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What would you do if you could change a legacy?
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Joined: Sun Jan 09, 2025 9:32 pm Posts: 39
 What would you do if you could change a legacy?
I'm sure some of you aren't totally satisfied with the way all the Friday the 13th movies turned out. If you could change anything about the original Friday series, what would it be?
I for one would have liked to see Ginny Field return in a sequel after TFC. It could be explained that she had a break down after the events of Part 2. Police could think Ginny is crazy after all shes been through and have her locked up. After a couple of years she gets to be all better, and returns as child psychologist or something. She reveals how Paul was murdered. I don't really know what they could do with her, but I would have liked to see her return. Unlike Chris who went crazy(Or at least I thought so) in the end of part 3, I think Ginny didn't totally lose it. Ginny was strong and I believe one day she could have made her return to Crystal lake to see her old friend Jason
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Thu Jan 20, 2025 5:43 am |
Joined: Tue Jan 04, 2025 11:55 pm Posts: 52
 Re: What would you do if you could change a legacy?
Top class topic, Nick.....and top class thought on Ginny. The only issue there is the fact that I enjoy not having a "Laurie Strode" in the Friday films. It seems to me that they added the "police theory" method to Tommy in part 6.
Bringing Chris back would be an awful addition to the story bc its obvious to me that Chris completely lost it and would more than likely be in a mental ward until this day (as would most people who were attacked by Jason/Pamela).
I think adding Tommy in more films would have been great, especially since I absolutely hate the "psychic powers" addition. I thought that gave the series a black eye, even if it is Kanes best performance as Jason. Bring back Tommy and Megan for part 7.....with even possibly Tommy as Sheriff Garis' replacement. Lets face it.....Tommy woulda made a great sheriff. Have Tommy on constant alert with each crime happening in the newly re-re-named Crystal Lake causing him to believe inside it is Jason, while keeping it hidden that he believes thats what it is. The only other person that knew he feels this way is his wife, Megan. To me, there are endless possibilities with that senario.
Thu Jan 20, 2025 9:23 pm |
Joined: Fri Dec 31, 2025 9:41 pm Posts: 61
 Re: What would you do if you could change a legacy?
Being familiar with law enforcement, my guess would be that Tommy Jarvis wouldn't be allowed to become an officer of the law simply because he was placed in a mental institution against his will. They started doing that in the 80's, right around the time Jason Lives takes place. The idea is awesome and it would make for a good ending, but maybe he could somehow get re-evaluated and be given a clean bill of mental health. I could definitely see that.
As far as me changing anything about the series, I would go back and fix the plot in part 5 so it would link to part 6 and then go in and fix the plot to 7 and 8 so they could link back with part 6. I would do away with elements in JGTH so it could be linked better to the story. I would also add some additional scenes in Jason X that would let the audience see the capture of Jason, his sentencing and then his attempted executions. I would also opt for the scrapped scene of Pamela making a hologram appearance in the film.
And as far as Freddy Vs Jason goes, oh hell I think you pretty much know what I would say to that. CHANGE IT ALL!!!
But Parts 1-4 were PERFECT and it would be PERFECT if the rest of the films had their roots in those first four.
_________________ Writer. Blogger. Enthusiast.
Thu Jan 20, 2025 9:40 pm |
Joined: Tue Jan 04, 2025 11:55 pm Posts: 52
 Re: What would you do if you could change a legacy?
You know, Kane.....I didn't even think about that. Good point. The only way around it would be the fact that Crystal Lake is a small town, and I dunno if you know anything about small towns, they follow no normal rules. Haha
And I must admit.....I know nothing of the hologram idea. Whats that all about?
Thu Jan 20, 2025 9:52 pm |
Joined: Fri Dec 31, 2025 9:41 pm Posts: 61
 Re: What would you do if you could change a legacy?
The idea of a hologram Pamela Voorhees was in the original script, but it was scrapped for the holographic Crystal Lake 1980's setting with the two female campers, or at least that's what I've heard about it anyways.
