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New Wickedbeard ‘Jason X’ Pics

New Wickedbeard ‘Jason X’ Pics

I haven’t seen too many Jason X costumes that come as close to the screen used digs that Kane Hodder wore, but Wickedbeard now has come pretty close. His newest pictures feature Jason Voorhees, pre-Uber Jason, complete with victim and space machete. Man, I feel like I just described an action figure. Oh the lingering effects of reporting so much action figure news last week!

At any rate, check out his inspiring pictures below and hit up Wickedbeard’s website for more awesome pictures of Jason Voorhees and other iconic villains.

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17 Responses to “ New Wickedbeard ‘Jason X’ Pics ”

  1. It is Kane Hodder as Jason in Jason X! :) Great work as always.

  2. Great work as always but yet again NOT ORIGINAL. I would love to see Wikerbeard do some original stuff thats not Jason, Michael, Freddy, etc….. Cuz your getting props for somebody elses designs….its cute when you show up at conventions and people are like \cool\ and \wow, that looks good\…i’ve done it as well…I have gone to the chiller convention as Darth Maul and the kids go nuts and take pictures with you…but something doesn’t seem right when you put up a website and you have people giving you mad props for somebody elses design….my 2 cents…. No disrespect though…..Wikerbeard stuff does look Awesome as always….would just love to see his original stuff….

  3. A little rough on ol’ Wickedbeard, don’t you think, Tony. It’s his passion to create these costumes. If he wants to showcase the work he puts into them , I think he has that right. I am sure you put passion into your Darth Maul outfit and I am sure you are very proud of your work.

    Alas, you have your opinion and that’s cool too! ;)

  4. Damm, thats pretty close. Awesome job as always.

  5. WOW someone beenin rude. Wickedbeard bread is a great horror fan in general and has some major skills at remake making this icon figures. Great for conventions. Me I love his creeper one. I haven’t seen any and that is one awesome! I wish I you borrow his part 8 and go to time square and take a pic with it on. That would be sweet!

  6. Wickedbeard is the ultimate Jason impersonator. His attention to detail and quality of his costumes in inimitable… These look like amazing publicity shots… If I didn’t know any better I’d swear this was Kane Hodder.

  7. wow, wickedbeard keep em comin, your stuff is awsome as always!

  8. Amazing work beard. It looks good enough to be in the movie. I envy you.
    Tony, this a Friday the 13th site. Wickedbeard could have 100 original costumes for all we know, but Jason is what we want to see on this site.

  9. This is fucking sick . someone who is making a fan movie should have this guy make there Jason or borrow the costume for the movie !! O AND we need a green light already on the next movie ,go old skool change up jasons look again like part 4 mix with part 3

  10. I would love an official prop of the space machete.

  11. As good as Wickedbeard is they should consider him for part of the cast or crew for the next F13 installment. Imagine him making the actual costume for the next official Friday! That would be freakin’ sweet

  12. Nice job, Wickedbeard!! Which costumes in all 11 films Jason appeared in that you haven’t done yet? :D

  13. Thanks so much for all the kinds words guys.I appreciate it tremendously!!
    And NW, I have done em all except the Uber, and that is in the works.

  14. Absolutely awesome work as always! You look great bro!!

  15. That is realy close to the real thing!!!
    WB have a fantastic eye!!!

  16. Jason’s Fury

    I totally agree with you. I love his stuff as well. He’s a talented guy, no doubts about that. Wickerbeard does have an eye for recreating Horror Icon’s. I would just love to see some of his original works.

  17. These are the best I’ve ever seen, and he does do Freddy, Michael etc. costumes as well, just look at his website ;) .

    It always seems like the nay sayers are the ones who are least in the know, and don’t do their research.

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