Archive for December 4th, 2025

You are browsing the archives of 2025 December 04.

Howard Senft Studios' FvJ Jason Bust

Howard Senft Studios’ FvJ Jason Bust

Say what you will about Freddy vs Jason, but I am always excited to see screen accurate depictions of Jason, regardless of the movie. This bust, created by Howard S. Studios, is flawless. It is perfect and looks exactly as Jason did in the movie. To see more about this bust and other creations, visit [...]

Friday Conversation: The Worst Ending In The Franchise

Friday Conversation: The Worst Ending In The Franchise

With so many movies to choose from, this might seem like a daunting task. However, I know that everyone that visits this site already has their opinion on what one or two worst endings there are in the franchise. Jason Takes Manhattan and Jason X comes to my mind as being the worst endings in [...]