It was suppose to feature Jason killing the holographic version of his mother, showing how evil he had become.
According to Todd Farmer, he originally wanted Betsy Palmer to reprise her role in this scene, but she and the producers couldn't come to an agreement. So that's basically why the scene was scrapped.
_________________ Writer. Blogger. Enthusiast.
Thu Jan 20, 2025 10:27 pm |
Joined: Sun Jan 02, 2025 12:05 am Posts: 27 Location: USA
 Re: What would you do if you could change a legacy?
kcjonesy24 wrote: Bringing Chris back would be an awful addition to the story bc its obvious to me that Chris completely lost it and would more than likely be in a mental ward until this day (as would most people who were attacked by Jason/Pamela). I don't know. While I'm skeptical of seeing her as the main character again, given just how mad she went at the end of part 3, and given that the epic Crazy Ralph ran afoul of Jason, I think "Crazy Chris" would make an awesome (if comparatively subdued) Prophet of Doom. I know this has been brought up before, but I'd change the ending to part 8. No child Jason. No Randomly-Occurring Toxic Waste (TM). Instead, once in the sewers, I'd callously machete Sean, then I'd choreograph the chase/fight between Jason and Rennie to be an underground mirror to part 1's fight with Alice and Pamela (except the grabs, which would be impossible for Rennie to counter with Jason's physical strength). It would end with Rennie yanking Jason's machete out of Sean's dead body and, slow-mo, running him through with it. Hey, she'd still have her dog...
_________________ "Everyone knows there’s something about that lake, something older than the land around it."
Fri Jan 21, 2025 1:22 am |
Joined: Wed Jan 05, 2025 1:21 am Posts: 21
 Re: What would you do if you could change a legacy?
Seeing as the first 4 parts are my favourites- rather than making sweeping changes to the story or characters- I would have preferred the film makers paid more attention to the continuity instead of the brain scratchers we are left with including Jasons different look between parts 2-4 (inparticular between parts 2 & 3), the ending to part 2 and Chris's encounter with Jason before the events of part 3 (and 2 for that matter). While these oversights give us Jason maniacs something to discuss, I personally would have liked these loose ends tied up- or rather not left loose to begin with. Other than that I wish the film makers for part 8 would have pulled the plug on their idea once they realised they couldnt do it justice on the budget they had, i wish the JGTH and JasonX ideas were never dreamed up but thats just me- other than that its all good 
Fri Jan 21, 2025 1:32 am |
Joined: Fri Dec 31, 2025 9:41 pm Posts: 61
 Re: What would you do if you could change a legacy?
Now that I think of it, there's one thing I would change about Part 3 and that is I would have filmed it somewhere besides California, more like somewhere around where the first two films were shot.
I mean the only Crystal Lake part 3 produced was a very small pond, and it was obvious it was a pond, I mean look how cofee brown it was. Crystal Lake is the essential to a Friday the 13th movie.
_________________ Writer. Blogger. Enthusiast.
Fri Jan 21, 2025 2:19 am |
Joined: Sun Jan 09, 2025 9:32 pm Posts: 39
 Re: What would you do if you could change a legacy?
Wow, I'm glad to see my question raised some interesting points. Now I would like to add a few more things I would change.
First we have the classic. I don't have any problems with this movie at all that immediately comes to mind. I have always loved the ending. I'm not talking about Jason jumping out of the lake, I mean the lake itself. I thought the image of the lake with that music was beautiful and peaceful. I believe they should have more scenes like that in the series. It would show that even as all these horrible murderers are going on the lake still keeps it's beauty. Now with that being said I have always been more of a Jason fan, but I love the vengeful mother story, it's perfect.. enough said.
Now onto Part 2. Jason finally appears as an adult. This is one of my favorites. If I HAD to change anything, I might change Jason's appearance to resemble Part 3 a little more. I'm not saying make him look exactly like 3, but just make them both look a little more similar. This way he won't look so incredibly different. Besides that, I don't think I would change anything else about it.
