- Uhh... what happened to Jason going to Hell? How did he get out?
- EXPLANATION - Freddy vs. Jason showed what happened between Jason Goes to Hell and Jason X.
- Jason's appearance has once again changed. His head had been bulbous and had tufts of hair in Jason Goes to Hell, and it was black and completely bald in Freddy vs. Jason. Now his head looks fairly human, with a lot of hair at the back of his head.
- EXPLANATION - They are studying Jason's regenerative powers at the Crystal Lake Research Facility, so supposedly he has had enough time to grow back his hair and skin since he was captured.
Jason's fingers on his right hand were cut off at the end of Freddy vs. Jason, but he now has all of his fingers back.
- EXPLANATION - Again, we assume he has regenerative powers.
- Jason magically appears behind Rowan in the hallway after escaping.
- EXPLANATION - The large room in which he was held must have had several exits.
- How did Jason get his machete? He wouldn't have been chained up with it.
- EXPLANATION - There was a cut scene showing Rowan with a box of Crystal Lake paper clippings and other Jason material, and his machete was one of the items in the box.
- The shotgun that Rowan fires at Jason in the beginning is very powerful and would have a noticable recoil, and yet she holds it steady.
- How can a rusted machete bust through the thick metal door of the cryochamber?
- EXPLANATION - Apparently, Jason is just that strong.
- Rowan, and Jason aren't discovered for over 400 years. Dr. Wimmer was
supposed to be transporting Jason to another research facility. Don't
you think the people at the other end of the delivery would have become suspicious?
- EXPLANATION - It is never fully explained, but we are to presume that after seeing the carnage that Jason left, anybody that would have come to investigate would have decided that it was best to leave him frozen. There was also some mention of the Crystal Lake Research Facility being closed down soon, so it's possible that this was so top secret that the people on the other end didn't know about it yet, so that information died with Dr. Wimmer.
Since all life on Earth was destroyed, how would the power still be on to keep them frozen over 400 years later? Lights came on in Jason's chamber when they opened it.
- EXPLANATION - Presumably in the future they made cryogenic chambers that were self-propelled and didn't need an outside electrical source.
- When the cryostasis chamber's locking mechanism is activated on the door, it spins clockwise to shut Rowan in. But 400 years later when the team unlocks it, it spins in the exact same clockwise motion.
- Rowan can be seen breathing right before the nano-ants come, when she is still supposed to be frozen.
- When all of Rowan's clothes are removed from her frozen body, the outline of a strapless bra can be seen under the metal blanket. It is also seen later when she sits up and the metal blanket slips a little bit.
- When Rowan first wakes up and strikes Professor Lowe in the face, it is clear that she didn't actually make contact with his face.
- When Adrienne cuts off Jason's mask you see the straps are cut, but when Jason gets up they are once again firmly attached to his head.
- Why doesn't Jason's hand freeze when he dunks Adrienne's head in the liquid nitrogen?
- EXPLANATION - He is holding only the back of her head and dunking her face in, though why he would know to do this is a mystery.
- Professor Lowe tells Rowan that the year is 2455 and that she has been frozen for years, "455 to be exact." That would mean that she was frozen in the year 2025.
- When Kinsa gets Stoney's blood splattered on her face, it is everywhere, but in the next shot when she's in the hallway, it is only on her shirt and her face is perfectly clean.
- When Jason is sneaking up behind Crutch, from shot to shot the position of his headphones changes.
- When Dallas and Azrael come out of the VR game, the wide shot shows that they are holding the VR controls in their hands. When it cuts to a close-up of Azrael, the control is suddenly on the ground.
- When Jason slams Dallas's head against the wall, he slams him nose first (which actually resulted in the stunt man breaking his nose), but when it goes to the side shot, Dallas's cheek is against the wall.
- When Jason knocks Condor onto the drill, you can see in slow-motion that the blood spray comes as he is falling.
- When Kay-Em jumps on the platform while attacking Jason, she is shown crouched down and says "Hey!" and she is clearly missing her black latex gloves, but in the next shot the gloves are back on.
- When Kay-Em kicks Jason in the face during the fight sequence, you can
see Kane's goatee.
- When Kay-Em is shown firing at Jason with the two pistols
her arms are straight out in front of her, but in the shot from below her elbows are bent and she's firing from waist height. In the next shot, her arms have returned to being straight out.
- When Jason gets his arm blown off, you can see that the torso is much larger because Kane's arm is now hidden in his coat.
- When Uber-Jason punches off Kay-Em's head, you can see that it is already rolling off her shoulders before he hits her.
- When Jason rips a hole in the ship, the cabin depressurizes and sucks everything out. As he continues to knock down the doors standing between him and the survivors, everything should have continued to be depressurized. So when he breaks through the last door, everything should have been sucked out again.
At the end when the Grendel explodes, it propels Jason towards the shuttle that the survivors are in. Suddenly, Brodski appears from the right and grabs Jason. How did Brodski get there when he had just been shown in the same room with Jason on the ship?
- EXPLANATION - Brodski used the jet pack on his spacesuit to escape and fly around to the side.