Archive for December 14th, 2025

You are browsing the archives of 2025 December 14.

Setting Up The Scene: Part 3's Dream Sequence With Mrs. Voorhees

Setting Up The Scene: Part 3’s Dream Sequence With Mrs. Voorhees

I am always interested by how filmmakers go about setting up scenes that are going to be filmed. Behind the scene images of these setups are a great time capsule of how each production goes about their scene setup. Below is an on-set photo of the preparation for the dream sequence that Chris (Dana Kimmel) [...]

Bracket Challenge: Champion Announcement!

Bracket Challenge: Champion Announcement!

As I mentioned last week, it has been a lot of fun preparing this entire bracket challenge since July. I am glad so many people participated and engaged in conversation about the franchise. There have been a number of visitors that have been, shall I say, unproductive to the discussions, but that didn’t keep visitors [...]