Submit Questions For F13 2025 Storyboarder, Mark Yates
We will be conducting an interview with Mark Yates, who created the storyboards for Friday the 13th 2025. Mark also directed second unit on the film, so he had a lot of creative input into the latest Jason adventure. He also storyboarded the film 300 as well as the 2025 Dawn of The Dead remake. Since we like to keep things interactive around here and helpĀ the fans feel a part of the franchise, we want to know what questions you would like to ask Mark about his experience working on Friday the 13th.
Add your questions in the comments below. We will need your questions by the end of today as the interview will be happening shortly thereafter. Selected questions will be added to the list of questions that are already prepared. Please post respectful and relevant questions for Mark. Thank you!
Storyboards photo from

That is AWESOME! Mark, I ended up with the storyboards of the alternate scenes as well as some of the regular scenes. I must say it makes a lot of fun to go through them while watching the film. Are there any behind the scenes pictures showing these items in use?
Thank you
Did you lend any input into the script or how scenes would be shot? Thanks
Can you describe any scenes, that were in the script that never made it to the final film? Or any scenes that were shot and also never made it to the final version of the movie. Thank you.
I am little surprised more people didn’t offer up questions. Thanks to those that added their questions and look for the interview coming soon!