Freddy Krueger is in hell - literally. It's been nearly ten years
since Krueger, one of the scariest horror movie characters of all
time, invaded peoples' dreams to exact his deadly form of revenge
and murder. But now, his memory has been systematically erased by
a town determined to put an end to Freddy once and for all. Potential
victims have been drugged to prevent them from dreaming, rendering
impotent the master of nightmares. They've eliminated their fear
of Freddy, absolute torture for an egomaniac psychopath who's a
legend in his own mind. Like an inmate with a life sentence, Freddy's
been reduced to plotting a fantastic revenge that will never happen.
Until, that is, Freddy
resurrects Jason Voorhees, an equally iconic madman. Jason is the
perfect means for Freddy to once again instill fear on Elm Street,
creating a window of opportunity for him to emerge from his purgatory.
Recognizing how easily manipulated Jason is, Freddy tricks Voorhees
into journeying to Springwood to start a new reign of terror.
But as the bodies begin
to pile up on Elm Street and Freddy's fearsome reputation assumes
new life, he discovers that Jason isn't willing to cease his murderous
ways and step aside so easily. Now, with a terrified town in the
middle, the two titans of terror enter into a horrifying showdown
of epic proportions, alternating between the world of dreams and
the harsh reality of the living world.
Who will win and who will
lose in this battle to end all battles? |


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