I'm a big fan of Friday the 13th on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Not because it's a great game (it's far from that) but because it embodies the spirit and theme of the films. No one would ever consider any of the F13 films cinematic masterpieces but they have an endearing charm about them that still captivates fans to this day. Much like the films, the game too is flawed but it has a certain atmosphere about it that I've liked since I first played it as a kid. The music, the day to night transitions, stalking around the cabins in the dark searching for Jason all stuck with me and have kept me a fan over 20 years later. As such, I've blogged about the game on a few occasions and I thought I'd share these entries with all of you here at the Friday the 13th Forum.
The 8-bit Jason Project was a creative endeavor I put together for Friday the 13th last August and it examines what Jason would have looked like had the game programmers at LJN made him look like he did in each of the F13 films, 3-8. I also give my own insights on the various costume permutations throughout the series. Check it out here: http://jacks-attic.com/2010/08/09/the-8-bit-jason-project/
In honor of today being Friday the 13th I went back to the well and did another piece on the game's end screen and the "false endings" sprinkled throughout. Enjoy: http://jacks-attic.com/2011/05/13/old-school-horror-game-end-screen-friday-the-13th-nes/
All in all, Friday the 13th on the NES is quite a crappy game. But like the movies that inspired it, it has a certain kind of flawed charm that fans of the horror genre embrace. The films as well as the game were a large part of my formative years traversing the horror landscape. And while neither one is the best representative of their respective mediums; they still occupy a dark little corner of my heart.