Andy Barton, Bong Tokin' Chuckles, Brandon Parmley, Brute Wes, Dean Jones, Dedkid, Je§§e Adams, Joseph Knappenberger, Neville, Russ, The Tall Man

Aaron Crawford, Andrew Godsil, Dave Gill, Dave Hastings, HP Mac, Jayman, John Colin Gritton, Mister Bloody, Peter G, Scott Dawson, SnBoArDeR12880, Terry Holloway, THA BUTCHA, Tokyo Jason

BCE, Brian Pitchard & Tim Wann, Chris Dunshee, Chris Skinner, Danny Gossman, Dark Fox, DC126ATL, Drew Edwards, Gage Lewis, Homicidal #9, Jon N., Mikey Tilton, MrRottenTreats, Nathan Rodgers, Raskolnikov, Rob Krohn, ShadowsGod, Steve Province

Alexander Gustafsson, Astrozombie, Bag of Bones, Biohazard, Chris Veach, Dan from Centra-Fuj, Drew Riley, Jason Brown, Kevin Cothran, Kevinem82, Ruben, Russ D., Vidal Rodriguez, World's Smallest Jason

Andrew Kennedy, Bill Yost, Chopper Denton, Chris Notarile, Creeping Death, Denny Smith, Duke Nukeum, Fabio Alves, Jerad Lang, Kevin Moore, Lunatio, Mark Goodson, Peter, T.E., tHe UgLy, William Schwickrath

Billy & Amanda, Carl Noldon, Casey Carty, Casey Ramone, Chad Ivey, Claire Storm, Dan C Squared, EverythingJason, Gene & Shane, Gregory D., Jim Atkinson, Ken, Kyle Greenfield, Mad Fretter, Miguel A., Pascal, Schultzy, Shaun Barton, Sinister Beast, Sleepyhollow4112, SonnyD, Steven Weighill & Shane Drury, xxExVxRxx

Al Zehrung, Avatar_of_Chaos, Cory Pierce, CreepShow FX, DaleXmaN, Donovan, EvilEkim, G. Wren, Glenn Kaestner & Chris Uschack, Jason McMinn, Jay Miller, Mick7, Morbid Wolf, Neal, Nick101181, NUTZ, Psicho, Ray Chace, Ron Timbs, Jr., Uberpoo, Vezolution, Woody Hollingsworth, Zoner

Andy Lehoe, Dan Schuy, James Barksdale, Jason Gossett, Jason Hornack, John F. Kelly, Kevin Warner, Manwards, Mark Tomlin, Mathew Hester, MunchE, Shane Drury & Steve Weighill, Tony
If you have good pics of your original Jason mask or
costume, e-mail the pics to f13files@gmail.com