Chat Rules
- Be civil to the other chatters. If you want a fight, you will be kicked or banned.
- No chatters under 13 will be permitted! This is a website for an R-rated film series.
- Non-specific (i.e. not directed at an individual) profanity is permitted -- so if your mom comes in and gets angry because someone said "fuck", you were warned.
- Please no A/S/L spamming - you will be made fun of.
- Do not use COLORS in chat. It burns our eyes. *_*
- Do not use ANY sort of derogatory / prejudicial language. (Clarification)
- Do not come in to advertise other websites.
- Listen to the moderators. If they ask you to do or stop doing something, please pay attention.
Chat Access (two options)
1. IRC (best): Use an IRC client such as mIRC.
Add server, port 6667.
Once connected, type /join #fridaythe13th to get to the chatroom.
Alternate Servers
To register your nickname through mIRC on the new server:
Using your nick, type /nickserv register password e-mail
2. Java Client: 800x600 Screen Size
Type in your nickname in the required box.
Once connected, type /join #fridaythe13th to get to the chatroom.