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PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2025 5:54 am 

Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2025 5:35 am
Posts: 1
Hello everyone. some of you might know me from the old days ... ;)

The following is a summary of posts I did on other webpages during the last few days and can be read as some sort of "diary" or "story in progress". You will see that the first part of this story deals with "rumours" and with, "indications" until we get to the proof. That "development" just came to a happy ending today (see the last part of this post which deals with me making contact with the family).

IF YOU WANT/NEED/MUST FOLLOW MY STEPS AND INVESTIGATIONS: PLEASE THINK TWICE: No need to invade someones privacy more than needed. The internet can give out lots of personal data like adresses and private family pictures. But eryone should respect the privacy of other people.


As you probably know: Susan Jennifer Sullivan was reported dead by the Crystal Lake Memories documentary in 2025. They presented a link to an obituary to an Susan Jennifer Sullivan, who died in Boston in 2025 (here: ... 9346458815) and later restated that claim on the DVD and put her name up in the "in memory"-credits.
You also might probably know that there is a website about a "Susan Jennifer Grace Sullivan" that deals with a woman that suffered from leukemia and you also might know that a girl called Mia posted on some F13 message boards . who claimed to be her daughter and said that "our" Susan Jennifer Sullivan from TNB is still alive (scroll down to the comments from 3 years ago on this page: ... lissa.html ) . Unfortunately a lot of people never believed her ("because the DVD said she died").

I have done a bit of investigating: Mia and her story ARE legit.

Susan Jennifer Sullivan´s alternate name is Grace Sullivan ( I think she appeared under that name in some movies; that is also hinted on imdb).
She WAS married to Andrew Niccol (drector of Gattaca, screenwirter of the Truman show), but they are divorced and he has married Rachel Roberts afterwards. They (SJS and Andrew Niccol) have a daughter (Mia).

Andrew Niccol´s wiki, where Mia (from his first marriage) is mentioned:
I got this info from facebook-comments made by her doctor (check the comments to this article: ... 3208668470

Here are some pics of SJS and Andrew Niccol from the premiere of "Simone" in 2025. If you compare the nose, cheek and chin-area to "Melissa from part 7" you will see the resemblances.

More pics ... ures-26163

I created a collage with some of the pics from Andrew Niccols "Simone" premiere in 2025 as well as that one pic from the grace and letters-website and with some pics from TNB and "Click-The calendar-killer". There are about 16 years between Simone and TNB/Click. As I said before: Compare the nose, the cheecks, eyes etc. That has got to be OUR Susan Jennifer Sullivan from TNB!!!!! (If you think otherwise and/or can prove something else you are allowed to call me an idiot.)


The "walk of fame"-timeline on (PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS SITE TO MAKE CONTACT, IT`S ABOUT SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAN ENTERNAINMENT ) with the dates of the birth of her daughter (2000) and the date of the divorce (2002) is in line with the dates of Andrew Niccol´s cv, so the Grace Sullivan from Grace and Letters is at least the one who was married to Andrew Niccol and the one we see in the pics I linked above. According to the Gattaca-Page on a "Grace Sullivan" also appeared in Gattaca as a"Sequencing customer". Have to watch the movie again to check if it´s her. that "Grace sullivan" only has Gattaca as a credit ... I strongly believe that she has 2 imdb´profiles under different names (Grace and Susan Jennifer).

Here is the link to "Grace Sullivan´s" bio on imdb, where the marriage and divorce to Andrew Niccol is mentioned. ... _ov_bio_sm

Here are few screencaps I just took from her little scene in Gattaca. Watch this yourself in motion ... its her!


On the "" page, her"my mission" section is signed with: "Susan Jennifer Grace Sullivan" ... a "rare case" where both names "Grace" and "Jennifer Susan" are used. (Edit: As mentioned later in this posts: graceandletters is about a difficult time in her life and I doubt it would be wisely to use the site to make contact to her about her movie career)

So we know / can assume that she was alive in 2025 . The obituary that the guys from the Crystal Lake Chronicles gave ( ... =131263555 ) said that "a" Susan Jennifer Sullivan died in 2025.
If that was her then she must have moved to Boston and married Ed K. Taylor sometime after 2025. That obituary says nothing about her first marriage as well as her daughter Mia or her former acting career.
Check those pics from that obituary with "the" SJS from TNB.

Unfortunately, that woman from that obituary will be forever linked to our "Melissa" since people on "findagrave" are making comments about her (the real, still living Susan Jennifer sullivan´s) movie career on that womans page: ... d=40618841
We have to clear this up for the sake of both women (see my comments at the end)!!!