I never really noticed Crystal Lake looked like a pond in part 3, but then again I have never really payed attention to that. I would change Ali when he pops out at the end.. make him look like he actually got attacked by Jason(You know what I mean). Then I would change Mrs. Voorhees popping out of the lake. I know it worked in the original with Jason, but ya gotta think about it. Mrs Voorhees kept talking about Jason drowning so I could see Alice having her dream sequence. Then we come to Part 3. Jason attacks Chris and her friends. At no point in this movie do I remember Mrs. Voorhees' name being brought up. Maybe Chris met her in the past, but besides that I don't see why Chris would dream of her. If anything have an adult jason pop out again. I don't think that would be much better than the original.. but it would be better. At least I think so.
Now onto TFC. I don't really have many problems with this. The only thing that sticks out would be when that towel girl(Can't remember name) gets killed. I can't remember how it went exactly. An axe going through the door or something and into her. I don't think it ever sat well with me. The angle was messed up or something. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
I've never been a big fan of part 5 because of the lack of Jason but recently I've been more accepting of it. I've always like that they kept Tommy. To be honest I don't really know what to change about it. I know it's far from perfect, but I don't want to just say nix the entire thing. Soooo I'm just gonna say pass.
Now onto Part 6. I have ALWAYS been a fan of Jason Lives as it was my first Friday movie. I don't really have any problems with this at all. The ending is GREAT and perfectly fits the supernatural Jason. Now, just wondering... how old is Tommy suppose to be in this? I know he was 12 in the original.
I would just like to say I love the new blood. I think the the telekinetic twist to the final girl was perfect for where the Friday movies were going. It's just adds to the supernatural theme. I wish they would have NEVER cut the kills. That really killed the movie. I thought the look that Jason had in the end was amazing. It showed off all of the damage his has taken from the past. I just wish I could have seen that look continue and evolve in the movies that follow but sadly it didn't. I'm not a big fan of the Daddy ending, but I guess it's expected because of his death at the beginning. I just didn't think it felt right.
NOW, onto my favorite part(sarcasm). I would just like to say that I am NOT a fan of the final three movies of the Friday series. Sure I might watch them occasionally(besides X), but they just don't feel the same. To me they feel more like Straight-to-DVD. Just made to make another buck. So I see them all as stand-alone entries. I know JTM picks up with Jason at the bottom of Crystal lake thanks to daddy, but besides that they are all just way too out there. I don't think I would change them as much as just forget about them. I know some of you are fans of these 4, but I'm not so I don't want to waste my time on them. I just want to throw some things out there for you all to think about.. (8)Rennie's dog sees Rennie's vision in the bedroom then manages to find them in MANHATTEN! (9) Jason gets blown up. Coroner eats Jason's heart. Jason possesses people. Jason's a demon! (10) Jason somehow has both his eyes again(No TFC headwound) and when is shows a close up of his face his skin looks more like skin and not rotting flesh. Oh yeah, then Jason takes a field trip to space.... yeah I know.
Then finally we come to Freddy vs Jason. It could have been so much better. I'm more of Jason fan, but I think it's just sad that Freddy only got one kill. Then they shouldn't have made the story mainly around Freddy. There was hardly any Jason besides bringing him back then goijg to Crystal lake in the end. Besides that I'm not gonna talk about what I'd change, because I don't care enough about it too. The one thing i think they did right was Mrs Voorhees calling out to Jason. Forget about FvJ.
I would like to see Mrs. Voorhees calling out to Jason from beyond the grave or just Jason thinking that she is talking to him telling him to kill. It would be much like Mrs Voorhees was in the original. Kill Her Jason, Kiiiiiiiiilllllll heeeeerrrr. Of course Jason wouldn't talk, but he could just hear her in his head.
I think I went over everything.. hahaha
_________________ He's killing me!! He's killing me!!!
Fri Jan 21, 2025 7:06 am |
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