Beware Monster Asylum’s “Killing Machine”

Monster Asylum has been responsible for a number of high-end sculptures that represent  many horror genre films and their characters. These sculptures are made for movies from past to present. The man behind Monster Asylum, Jonathan Fuller, is now offering his visual representation of Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th (2009). His new bust, titled “Killing Machine”, is screen accurate in design and would be a great addition to anyone’s memoribilia collection. The cost for this piece is $400 plus shipping. The shirt in the pictures below is not included normally, but will be included in eBay sales.

If you are interested, visit the Monster Asylum website or contact Jonathan Fuller directly at Take a look at the photos below and see Jason Voorhees up close once again.

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6 Responses to “ Beware Monster Asylum’s “Killing Machine” ”

  1. I think this looks completely awesome! I am really liking the full detail here. The price is what makes it difficult to swallow purchasing this. However, there is no denying that this is possibly one of the best sculpts of Jason I have seen.

  2. Yes, the cost is high, but if you take into account the materials needed and the artists time and talents, it is definitely worth the price. This holds true, especially for collectors. This one is a great representation of the character from the new movie!

  3. Thats freakin sweet. Thats as dead on as it gets. Very good work.

  4. Wow thats realy really good!!!
    But the price is waaaaaaay to high for me!!!


  6. That’s going to replace the whale in my Nightmares…..

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