Yes, people can change in 20 years (or 5 years if we compare the pics from the Simone-premiere in 2025 and assume that the pics from the obituary are from around 2025 (the years that "the other" SJS died). Sure, that could be a wig she is wearing, but come on ... that is definitley not her ! (Again: If someone can definitly proof that this obituary belongs to the former actress Susan Jenifer Sullivan you are allowed to call me an idiot!)

If you search for THAT Susan J Sullivan on specialiced search engines ou get these results:

See ther mentioning of Ed Taylor, Randolph and West Roxbury, MA? Those are the names/cities mentioned in the above obituary.
It´s a Susan JEAN Sullivan and her maiden name was NOT Sullivan (it was Forde). It is not our Susan Jennifer Sullivan. See the hint "deceased" on the right pic? If you find the REAL SJS with those search engines (and some hints from here and there) you will not see that "deceased"- info!

The "walk of faith" on says "2013- present: remission" .. then there are Mia´s comments from 3 years ago on this very website (see the comments here: ... lissa.html ) .
That would mean that SJS was still alive in 2025 (and probably/hopefully) still is !!!
It think someone on this thread or somewhere else claimed that was fake and Mia was an impersonator and that SJS´s family tries to sue her.
Why would someone try to fake a website like that? A deluded fanboy would use more of her movie-history and wouldn´t come up with her cancer-history. I think that is highly unlikely. According to this site ( ) graceandletters was created 2025 (last updated in 2025) ... that was way before the CLM reported her dead!

Since the graceandletters-website (including the relevant entries of relatives and friends in the guestbook) has no new info on her since 2025 (according to the waybackmachine it was updated in 2025) there is a slight possibility of her death after that date. But the death rumours from Crystal Lake memories were made in November 2025 ... so this can not be just a mishap with the dates! It is just a big coincidence that the SJS who died in 2025 (which the CLM-documentary presented as our SJS in 2025) died of cancer and that the (in my opoinion) real SJS has/had cancer (leukemia to be exact).

There is much more evidence out there which I will not post here for the sake of her privacy. There are easy ways to look people on on the internet with certain, specialised search-engines like whitepages, radaris, intelius etc. With some hints, that you can easily find through some of the evidence already given in my post or clues "elsewhere" you can easily identify the real deal and see that she is alive. But reveailing those infos in public is a big NO NO. I presented the facts of her marriage with Andrew Niccol, Mia´s claims, the info from her doctor and since they are already clearly out there for anyone to see. i just added them into context and put 1 and 1 together. This was needed to prove my point. If you happen to be Daniel Farrands, Peter Bracke or anyone else from Crystal Lake Memories I might discuss my further findings with you (after I am certain that you are the real deal). A statement from you on this whole situation and why you claimed that she died would be preferred. Of course I would also talk to former cast-members of Part VII who want to know more and try to contact her.

That SJS-facebook page is a FANSITE which the owner stated right here: ... 3208668470 ... so much for "scumbag that pretentds to be a dead actress"!

Why did the Crystal Lake Memories guys provide the info with her death: Bad journalism! Let´s face it: It is/was very hard to find something about SJS. If you use google with "Susan Jennifer Sullivan" you do not find any current information (excpet the reports on her deaths based on the CLM-info) but sooner or later come across the obituaries of certain "Susan jennifer Sullivan´s". But SJS is a rather common name and that pics on the obituaries do not share any resemblances. The guys from the documentary probably did not find anything and jumped the gun when they saw this obituary in the google-results.
Why is there no clarification from the real SJS on this? Why didn´t she participate on interviews or conventions: This woman battled CANCER and had to deal with a divorce during that time (it seems that Andrew Niccols left her since he got married to Rachel Roberts in the same year as the divorce )!!! Maybe she feels uncomfortable promoting movies (in which deaths/murders where staged for entertainment-reasons) while she had to face such a lethal desease. Some F13th alumni feel/feelt ashamed of their participations in those movies 30 years ago (some just embraced the movies a couple of years ago). The website shows that she is very religious (psalm tatoos etc). Of course religion and beliefs are strong allies when battling cancer. Maybe she has a different sight on her horror-movie career now because of that. Maybe she "moved on".

The "death-news" from the Crystal Lake Memories guys was linked by a lot of horror-websites ... so everyone unfortunatley believes SJS has passed unless you are a big nerd who likes to spend days of intensive researching on the tiny hints on the internet like me.

