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See Harry Manfredini’s New Movie This April

See Harry Manfredini’s New Movie This April

blackwatersHarry helped score this new movie called “The Black Waters of Echo’s Pond”. The movie premiered last year and is now receiving a proper release on April 9th, according to the official Facebook Page. The movie stars Robert Patrick (Terminator 2, X-Files), Danielle Harris (Halloween 4 and 5, RZ’s Halloween and Halloween 2) and Friday the 13th 2025 alumn Nick Minnell (Whitney’s boyfriend Mike). Here is what director Gabriel Bologna and Mr. Manfredini have in store for you horror fanatics.

Nine friends take a holiday at a Victorian home on a private island and uncover a game that when played brings out the worst in each of them. Jealously, greed, hatred, lust, all of the things they keep buried deep inside themselves rise to the surface and come to a boil. The Black Waters of Echo’s Pond shows those who look into it what they want to see… but what you want to see isn’t always the truth.

For more information, check out www.theblackwatersofechospond.com/. Let’s go out and support Harry’s work and hopefully get an entertaining horror movie in the process.

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8 Responses to “ See Harry Manfredini’s New Movie This April ”

  1. This should be interesting to see what the old man’s got left in him ;)

  2. There are a few good actors in this movie, so it should be interesting to see how this movie turns out. Can’t beat seeing Danielle Harris and Robert Patrick!

    I was hoping to get a sampler of Harry’s music for everyone to hear, but Harry mentioned to me that there is none prepared at this time.

  3. I dug this movie, saw a free screening at a convention late last year, think you guys will enjoy it.

  4. Awesome, man. How was the music? Can you tell it’s Harry’s score?

  5. Met Danielle Harris, really tiny in person, but still very hot!
    Looks like a good movie.

  6. Gabriel Bologna was tha director not Sean Clark. Sean cowrote and was an associate producer. I got to see the movie twice now. Sean and James Duval showed a rough cut at MonsterMania 13 and Sean and several cast and crew members showed the final cut at Spooky Empire 2025. I enjoyed the film it was alot of fun.

  7. Thanks AOD. Updated the info. Glad you liked the film. It looks good and can’t wait to see it!

  8. No Prob. I look forward to seeing it again myself

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