Lovecrafts_Afterbirth) (ALLOUTMASSACRE) ok i just want to say i did enjoy seeing jason on the big screen, but why did you decide to have brodski ride ubersjason in teh atmosphere of earth 2 i thought it was kind of goofy? (no offense)
(ToddFarmer) None taken. I'd actually written that Brodski burns up almost immediatly, but it was homage to Dr. Strangelove.
(Luigi) (rxfiend) question: is Anchor Bay releasing Jason X on dvd? or new line?
(ToddFarmer) I'm not sure about the DVD. I heard the Anchor Bay rumor today but I know no details.
(MMN) (Yavas) TODD! What director would you like to work with?
(ToddFarmer) Peter Jackson.
(ToddFarmer) Sam Raimi
(ToddFarmer) John Houston
(Luigi) (CreepingDeath86) Todd how many theaters was Jason X shown in? nationwide
(ToddFarmer) 1800 or so
(Luigi) (Gene) Could yoy tell Todd that the film turned out fantastic?
(ToddFarmer) Thanks, Gene, glad you liked it.
(Luigi) (Gam8le) I thought the movie was great, but, were any deaths cut because they were too violent, and what deaths were ""trimmed""?
(ToddFarmer) Kicker crawling across the floor with his legs missing was trimmed by a couple of frames and Fat Lou's insides on the console was trimmed a few frames.
(ToddFarmer) Outside of that, Jimmy shot alot of the kills off screen.
(ToddFarmer) Or rather, didn't shoot them
(Luigi) (EdgarFrog) Todd, what did you think of the movie? did you like it?
(ToddFarmer) hmmm
(ToddFarmer) I liked it. But it's not what I... I liked it.
(Luigi) (Skott) how many hockey masks were made and did anyone get to keep them?
(ToddFarmer) I think Kane and Jimmy kept some of the masks but the rest went to New Line for the auction.
(ToddFarmer) Not sure how many were made
(Luigi) (UberToby) Todd, did you like how Jason killed you off?
(ToddFarmer) Yes, I like that Dov and I are the only two to get whacked twice in a F13. I take some pride in that.
(Luigi) (shelly) there has been a lot of discussion on continuity from jgth. will how jason gets out of hell be tackled in fvj or will it just be ignored?
(ToddFarmer) It won't be ignored.
(Luigi) ({suiCide}) what was the purpose of the IV at the beginning? was Jason being sedated for the move?
(ToddFarmer) He was being sedated to keep him in the chains.
(Luigi) (Don) todd-how does one try to start a career in writing?
(ToddFarmer) Get to LA or NY or somewhere they make movies then make friends and study the art form and pray for luck.
(Luigi) I think its time to call it a day
({suiCide}) thanks to todd for joining us.
(Luigi) (Jenosis) In any cut scenes, was it ever discussed why the ""quaint"" town of Crystal Lake was turned into a Government Facility?
(ToddFarmer) I hope you guys had fun with Jason this time and I hope I didn't bore you too much today.
(Luigi) I'm sorry if your question did not get asked, we still have the ""ask Todd"" thread on the baord
(ToddFarmer) It was never discussed in the script but that backstory was that it was put there since nobody would come there due to all the previous Jason killings.
(Luigi) (TheUberTallMan) During the corse of the series, Jason has taken down quite a few nubile teenage girls. Did you deliberately set it up so Jason would get his ass kicked by a woman (or something looking like a woman) as some sort of sommupance?
(ToddFarmer) Tall, as usual, you have me pegged. You are exactly right. :) I always root for the girl :)
(Drew) Thank you very much Todd :)
(ToddFarmer) It was my pleasure. Hope you guys enjoyed it.
(ToddFarmer) Ok, you guys be safe. I enjoyed it.

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