Yes, it would be "helpful" (for us) if there was an "official" statement from SJS on a F13ht website like this (preferaly since that one seems to be more popular and updated more frequently nowadays) or through an horror-convention. But maybe she doesn´t care or has enough to do with her life than pleasing some guys on the internet (see reasons above).

Mia, if you are reading this: I am sorry if these "death-rumours" offended your family and I hope all is well for you and your mother. As you can see: An official statement would be very helpfull. We do not want to hurt your privacy but we just want to have the clarification that "the" Susan Jennifer Grace Sullivan is alive.

As for me:
For the reasons I gave above I am 100% sure that the SJS who was married to Andrew Niccol till 2025 was OUR SJS from TNB .. and I am CONVINCED that she was alive at the time of her reported death in 2025/2013 ... and I hope that she still is.

Rejoice everybody. My intensive research and quest to find out the truth about Susan Jennifer Sullivan is coming to an spectacular, confirmed HAPPY ENDING!!!! (Please read my previous posts in this thread in case you haven´t yet).

I have an update:
I found her mother on facebook (as i will say dozens of times later, PLEASE THINK TWICE IF YOU WANT TO DO THE SAME AS I DID FOR PRIVACY REASONs AD RESPECT TO THE FAMILY). I will not reveal how i did it in detail for obvious reasons. It is possible if you do a lot of "facebook-browsing" with some hints I found that I do not want to reveal in public (honestly, it was quiteeasy with the references you can find).
There area couple of RECENT pics of Susan Jennifer Sullivan from 2025/11 and even her daughter Mia on it.
Susan Jennifer Sullivan herself does not have to have an Facebook account herself ... at least not one that can be accessed/found by strangers.

I have to make a big statement and a request here: That facebook page is the page of her mother and not an official "I am a movie star, come and ask me about my past and publish all my private photos on some message-boards or website" page. Therefore, I will NOT give out the link to that facebook-page in public nor will I post those pictures (except the facebook-conservation later). I sure would not want someone to use my private pics without my permission and I am ure you would not like that as well.
If you also find her facebook-page: PLEASE, PLEASE, just look at the pictures, but DO NOT publish them. I really do not want to mess with the privacy of her family. I sure hope I get an "okay" to post some pics (or even get her to make contact with this website). Time will tell.
I also ask "the casual fan" who might stumble on this facebook-page to be respectful and refrain from contacting her. I doubt that she wants to be contacted by dozens of fans who ask the same questions. And If you ignore my request: Please, for gods sake be polite and respectful!!!!!
ALSO: I do not think it would be a good idea to contact her via graceandletters and the guestbook on that page. This page is about a different part of her life and I doubt that it would be wisely if we misuse it.

I contacted her mother and asked her if her daugther was an actress and starred in Friday the 13th VII. I asked if she was aware of the "death newz".
Today I got the response .... "ALIVE AND WELL".

I just asked her if she was aware of the internet-rumours and if the media or former co-stars tried to contact her. Will I get an answer to that? I do not know. What will happen next? I do not know. While I whish and hope that she comes out of hiding, makes appearances on conventions and gives interviews on webpages we have to respect whatever she wants. I just made her aware of the internet-buzz and we have to see what happens.
The "alive and well" answer just made my day and is confirmation enough. Everything is good.

Also @ everyone:
Please help me to clear this thing up! Post this story / these developments on each webpage or message board that deal with Friday the 13th, especially those that posted the "Susan Jennifer Sullivan is dead" newz from Crystal Lake memories. I contacted CLM on facebook via private-message but I might try to post a direct comment on the page later.
I already contacted imdb and aksed to get the "married to ED K Taylor till her death" stuff to be removed. It would help if others would do the same.

Another aspect I just thought of:
Crystal Lake Memories document was made at a "bad time". I think she was still fighting leukemia when the doc was made. Would she have been able to participate in the doc? Either way: CLM obviously did not find her or made any contact because publishing death-newz (about a totaly different SJS) was totaly in bad taste if you think about the circumstances the real SJS had to deal with.

In closing:
Smile, be happy. Watch Friday the 13th Part VII today, spread the word that she is still alive ... If I get more responses I will let you know. I am just a regular guy living in germany with limited/no contact to the entertainment industry. Therefore, it would be great if someone would take over, someone who can do more than just posting messages (full of bad grammar and typos) on message boards. Maybe we could get a cast member (Lar Park Lincoln?) get informed about this and make contact? Is someone reading this in contact with Lar or John Carl Beuchler?

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